Meet Information
All buses need to be parked at Hickey Park next to Cyclone Stadium. You can drop your athletes off at the main gate of Cyclone Stadium.
$100 per school
Make checks payable to
Russellville Athletics.
3:15 - Coaches meeting at the benches of the infield
3:45 - Field events will begin as follows:
Boys Shot Girls Discus
Boys Triple Jump Girls Long Jump
Boys High Jump Girls Pole Vault
4:30 - 4 x 800m Relay
5:00 - Running Event Finals
100/110 Hurdles
100m Dash
4x200m Relay
1600m Run
Make checks payable to
Russellville Athletics.
3:15 - Coaches meeting at the benches of the infield
3:45 - Field events will begin as follows:
Boys Shot Girls Discus
Boys Triple Jump Girls Long Jump
Boys High Jump Girls Pole Vault
4:30 - 4 x 800m Relay
5:00 - Running Event Finals
100/110 Hurdles
100m Dash
4x200m Relay
1600m Run
4x100 Fun Run Throwers ONLY (Co-ed)
4x100m Relay
400m Dash
300 Hurdles
800m Run
200m Dash
4x400m Relay
School Assignments
Russellville-Meet Management
Greenbrier- Exchange zones
Vilonia- Pole Vault
Morrilton- Long Jump
Clarksville- Triple Jump
Searcy- Discus
Beebe- Shot Put
LRCA- High Jump
4x100m Relay
400m Dash
300 Hurdles
800m Run
200m Dash
4x400m Relay
School Assignments
Russellville-Meet Management
Greenbrier- Exchange zones
Vilonia- Pole Vault
Morrilton- Long Jump
Clarksville- Triple Jump
Searcy- Discus
Beebe- Shot Put
LRCA- High Jump
Greenbrier- Hurdles/Exchange Zones