Meet Information
$50 per school, $25 per team or $10 per athlete
If mailing mail to Attn: Lynn Garner, Bald Knob High School, 901 North Hickory St., Bald Knob AR 72010
3:30 COACHES' MEETING at benches. Field Events to start afterwards.
4X800 to start after one round of field events. Tell athletes in both to ask to get to front of line.
If mailing mail to Attn: Lynn Garner, Bald Knob High School, 901 North Hickory St., Bald Knob AR 72010
3:30 COACHES' MEETING at benches. Field Events to start afterwards.
4X800 to start after one round of field events. Tell athletes in both to ask to get to front of line.