Meet Information
Sr. High Map 5K

Jr. High Map 2 Mile

2015 Bobcat Invitational
Bobcat Back 40
Berryville Cross Country
Saturday, October 10, 2015
Where: Berryvilles home course (902 W. Trimble, Berryville, AR)
Turn West at the stop light by Exxon on Hwy 62 (Course located behind Bobcat Arena)
Who: Junior High Girls, Junior High Boys, Senior High Girls, Senior High Boys
When: 9:30am JH Girls 2 mile
10:00am JH Boys 2 mile
10:30am SR Girls 5K
11:00am SR Boys 5K
Fees: $50 per team Jr. High Girls, Jr. High Boys, Sr. High Girls, Sr. High Boys
($200.00 total for all four) $60 for teams with more than 20
$10 per individual if less than 5 athletes on team
Contacts: Coach Killingsworth 870-350-6100
John McClellan
Awards: 1A-3A small school division (1st and 2nd place trophy)
4A-5A small mid-school div. (1st and 2nd place trophy)
6A -7A large school division (1st and 2nd place trophy)
Medals: 1st 15th place each race per division
Timing: We are using Jim Yurwitz with
Register at
Parking: Bus parking behind Bobcat Arena.Vehicle parking at the school.
Admission: $5 per car
Amenities: Concessions and T-shirts will be sold

Jr. High Map 2 Mile

2015 Bobcat Invitational
Bobcat Back 40
Berryville Cross Country
Saturday, October 10, 2015
Where: Berryvilles home course (902 W. Trimble, Berryville, AR)
Turn West at the stop light by Exxon on Hwy 62 (Course located behind Bobcat Arena)
Who: Junior High Girls, Junior High Boys, Senior High Girls, Senior High Boys
When: 9:30am JH Girls 2 mile
10:00am JH Boys 2 mile
10:30am SR Girls 5K
11:00am SR Boys 5K
Fees: $50 per team Jr. High Girls, Jr. High Boys, Sr. High Girls, Sr. High Boys
($200.00 total for all four) $60 for teams with more than 20
$10 per individual if less than 5 athletes on team
Contacts: Coach Killingsworth 870-350-6100
John McClellan
Awards: 1A-3A small school division (1st and 2nd place trophy)
4A-5A small mid-school div. (1st and 2nd place trophy)
6A -7A large school division (1st and 2nd place trophy)
Medals: 1st 15th place each race per division
Timing: We are using Jim Yurwitz with
Register at
Parking: Bus parking behind Bobcat Arena.Vehicle parking at the school.
Admission: $5 per car
Amenities: Concessions and T-shirts will be sold