Meet Information
***VERY IMPORTANT*** Day of the meet everyone needs to arrive before 2:45. There will be people there to help direct buses and fans where to park which will be around the baseball field. There is one way in and one way out to our course on race day and school traffic is very bad.
Entry Deadline - Friday, September 1 - 12:00pm
Entry Fees
$50 per team, $200 all four teams
$10 per individual, if less than five
Checks payable to De Queen School District
Must pay at meet
Order of Meet
3:30 - Jr. Girls (1.55)
4:00 - Jr. Boys (1.55)
4:30 - Sr. Girls (5K)
5:00 - Sr. Boys (5K)
Meet Location
De Queen High School
140 School Drive
De Queen, AR 71832
Dennis Chaney