Berryville Bobcat Back 40 2024

Berryville, AR

Meet Information

Where: Berryville Athletic Complex

If heading East on U.S. HWY 62 turn right after CarMart and just before Economy Drug. If heading West turn left just afterMcDonalds and Economy Drug. Signs will be visible and here is a GoogleEarth view. 

Who: ElementaryJunior High Girls, Junior High Boys, Senior High Girls, Senior High Boys


8:30 am Elementary 1 mile

9:00 am Sr. Girls

9:30 am Sr. Boys

10:00 am Jr Girls

10:30 am Jr Boys

Fees:$75 per team

(Discount $200.00 total for all four teams jr, sr, boys, girls) $100 for teams with more than 20

$15 per individual if less than 5 athletes on team

Contacts: Coach Doss (870-350-1147) or


Small school division

Medium school division

Large school division

Medals:1st - 10th place each race per division

Timing: We are using Jim Yurwitz with

Register at

Parking: Parking will be at the Bobcat Football field behind the arena

Admission: $5

Amenities: Concessions and T-shirts will be sold

Coaches, in conjunction with the AAA, all Arkansas cross country/track athletes must claim their MileSplit Athlete Profile!