Meet Information
Mansfield will restrict the number of schools being invited this season. Priority will be given to the schools in our 2A-4 conference and to those schools that allow us to attend their home meets. These schools should confirm their attendance with Coach Mackey ( by January 31 at which time the password will be released to them. Other teams that have a history of attending our meet will be put on a waiting list should you request an invite from Coach Mackey. Should a spot open up, you will be given the password at that time. Covid protocols will be released at a later date.
EventLimits: 2
RelayLimits: 1
MeetFees: $5 per individual athlete or $40 per gender team (which is $80 for a school with both men's and women's teams). Entry fee waived for those schools that Mansfield is attending their meet.
Payments Race day checks are accepted.
Make payable to Mansfield Track, 2500 Hwy 71 South, Mansfield, AR 72944
AdditionalNotes: Coaches meeting is 3:30 at finish line. Field events are 4:00. Running events are 5:30. 2 per event, 1 relay per event.