Use the Force - How to Develop High Jumpers Adam Settle Feb 10, 2014

If you have a High Jumper on your track team then you need this information.   Some of the most spectacular athletes to watch at a track meet are the high jumpers who seemingly have no limits.  Have you ever wondered how these athletes get to the point where they are so explosive and graceful to make every jump look as though it was the easiest thing in the world to accomplish? 

Kites Only Go Up Against the Wind
 Adam Settle Feb 09, 2014

So you have a dream and a desire to be the best at what you do and to earn a college scholarship.  I don’t want to minimize your dream, but there are thousands of other athletes out there with similar ability and dreams.   What makes you different / better?  Why should a college program invest four years into you?  

Use the Force - How to Develop High Jumpers Adam Settle Jan 29, 2014


If you have a High Jumper on your track team then you need this information.   Some of the most spectacular athletes to watch at a track meet are the high jumpers who seemingly have no limits.  Have you ever wondered how these athletes get to the point where they are so explosive and graceful to make every jump look as though it was the easiest thing in the world to accomplish? 


Use the Force - Olympic Style Weightlifting and Sprint Performance Adam Settle Jan 27, 2014

What are some of the characteristics of great sprinters?  This is a small list:   powerful, explosive, strong, high levels of coordination and body control.   Now let’s look at some of the characteristics of great Olympic Style Weightlifters.  Things that you will notice about this group are their power, explosiveness, their strength, coordination, and body control.  It’s easy to see how these two groups are similar regardless of their performance application.


Use the Force - Olympic Style Weightlifting and Sprint Performance Adam Settle Mar 15, 2012


What are some of the characteristics of great sprinters?  This is a small list:   powerful, explosive, strong, high levels of coordination and body control.   Now let’s look at some of the characteristics of great Olympic Style Weightlifters.  Things that you will notice about this group are their power, explosiveness, their strength, coordination, and body control.  It’s easy to see how these two groups are similar regardless of their performance application.