Meet Information
Online Registration Instructions
You are allowed 2 entries in each individual event; 1 relay team per school.
2:30 Please check in with Angi Ogle at the finish line tent as soon as you arrive to check your MileSplit print-out. Confirm correctness or make substitutions or scratches only; no athletes will be added to the meet at this time. We cannot get started until this is completed.
3:00 Coaches mtg in New Gym. Enter West doors. Sign compliance forms. Hospitality available there also.
3:30 Field Events competition begins. Shortly after, the 4x800 Relay will begin.
Please park buses on the small East parking lot of the Performing Arts Center. When you come up Panther Paw Hill, just continue straight. Signs will say "do not enter, due to bus traffic." Also you may use the grass parking lot on the west side of the Renew church. DO NOT enter into the new paved parking lot at the church PLEASE.
If you have any questions, email
100.00 per school
60.00 per team
10.00 per athlete if under 5 athletes