Boys 5000m Run
Male Finishers
Place Name Team Bib No Age Age Group Place Total Time
1 John Sutton Conway 879 1:M Male 99 and Under 15:53.0
2 Cade Swindle Conway 880 2:M Male 99 and Under 16:31.7
3 Grayson Young Cabot 866 3:M Male 99 and Under 16:36.2
4 Bresner Austin Bryant 838 4:M Male 99 and Under 16:44.7
5 Ethan Kailey Conway 872 5:M Male 99 and Under 16:53.9
6 Chris Herrera Bryant 845 6:M Male 99 and Under 16:55.8
7 Chad Greenway LR Catholic 903 7:M Male 99 and Under 17:19.1
8 Baylee Jost Cabot 858 8:M Male 99 and Under 17:27.9
9 Jake Johnson Cabot 857 9:M Male 99 and Under 17:36.1
10 Bryce Johnson Cabot 856 10:M Male 99 and Under 17:37.1
11 Cannon Chrochet LR Catholic 897 11:M Male 99 and Under 17:42.8
12 Diego Oviedo Cabot 859 12:M Male 99 and Under 17:43.3
13 Logan Williams Cabot 865 13:M Male 99 and Under 17:44.5
14 Brady Bingaman Bryant 839 14:M Male 99 and Under 17:46.6
15 Cade Puckett Cabot 860 15:M Male 99 and Under 17:48.7
16 Chip Fournier LR Catholic 902 16:M Male 99 and Under 17:49.7
17 Elias Found LR Catholic 901 17:M Male 99 and Under 17:55.9
18 Luis Martinez Bryant 850 18:M Male 99 and Under 17:57.8
19 Phillip Garcia Cabot 854 19:M Male 99 and Under 17:59.3
20 Tyreek Gilkey Ft. Smith Northside 887 20:M Male 99 and Under 17:59.8
21 Grant Thompson Cabot 861 21:M Male 99 and Under 18:02.2
22 Payton Brack Bryant 840 22:M Male 99 and Under 18:03.9
23 Jaxon Holt Bryant 846 23:M Male 99 and Under 18:04.6
24 Charlie Meek Conway 873 24:M Male 99 and Under 18:06.5
25 Peyton Whittiker Cabot 864 25:M Male 99 and Under 18:07.7
26 Ammon Henderson Bryant 843 26:M Male 99 and Under 18:21.2
27 Ethan Edmondson Cabot 853 27:M Male 99 and Under 18:23.3
28 Brandon Avila Bryant 841 15 28:M Male 99 and Under 18:26.9
29 Brandon Waller Cabot 863 29:M Male 99 and Under 18:34.4
30 Jake Tatom Conway 881 30:M Male 99 and Under 18:34.9
31 Cesar Olivera Ft. Smith Northside 891 31:M Male 99 and Under 18:36.9
32 Mackenzie Bernhardt LR Central 913 32:M Male 99 and Under 18:38.2
33 Nathan Thurman Cabot 862 33:M Male 99 and Under 18:39.2
34 Cam Apel Bryant 837 34:M Male 99 and Under 18:40.6
35 Will Siegel Conway 877 35:M Male 99 and Under 18:43.9
36 Thomas Farrell Ft. Smith Northside 885 36:M Male 99 and Under 18:43.9
37 Grant Moore Bryant 849 17 37:M Male 99 and Under 18:44.7
38 Justin Leslie Bryant 847 38:M Male 99 and Under 18:49.6
39 Arden Semans LR Catholic 909 39:M Male 99 and Under 18:53.2
40 Thomas Hill Cabot 855 40:M Male 99 and Under 18:56.5
41 Denver Norman Conway 875 41:M Male 99 and Under 18:57.8
42 Andrew Files LR Catholic 900 42:M Male 99 and Under 19:00.4
43 Keegan Bell North Little Rock 928 43:M Male 99 and Under 19:01.2
44 Joshua Breedlove Cabot 852 44:M Male 99 and Under 19:04.4
45 Alex Skelley Bryant 851 45:M Male 99 and Under 19:05.6
46 Luke Chandler Conway 868 46:M Male 99 and Under 19:06.8
47 Luke Robbins LR Catholic 908 47:M Male 99 and Under 19:07.3
48 Duban Figueroa Palma Ft. Smith Northside 886 48:M Male 99 and Under 19:10.3
49 Alex Dehart LR Catholic 898 49:M Male 99 and Under 19:11.6
50 Mason Lewis Bryant 848 50:M Male 99 and Under 19:18.2
51 Bradley Shunn North Little Rock 941 51:M Male 99 and Under 19:28.7
52 Chase Fralick Conway 870 52:M Male 99 and Under 19:36.4
53 C. J. Matthews LR Catholic 907 53:M Male 99 and Under 19:37.9
54 Mitchell Elmore Bryant 842 54:M Male 99 and Under 19:40.8
55 Christan Kasten LR Central 916 55:M Male 99 and Under 19:41.8
56 Korte Lucas LR Catholic 905 56:M Male 99 and Under 19:50.3
57 Talon Bratton Conway 867 57:M Male 99 and Under 19:51.5
58 Clayton Jolly North Little Rock 935 58:M Male 99 and Under 19:53.0
59 Chase Cathey North Little Rock 931 59:M Male 99 and Under 19:54.0
60 Johnathan Brewer Ft. Smith Northside 882 60:M Male 99 and Under 19:54.1
61 Dax Lewis Ft. Smith Northside 889 61:M Male 99 and Under 19:55.5
62 Josue Portillo Ft. Smith Northside 893 62:M Male 99 and Under 20:01.8
63 Josue Sanchez Ft. Smith Northside 896 63:M Male 99 and Under 20:02.2
64 Nicholas Tarini LR Catholic 910 64:M Male 99 and Under 20:06.9
65 Luis Hernandez Bryant 844 65:M Male 99 and Under 20:11.3
66 Scott Massa LR Catholic 906 66:M Male 99 and Under 20:15.6
67 Hayes Pruitt Conway 876 67:M Male 99 and Under 20:27.2
68 Kai Spradlin Conway 878 68:M Male 99 and Under 20:38.3
69 Tyler Green North Little Rock 933 69:M Male 99 and Under 20:40.7
70 Charles Timmis LR Catholic 911 70:M Male 99 and Under 20:49.8
71 Campbell Loibner North Little Rock 937 71:M Male 99 and Under 20:51.5
72 Drew Dillman LR Catholic 899 72:M Male 99 and Under 20:53.3
73 Jonathan Picazo Ft. Smith Northside 892 73:M Male 99 and Under 21:08.4
74 Jayden Robinson Ft. Smith Northside 894 74:M Male 99 and Under 21:10.1
75 Cristobal Rodriguez Ft. Smith Northside 895 75:M Male 99 and Under 21:10.7
76 Layton Elmore Ft. Smith Northside 884 76:M Male 99 and Under 21:21.4
77 Noah Chandler Conway 869 77:M Male 99 and Under 21:27.4
78 Leyton Rainbolt LR Central 919 78:M Male 99 and Under 21:38.6
79 Brady Myers Conway 874 79:M Male 99 and Under 21:41.8
80 Gary Hartzell LR Catholic 904 80:M Male 99 and Under 21:43.5
81 Liam Larson North Little Rock 936 81:M Male 99 and Under 21:45.0
82 Kolton Smith North Little Rock 942 82:M Male 99 and Under 21:49.6
83 Osiel Rodriguez North Little Rock 939 83:M Male 99 and Under 21:55.2
84 Jovany Guzman Ft. Smith Northside 888 84:M Male 99 and Under 22:06.0
85 Cole Vangness Conway 871 85:M Male 99 and Under 22:39.4
86 Brian Monterroza Ft. Smith Northside 890 86:M Male 99 and Under 23:24.1
87 Hunter Cameron North Little Rock 930 87:M Male 99 and Under 24:18.1
88 Michael White LR Central 922 88:M Male 99 and Under 24:50.1
89 Bill Le LR Central 917 89:M Male 99 and Under 24:50.7
90 Zulkifl Qazi LR Central 918 90:M Male 99 and Under 25:00.4
91 Esdras Carcamo Ft. Smith Northside 883 91:M Male 99 and Under 25:00.8
92 Jack Baker LR Central 912 92:M Male 99 and Under 25:00.9
93 Hudson Cameron North Little Rock 929 93:M Male 99 and Under 25:15.1
94 Andrew Piper North Little Rock 938 94:M Male 99 and Under 26:09.8
95 Joshua Haley North Little Rock 934 95:M Male 99 and Under 26:17.3
96 Spencer Climer North Little Rock 932 96:M Male 99 and Under 27:29.7
97 Devon Straw LR Central 920 97:M Male 99 and Under 28:04.4
98 Jaxson Sheeley North Little Rock 940 98:M Male 99 and Under 30:11.3