Meet Information
Due to recent weather and current field conditions there will be NO FIELD EVENTS. We will start running events at 3:30 p.m. Checks need to be made out to Hamburg School District $60 For Boys and $60 for Girls and $20 individual
Location is on the campus of Hamburg High School on its brand new Track and facilities. We look forward to everyone coming out and enjoying a great track meet. Registration will close down on Wed before the meet.
Order of Events: 3:30 4x800 Meter Relay-
100/110 HH, 100m Dash, 4x200 relay, 1600m, 4x100 relay, 400, 300H, 800, 200, 3200 m, 4x400 relay.
Cost is $60 per team per gender ($120 total) MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: HAMBURG SCHOOL DISTRICT
School Traffic begins at 3:15pm, so it would be best to get to the meet prior to that.
Coaches meeting 3:00 will be On the Field at the 50 yard line.
Medals for Running Events Coaches only can be picked up in a packet from the Awards Table. Coaches will be allowed to be at the Field Events. After running begins.
No Coaches will be allowed on the field at any time. No one is allowed to go to the timer's tent!!
Bus parking: Behind the "HOME" stands
Contact Devin Cecil at 870-853-6798 if you have any questions/concerns