Meet Information
EventLimits: 2
RelayLimits: 1
MeetFees: $5 per individual athlete or $35 per gender team (which is $70 for a school with both men's and women's teams). Entry fee waived for those schools that Mansfield is attending their meet.
Payments Race day checks are accepted.
Make payable to Mansfield Track, 2500 Hwy 71 South, Mansfield, AR 72944
AdditionalNotes: Bus parking is in front of Tiger Stadium. Confirm entries in press box as you arrive. Coaches meeting is 3:30 at finish line. Field events are 4:00. Running events are 5:30. 2 per event, 1 relay per event.
EventLimits: 2
RelayLimits: 1
MeetFees: $5 per individual athlete or $35 per gender team (which is $70 for a school with both men's and women's teams). Entry fee waived for those schools that Mansfield is attending their meet.
Payments Race day checks are accepted.
Make payable to Mansfield Track, 2500 Hwy 71 South, Mansfield, AR 72944
AdditionalNotes: Bus parking is in front of Tiger Stadium. Confirm entries in press box as you arrive. Coaches meeting is 3:30 at finish line. Field events are 4:00. Running events are 5:30. 2 per event, 1 relay per event.