Chile Pepper Cross Country Festival
The Chile Pepper Cross Country Festival was created to bring together three Northwest Arkansas cross-country races under a single event. The Chile Pepper Cross Country Festival is now one of the premier running events in America. Each year over 80 college teams and 120 high school teams battle for prestige and unique Chile Pepper themed awards. Additionally, 750 individuals participate in the Open 10k and 5K Fun Run plus the New Tom Lewis 1 Mile Pepper Dash on Friday Night. The event is held at University of Arkansas' incredible off road course and all runners are invited to enjoy a Hot Mexican food feast following the race.
One day in 1988, Joe Fennel, Randy Rhine and Kelly O'Meara, the Fayetteville High School cross-country coach, were out running. Kelly mentioned that his cross-country budget was $100.00. In the days before development programs, there wasn't money for sports other than football and basketball. Joe and Randy were shocked and decided to do something about it. They created the Chile Pepper Running Club and from there, the Chile Pepper Run. It was originally held in May and consisted of the 10K open run only. The Chile Pepper Cross Country Festival was created in 1992 to bring together three northwest Arkansas cross-country races under a single event -- the Chile Pepper Cross Country Festival, which is now one of the premier running events in America. The Festival united the Chile Pepper Run; the Arkansas Invitational, the annual Lady'Back and Razorback home meet; and the Fayetteville High School's Purple Dog Invitational. In 2015, the Chile Pepper celebrates its 27th year and will host approximately 5,300 runners and over 5,000 spectators the weekend of October 3rd, 2015. The support of sponsors, runners, and athletes has contributed more than $400,000 to Northwest Arkansas cross-country programs. $46,000 was donated to area programs in 2014. This year we're helping 14 different High Schools in Northwest Arkansas as we hope to expand the winning traditions.