Greenwood High School Invitational 2019

Greenwood, AR

Athlete Entries

HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 50 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Graser, Ty 10.93 Rogers Heritage High School
Rutherford, Jp 11.03 Providence Classical Christian A
Stanley, Zach 11.10 Danville High School
Savoy, Ricardo 11.10 Ft. Smith Southside High School
Vickery, Max 11.27 Greenwood High School
Bailey, Bryson 11.29 Waldron High School
Workman, Joshua 11.31 Rogers High School
Phizema, Jeff 11.33 Siloam Springs Schools
Perkins, Murphy 11.40 Siloam Springs Schools
Prosise, Tyheen 11.44 Ft. Smith Northside High School
Morrow, Christian 11.44 Van Buren High School
Thrailkill, Kaiden 11.55 Siloam Springs Schools
Norwood, Dreyden 11.58 Ft. Smith Northside High School
Hayden, Levi 11.58 Waldron High School
Davis, Isaac 11.59 Van Buren High School
Ford, Mason 11.64 Waldron High School
Blackshire, Nathan 11.64 Rogers High School
Foster, Ethan 11.67 Ozark High School
Theplama, Bobby 11.68 Van Buren High School
Resler, Grant 11.76 Rogers High School
Mills, J.J. 11.77 Ft. Smith Northside High School
Anzora, Franclin 11.78 Rogers Heritage High School
Lewis, T.J. 11.80h Danville High School
Mitchelle, Riley 11.84 Alma High School
Caplena, Dakota 11.88 Alma High School
Washington, Johntarius 11.90 Ft. Smith Southside High School
Riddle, Trevor 11.98 Roland High School
Garner, Leroy 12.00h Ft. Smith Southside High School
Chronister, Logan 12.09 Alma High School
Bryant, Zaylen 12.25 Greenland High School
Griffin, Jaicy 12.38 Mansfield High School
Scott, Tatum 12.40 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
Hull, Camryn 12.40h Roland High School
Mitchell, Kelin 12.43 Cedarville High School
Gilbert, Zach 12.44 Greenland High School
Gray, Mason 12.44 Roland High School
Espinoza, Daniel 12.50 Russellville High School
Bolek, Andrew 12.61 Russellville High School
Leavitt, Brandon 12.67 Rogers Heritage High School
Palmer, Jaidon 12.71 Russellville High School
Vang, Tsim Neej 13.02 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
Tartaglia, Bo 13.03 Providence Classical Christian A
Claude, Randall 13.10 Mansfield High School
Collier, Chris 13.94 Greenland High School
Looney, Aiden 14.14 Northwest Arkansas Classical Aca
Coad, Rafael 14.91 Northwest Arkansas Classical Aca
Ross, Nicholas 15.00h Ozark High School
Graham, Brayden 15.00h Ozark High School
Kwak, Jason 15.12 Providence Classical Christian A
Wood, Matthew 15.23 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Workman, Clay 15.14h Rogers High School
Rone, Raytel 15.37 Ft. Smith Northside High School
Taylor, Hunter 15.40h Roland High School
Parker, Langston 15.80 Russellville High School
Johnson, Caedmon 16.24 Alma High School
Villarreal, Isaac 16.53 Waldron High School
Dotson, Howard 16.67 Ft. Smith Northside High School
Williams, Luke 16.93 Rogers Heritage High School
Altes, Cole 17.05 Ft. Smith Southside High School
Marcos, Eric 17.08 Van Buren High School
Palafox, Guillermo 17.24 Van Buren High School
Carnley, Drake 17.35 Waldron High School
Pitts, Gavin 17.52 Rogers High School
Coffey, Elijah 18.06 Siloam Springs Schools
Tran, Robinson 18.20 Ft. Smith Southside High School
Hindmarsh, Evan 18.35 Ft. Smith Southside High School
Stewart, Jon 18.49 Cedarville High School
Tolbert, Quinton 18.54 Danville High School
Hurtado, Adolfo 18.54 Rogers Heritage High School
Deal, Michael 19.00h Ozark High School
Hluz, Istvan 19.18 Rogers Heritage High School
Yang, Xeng 19.24 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
Mitchell, Devan 19.25 Danville High School
Noboa, Daniel 19.93 Rogers High School
Emery, Renden 19.96 Mansfield High School
Goodman, Logan 20.88 Russellville High School
Loyd, Keagan 21.15 Russellville High School
Shankle, Sawyer 21.57 Providence Classical Christian A
Fox, Jackson 21.66 Providence Classical Christian A
Grubb, Caden 23.31 Northwest Arkansas Classical Aca
Kwak, Matthew 26.47 Providence Classical Christian A
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HS Boys 1600 Meter Run 47 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Austin, Connor 4:40.89 Rogers High School
Camacho, Joaquin 4:48.28 Rogers High School
Mills, Jacob 4:55.12 Russellville High School
Hindley, Braeden 4:55.27 Ft. Smith Northside High School
Maestas, Hunter 4:56.46 Russellville High School
Lemley, Caden 4:59.26 Russellville High School
Prewit, Braxton 5:00.00h Roland High School
Mathes, Kiefer 5:00.00h Roland High School
Edwards, Jake 5:00.13 Rogers Heritage High School
Pruitt, Jadon 5:01.42 Rogers High School
Buchanan, Matthew 5:05.43 Providence Classical Christian A
Fernandez, Kenny 5:07.16 Ft. Smith Northside High School
Gonzales, Vincent 5:12.06 Greenwood High School
Casey, Austin 5:13.00 Ft. Smith Southside High School
Nunez, Martin 5:13.45 Alma High School
Eddins, Sawyer 5:13.99 Ft. Smith Northside High School
Tuel, Eko 5:14.46 Rogers Heritage High School
Lewis, Nick 5:15.06 Greenwood High School
Wright, Levi 5:16.58 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
Lemley, Tyler 5:18.00 Van Buren High School
Smith, William 5:18.17 Rogers Heritage High School
Martin, Ethan 5:18.27 Waldron High School
Post, A J 5:20.14 Ozark High School
Releford, Jason 5:21.26 Alma High School
Ledesma, Evan 5:21.72 Waldron High School
Capehart, Michael 5:22.02 Siloam Springs Schools
Bowman, Tylor 5:24.59 Greenland High School
Messenger, Jackson 5:24.85 Ft. Smith Southside High School
Meyers, Greyson 5:25.37 Ft. Smith Southside High School
Lawley, Caleb 5:28.40 Van Buren High School
Kattich, Jacob 5:30.00h Cedarville High School
Granderson, Samuel 5:30.00h Siloam Springs Schools
Donnell, Preston 5:34.25 Danville High School
Kutter, Tyson 5:43.65 Van Buren High School
Cox, Josh 5:48.40 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
Wright, Mitchell 6:02.56 Waldron High School
Zirka, Artem 6:06.40 Mansfield High School
Smith, Trey 6:06.87 Greenwood High School
Wahba, Joseph 6:13.52 Ozark High School
Rose, Joshua 6:16.14 Providence Classical Christian A
Humphries, Ben 6:23.65 Siloam Springs Schools
Dhillon, Gaggan 6:26.58 Northwest Arkansas Classical Aca
Carson, Ian 6:30.00h Providence Classical Christian A
Wintersteen, Andrew 7:00.00h Roland High School
Graham, Brayden 7:00.00h Ozark High School
Bury, Ben 7:30.00h Northwest Arkansas Classical Aca
Duvall, Sam 8:00.00 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 52 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rutherford, Jp 22.17 Providence Classical Christian A
Vickery, Max 22.47 Greenwood High School
Graser, Ty 22.97 Rogers Heritage High School
Workman, Joshua 23.10 Rogers High School
Morrow, Christian 23.14 Van Buren High School
Blackshire, Nathan 23.28 Rogers High School
James, Dawson 23.50h Greenwood High School
Bailey, Bryson 23.56 Waldron High School
Stanley, Zach 23.72 Danville High School
Gregory, Mason 23.99 Ft. Smith Southside High School
Phizema, Jeff 24.00 Siloam Springs Schools
Perkins, Murphy 24.18 Siloam Springs Schools
Foster, Ethan 24.20 Ozark High School
Riddle, Trevor 24.20h Roland High School
Rosebeary, Keegan 24.23 Alma High School
Mills, J.J. 24.27 Ft. Smith Northside High School
Coleman, Jaylin 24.28 Ft. Smith Southside High School
Garner, Leroy 24.65 Ft. Smith Southside High School
Anzora, Franclin 24.65 Rogers Heritage High School
Lewis, T.J. 24.65 Danville High School
Bryant, Zaylen 24.66 Greenland High School
Chronister, Logan 24.86 Alma High School
Theplama, Bobby 24.90 Van Buren High School
Tartaglia, Bo 25.00h Providence Classical Christian A
Fuller, Caden 25.00h Waldron High School
Baugh, Preston 25.08 Ft. Smith Northside High School
Scott, Tatum 25.08 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
Resler, Grant 25.12 Rogers High School
Nupp, Andrew 25.20h Russellville High School
Gilbert, Zach 25.22 Greenland High School
Cain, Carson 25.50 Waldron High School
Hluz, Istvan 25.87 Rogers Heritage High School
Stewart, Jon 25.88 Cedarville High School
Johnson, Caedmon 25.97 Alma High School
Faulkenberry, Harper 26.01 Ozark High School
Griffin, Jaicy 26.14 Mansfield High School
Mitchell, Kelin 26.26 Cedarville High School
Mills, Chase 26.34 Siloam Springs Schools
Munnerlyn, Eli 26.49 Ozark High School
Bolek, Andrew 26.87 Russellville High School
Richardson, Alex 26.91 Northwest Arkansas Classical Aca
Bryan, Nate 26.98 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
Guthrie, Connor 27.00h Providence Classical Christian A
Parks, Tomontay 27.19 Ft. Smith Northside High School
Pyeatt, Chase 27.40 Roland High School
Gray, Mason 27.40h Roland High School
Vang, Tsim Neej 27.44 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
Collier, Chris 28.20 Greenland High School
Claude, Randall 28.27 Mansfield High School
Penry, Kyle 29.60h Russellville High School
Makkar, Yuvraj 30.26 Northwest Arkansas Classical Aca
Kattich, Jacob 32.92 Cedarville High School
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HS Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rone, Raytel 42.04 Ft. Smith Northside High School
Haddock, Matt 43.34 Ft. Smith Southside High School
Pitts, Gavin 43.51 Rogers High School
Altes, Cole 43.73 Ft. Smith Southside High School
Williams, Luke 44.17 Rogers Heritage High School
Brown, Payton 44.29 Waldron High School
Villarreal, Isaac 44.39 Waldron High School
Chrisman, Collin 45.21 Rogers High School
Marcos, Eric 45.53 Van Buren High School
Carnley, Drake 45.71 Waldron High School
Hurtado, Adolfo 45.84 Rogers Heritage High School
Stewart, Jon 46.18 Cedarville High School
Hewett, Zach 46.18 Van Buren High School
Thrailkill, Kaiden 46.35 Siloam Springs Schools
Dotson, Howard 46.90 Ft. Smith Northside High School
Hasanna, Allen 47.00 Van Buren High School
Yang, Xeng 47.76 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
Emery, Renden 47.83 Mansfield High School
Parker, Langston 48.5 Russellville High School
Hindmarsh, Evan 48.87 Ft. Smith Southside High School
Mitchell, Kelin 49.00h Cedarville High School
Noboa, Daniel 49.23 Rogers High School
Menasco , Tyler 49.50h Roland High School
Gonzalez, Jesus 49.59 Danville High School
Shankle, Sawyer 49.80 Providence Classical Christian A
Fox, Jackson 50.42 Providence Classical Christian A
Loyd, Keagan 50.46 Russellville High School
Goodman, Logan 50.69 Russellville High School
York, Joseph 51.10h Alma High School
Mitchell, Devan 53.36 Danville High School
McGill, Max 53.76 Cedarville High School
Steffen, Victor 55.79 Mansfield High School
Deal, Michael 55.90 Ozark High School
Roark, Michael 59.22 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
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HS Boys 3200 Meter Run 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sell, Braden 10:06.22 Rogers High School
Gonzales, Nathaniel 10:16.39 Greenwood High School
Mills, Jacob 10:39.45 Russellville High School
Hansen, Christian 10:44.63 Rogers High School
Burasco, Aries 10:45.00 Rogers High School
Prewit, Braxton 11:00.00 Roland High School
Lowry, Cody 11:00.00 Van Buren High School
Mathes, Kiefer 11:00.00 Roland High School
Freeman, Preston 11:02.56 Russellville High School
Flores, Osman 11:12.97 Rogers Heritage High School
Smith, William 11:15.78 Rogers Heritage High School
Wright, Levi 11:20.84 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
Nguyen, Charlie 11:21.63 Ft. Smith Northside High School
Pacheco, Cristian 11:30.00 Ft. Smith Northside High School
Merlos, Salvador 11:36.33 Rogers Heritage High School
Lemley, Carter 11:36.78 Russellville High School
Lopez, Jason 11:40.00 Ft. Smith Northside High School
Gibson, James 11:40.29 Van Buren High School
Messenger, Jackson 11:47.22 Ft. Smith Southside High School
Conde, Luiz 11:54.90 Van Buren High School
Oetzel, Matt 12:02.70 Ft. Smith Southside High School
Ledesma, Evan 12:16.56 Waldron High School
Cox, Josh 12:57.00 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
Zirka, Artem 13:06.00 Mansfield High School
Sierra, Jake 13:15.95 Waldron High School
Wright, Mitchell 13:28.03 Waldron High School
Granderson, Samuel 13:30.00 Siloam Springs Schools
Post, A J 13:30.00 Ozark High School
Humphries, Ben 14:00.00 Siloam Springs Schools
Wahba, Joseph 14:28.80 Ozark High School
Duvall, Sam 14:32.88 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
Bury, Ben 16:10.59 Northwest Arkansas Classical Aca
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 47 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sharp, Tyler 1:00.00h Siloam Springs Schools
Ellis, Cole 1:00.00h Siloam Springs Schools
Cameron, Damien 1:00.29 Ozark High School
Buchanan, Matthew 1:00.36 Providence Classical Christian A
Bader, Owen 1:00.62 Providence Classical Christian A
Cameron, Drake 1:01.00h Ozark High School
Sanders, Cris 1:01.10 Van Buren High School
Mingboupha, Skylar 1:01.75 Ft. Smith Northside High School
Canada, Josh 1:03.24 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
Markovich, Luke 1:03.97 Siloam Springs Schools
Farr, Riley 1:03.97 Greenwood High School
Coad, Rafael 1:05.86 Northwest Arkansas Classical Aca
Rose, Joshua 1:09.42 Providence Classical Christian A
Makkar, Yuvraj 1:10.31 Northwest Arkansas Classical Aca
Looney, Aiden 1:10.38 Northwest Arkansas Classical Aca
Cobbs, Sam 51.90 Rogers Heritage High School
Chrisman, Garrett 51.97 Rogers High School
Stanley, Zach 53.24 Danville High School
Montes, Daniel 53.34 Rogers High School
Carter, Isaac 53.45 Van Buren High School
Scott, Tatum 54.47 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
Peetoom, Joshua 54.49 Rogers High School
Perez, Ricky 54.89 Rogers Heritage High School
Fuller, Caden 55.36 Waldron High School
Hayden, Levi 55.50 Waldron High School
Valdez, Ruben 55.55 Waldron High School
Schwarz, Erich 55.69 Ft. Smith Southside High School
Nupp, Andrew 55.76 Russellville High School
Gaither, Hunter 56.26 Greenland High School
Teagle, Michael 56.43 Ft. Smith Southside High School
Broadway, Quinlan 56.6 Ft. Smith Southside High School
Witt, Jesse 56.60 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
Jones, Kyle 57.01 Alma High School
Adkins, Drake 57.19 Russellville High School
Callahan, Luke 57.56 Danville High School
Flores, Osman 57.68 Rogers Heritage High School
McCormick, Xavier 58.00 Van Buren High School
Baugh, Preston 58.05 Ft. Smith Northside High School
Dennis, Jett 58.26 Greenland High School
Faulkenberry, Harper 58.52 Ozark High School
James, Dawson 58.64 Greenwood High School
Redman, Jackson 59.03 Greenland High School
Moore, Austin 59.26 Russellville High School
Dyer, Zane 59.40 Roland High School
Riggs, Hayden 59.40h Roland High School
Pyeatt, Chase 59.40h Roland High School
Adams, Tyriq 59.5 Ft. Smith Northside High School
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 44.51 Rogers High School
Relay Team A 44.71 Waldron High School
Relay Team A 44.80 Van Buren High School
Relay Team A 44.95 Ft. Smith Southside High School
Relay Team A 45.10 Rogers Heritage High School
Relay Team A 45.32 Ft. Smith Northside High School
Relay Team A 45.40 Alma High School
Relay Team A 45.50h Siloam Springs Schools
Relay Team A 47.50h Roland High School
Relay Team A 47.65 Danville High School
Relay Team A 48.10 Greenland High School
Relay Team A 48.17 Russellville High School
Relay Team A 49.56 Mansfield High School
Relay Team A 52.57 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
Relay Team A 54.49 Northwest Arkansas Classical Aca
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:33.70 Rogers High School
Relay Team A 3:34.00h Rogers Heritage High School
Relay Team A 3:35.40h Alma High School
Relay Team A 3:49.08 Ft. Smith Southside High School
Relay Team A 3:55.00h Danville High School
Relay Team A 3:55.09 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
Relay Team A 3:55.39 Waldron High School
Relay Team A 3:57.36 Greenland High School
Relay Team A 3:58.00h Siloam Springs Schools
Relay Team A 3:58.00h Russellville High School
Relay Team A 3:58.91 Van Buren High School
Relay Team A 3:59.00h Roland High School
Relay Team A 4:00.00h Providence Classical Christian A
Relay Team A 4:09.39 Greenwood High School
Relay Team A 4:15.00h Ozark High School
Relay Team A 4:15.00h Mansfield High School
Relay Team A 4:36.18 Northwest Arkansas Classical Aca
Relay Team A 4:49.20 Ft. Smith Northside High School
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HS Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Northwest Arkansas Classical Aca
Relay Team A 10:11.02 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
Relay Team A 10:15.00 Ozark High School
Relay Team A 10:25.00 Danville High School
Relay Team A 8:28.62 Rogers High School
Relay Team A 8:50.00h Rogers Heritage High School
Relay Team A 8:50.78 Russellville High School
Relay Team A 8:56.23 Ft. Smith Southside High School
Relay Team A 9:00.00h Van Buren High School
Relay Team A 9:04.70 Ft. Smith Northside High School
Relay Team A 9:13.70 Greenwood High School
Relay Team A 9:20.06 Greenland High School
Relay Team A 9:30.00h Roland High School
Relay Team A 9:34.64 Providence Classical Christian A
Relay Team A 9:50.91 Waldron High School
Relay Team A 9:59.22 Siloam Springs Schools
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 46 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pruitt, Jadon 2:00.29 Rogers High School
Austin, Connor 2:03.16 Rogers High School
Rhode, Maurice 2:03.47 Russellville High School
Gonzales, Nathaniel 2:07.42 Greenwood High School
Stout, Hayden 2:09.37 Greenland High School
Douglas, Lawson 2:10.52 Rogers Heritage High School
Early, Jake 2:10.55 Rogers High School
Wagoner, Andrew 2:12.00 Van Buren High School
Castro, Jordan 2:12.80 Russellville High School
Farr, Ryan 2:13.15 Greenwood High School
Foley, Evan 2:14 Ft. Smith Southside High School
Casey, Austin 2:14.26 Ft. Smith Southside High School
Capehart, Michael 2:15.00h Siloam Springs Schools
Zondlak, Nick 2:15.52 Rogers Heritage High School
Wilson, Gabe 2:15.92 Greenland High School
Youngs, Jake 2:16.82 Rogers Heritage High School
Nunez, Martin 2:16.90 Alma High School
Almazan, Brayan 2:17.97 Russellville High School
Soucie, Keegan 2:18.00h Siloam Springs Schools
Skelton, Addison 2:18.00h Ft. Smith Southside High School
McCall, Tate 2:18.80 Providence Classical Christian A
Martinez, Donny 2:19.30 Ft. Smith Northside High School
Dudley, Kaleb 2:20.00 Van Buren High School
Donnell, Preston 2:20.82 Danville High School
Kennedy, Adam 2:23.80 Siloam Springs Schools
Dickens, Jordan 2:24.03 Waldron High School
Deramus, Garron 2:25.98 Waldron High School
Hosier, Seth 2:26.55 Ft. Smith Northside High School
Thames, Will 2:27.23 Ft. Smith Northside High School
Shankle, Sawyer 2:28.13 Providence Classical Christian A
Cameron, Drake 2:28.19 Ozark High School
Breshears, George 2:29.03 Waldron High School
Wilson, Caleb 2:30.33 Ozark High School
Cox, Josh 2:33.21 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
Releford, Jason 2:36.20h Alma High School
Chavez, Andres 2:36.79 Greenland High School
Zirka, Artem 2:40.00h Mansfield High School
Duvall, Sam 2:40.95 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
Kwak, Matthew 2:45.00h Providence Classical Christian A
Dyer, Zane 2:45.00h Roland High School
Navarette, Henry 2:45.00h Danville High School
Hamilton, Nathaniel 2:45.00h Roland High School
Gray, Mason 2:45.00h Roland High School
Ross, Nicholas 2:50.00h Ozark High School
Sahakyan, Shaliko 3:00.00h Cedarville High School
Posey, Joseph 3:00.00h Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
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HS Boys Discus Throw 50 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Standifird, Garrett 141-1 Van Buren High School
Hyatt, Caleb 139-6 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
Kordsmeier, Bryson 134-9 Russellville High School
Gilbreath, Jack 134-8 Rogers High School
Tay, Marcellus 134-6 Rogers High School
Fesler, Kolby 131-4 Siloam Springs Schools
Escue, James 130-7 Russellville High School
Prestidge, Levi 130-5 Alma High School
Haulmark, Dalton 125-6 Russellville High School
Mongold, Easton 125-2 Van Buren High School
Page, Cha'raun 116-10 Van Buren High School
Rogers, Shawn 115-10 Ft. Smith Southside High School
Balbuena, Royce 115-0 Rogers Heritage High School
Westbrook, Keondre 109-6 Siloam Springs Schools
Hatch, Landan 109-4 Greenland High School
Brown, Jacob 108-9 Mansfield High School
Ruth, Josh 108-8 Greenland High School
Hinton, Jarrique 108-7 Danville High School
Cambell, Ethan 104-11 Rogers High School
Leavitt, Brandon 103-9 Rogers Heritage High School
Maze, Josh 101-9 Greenwood High School
Yang, Xeng 101-7 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
Chapel, Spencer 101-0.25 Waldron High School
Turner, Keith 100-1 Ft. Smith Southside High School
Kennan, Dakota 100-0.25 Rogers Heritage High School
Sanderson, Bri 99-10 Mansfield High School
Ingram, Logan 98-9 Alma High School
Davenport, Darin 98-0 Ft. Smith Southside High School
Slater, Ethan 97-0 Waldron High School
May, Chris 96-8 Greenland High School
Hinojosa, Rick 95-0 Waldron High School
Blair, Landon 90-1 Alma High School
Phomsithi, Tyler 89-10 Danville High School
Neathers, Nathan 89-2 Greenwood High School
Thao, Jay 85-0 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
Daughrity, Matthew 85-0 Providence Classical Christian A
Bader, Owen 85-0 Providence Classical Christian A
Bryant, Blayne 83-3 Mansfield High School
Bocanegra, Esquin 80-6 Siloam Springs Schools
Dhillon, Gaggan 80-2 Northwest Arkansas Classical Aca
Beals, Colby 80-0 Cedarville High School
Munnerlyn, Eli 78-8 Ozark High School
Heaton, Nathan 76-8 Cedarville High School
Hull, Camryn 75-5 Roland High School
Caves , Ayden 75-5 Roland High School
Peters, Parker 75-5 Roland High School
Jonnet, Brandon 75-0 Ozark High School
Boatman, Kaleb 75-0 Ozark High School
Makkar, Yuvraj 43-6 Northwest Arkansas Classical Aca
Bryan, Christian Northwest Arkansas Classical Aca
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HS Boys High Jump 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Baugh, Preston 6-0 Ft. Smith Northside High School
Gibson, Chase 5-10 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
Soucie, Keegan 5-10 Siloam Springs Schools
Lewis, T.J. 5-10 Danville High School
Hill, Jonah 5-10 Ft. Smith Southside High School
Kelleher, Patrick 5-10 Greenwood High School
Hylton, Alex 5-9 Danville High School
Williams, Braden 5-8.25 Waldron High School
Graser, Ty 5-8 Rogers Heritage High School
Pitts, Gavin 5-8 Rogers High School
Villarreal, Isaac 5-8 Waldron High School
Franks, Mykale 5-8 Ft. Smith Southside High School
Munnerlyn, Eli 5-8 Ozark High School
Emery, Renden 5-6 Mansfield High School
Gilmore, Brayden 5-6 Van Buren High School
Chrisman, Collin 5-6 Rogers High School
Adkins, Rhett 5-6 Russellville High School
Rosebeary, Keegan 5-6 Alma High School
Bachus, Derian 5-6 Ft. Smith Southside High School
Rutherford, Jp 5-5 Providence Classical Christian A
Carpenter, Ethan 5-4 Rogers Heritage High School
Perez, Ricky 5-4 Rogers Heritage High School
Noonan, Tavaris 5-3 Roland High School
Buchanan, Matthew 5-2 Providence Classical Christian A
Bader, Owen 5-2 Providence Classical Christian A
Smith, Grant 5-2 Russellville High School
Wagner, Gavlen 5-2 Waldron High School
Hamilton, Nathaniel 5-2 Roland High School
Steffen, Victor 4-11 Mansfield High School
Claude, Randall 4-11 Mansfield High School
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HS Boys Long Jump 41 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hayden, Levi 21-8 Waldron High School
Bailey, Bryson 21-4.5 Waldron High School
Workman, Clay 21-4 Rogers High School
Washington, Greg 21-3 Ft. Smith Northside High School
Gibson, Chase 21-1.25 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
Ford, Mason 20-2.25 Waldron High School
Carter, Isaac 20-0.25 Van Buren High School
Mota, Pablo 20-0 Rogers High School
Adams, Tyriq 19-9.5 Ft. Smith Northside High School
Mitchelle, Riley 19-9.5 Alma High School
Scott, Tatum 19-8 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
Hluz, Istvan 19-7 Rogers Heritage High School
Rosebeary, Keegan 19-7 Alma High School
Carpenter, Ethan 19-6 Rogers Heritage High School
Pitts, Gavin 19-4 Rogers High School
Fosse, Niah 19-3 Rogers Heritage High School
Lewis, T.J. 19-1 Danville High School
Wakefield, Jacob 19-0 Siloam Springs Schools
Rutherford, Jp 18-8.75 Providence Classical Christian A
Hill, Jonah 18-6.75 Ft. Smith Southside High School
Schwarz, Erich 18-6 Ft. Smith Southside High School
Davis, Isaac 18-2.5 Van Buren High School
Mitchell, Kelin 18-2.25 Cedarville High School
Bryant, Zaylen 17-10.5 Greenland High School
Gilbert, Zach 17-8.5 Greenland High School
Washington, Johntarius 17-7 Ft. Smith Southside High School
Palafox, Guillermo 17-5 Van Buren High School
Palmer, Jaidon 17-5 Russellville High School
Jones, Kyle 17-2 Alma High School
Fox, Jackson 16-10.5 Providence Classical Christian A
Mitchell-Franklin, Caleb 16-8 Russellville High School
Stewart, Jon 16-8 Cedarville High School
Gaither, Hunter 16-8 Greenland High School
Kelleher, Patrick 16-0 Greenwood High School
Gonzalez, Jesus 15-9 Danville High School
Bower, Michael 15-5 Roland High School
Hamilton, Nathaniel 15-5 Roland High School
Noonan, Tavaris 15-5 Roland High School
Bryan, Nate 15-4 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
McCall, Tate 15-3.25 Providence Classical Christian A
Steffen, Victor 14-0 Mansfield High School
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HS Boys Pole Vault 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Graser, Ty 14-5.25 Rogers Heritage High School
Schaefer, Christian 13-0 Greenwood High School
Gregory, Mason 12-6 Ft. Smith Southside High School
Cook, Trendon 12-0 Rogers Heritage High School
Kendall, Bryan 12-0 Rogers High School
Storkov, Stan 12-0 Rogers High School
Leavitt, Brandon 11-0 Rogers Heritage High School
Hrin, Andrew 11-0 Rogers High School
Tran, Robinson 11-0 Ft. Smith Southside High School
Picard, Gage 11-0 Ft. Smith Southside High School
McGill, Max 10-0 Cedarville High School
Frames, Jessie 10-0 Ozark High School
Devours, Dylan 9-6 Russellville High School
Becan, Blaise 9-6 Siloam Springs Schools
Callahan, Luke 9-6 Danville High School
Meinardus, Bradyn 9-0 Alma High School
Dickens, Jordan 8-6.25 Waldron High School
Cox, Josh 8-6 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
Stewart, Jon 8-6 Cedarville High School
Bryant, Blayne 8-0 Mansfield High School
Mills, Chase 7-6 Siloam Springs Schools
Callahan, Chase 7-6 Siloam Springs Schools
Duvall, Sam 6-6 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
Robinson, Ryan 6-0 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
Freyaldenhoven, William 6-0 Russellville High School
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HS Boys Shot Put 49 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Standifird, Garrett 48-1 Van Buren High School
Davenport, Darin 46-8.5 Ft. Smith Southside High School
Prestidge, Levi 45-6 Alma High School
Mongold, Easton 44-5 Van Buren High School
Hyatt, Caleb 43-10.5 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
Velis, Fermin 43-4 Siloam Springs Schools
Haulmark, Dalton 42-6.5 Russellville High School
Kordsmeier, Bryson 42-1 Russellville High School
Hinton, Jarrique 41-7 Danville High School
Westbrook, Keondre 41-5 Siloam Springs Schools
Martin, Nick 41-3.5 Rogers Heritage High School
Brown, Payton 40-11 Waldron High School
Thrailkill, Kaiden 40-9.5 Siloam Springs Schools
Turner, Keith 40-5 Ft. Smith Southside High School
Cambell, Elijah 39-10.5 Rogers High School
Rogers, Shawn 39-9.75 Ft. Smith Southside High School
Kennan, Dakota 39-8.5 Rogers Heritage High School
Gilbreath, Jack 39-5 Rogers High School
Henson, Zac 39-1 Alma High School
Ward, Kaden 38-11 Rogers High School
Page, Cha'raun 38-9.75 Van Buren High School
Escue, James 38-4 Russellville High School
Beneux, Karsten 38-3 Alma High School
Root, Trevor 37-4 Waldron High School
Douglas, Kevin 36-8.5 Greenwood High School
Tatum, J.T. 36-7 Danville High School
Hull, Camryn 36-6 Roland High School
Caves , Ayden 36-6 Roland High School
Beals, Colby 36-0 Cedarville High School
Hinojosa, Rick 35-9 Waldron High School
Faughn, Kobe 35-7 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
Ruth, Josh 35-6.5 Greenland High School
Wintersteen, Andrew 34-3 Roland High School
Fosse, Niah 34-2.5 Rogers Heritage High School
Heaton, Nathan 33-5 Cedarville High School
Carter, Halen 33-2.75 Greenwood High School
Smith, Hayden 33-0.25 Ozark High School
Sanderson, Bri 32-7.5 Mansfield High School
Hatch, Landan 32-4 Greenland High School
Robinson, Robbie 32-4 Northwest Arkansas Classical Aca
Dhillon, Gaggan 32-3 Northwest Arkansas Classical Aca
McDowell, Bryce 32-1 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
Daughrity, Matthew 30-10 Providence Classical Christian A
May, Chris 30-3.5 Greenland High School
Bryant, Blayne 29-9 Mansfield High School
Brown, Jacob 29-8.5 Mansfield High School
Coad, Rafael 29-8 Northwest Arkansas Classical Aca
Jonnet, Brandon 28-0 Ozark High School
Boatman, Kaleb 25-0 Ozark High School
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HS Boys Triple Jump 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ford, Mason 43-5.5 Waldron High School
Adams, Tyriq 42-3.75 Ft. Smith Northside High School
Washington, Greg 42-2.5 Ft. Smith Northside High School
Schwarz, Erich 41-11 Ft. Smith Southside High School
Smith, Grant 41-2.25 Russellville High School
Wakefield, Jacob 40-3.5 Siloam Springs Schools
Carter, Isaac 40-2.75 Van Buren High School
Witt, Jesse 40-2.5 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
Dotson, Howard 39-8 Ft. Smith Northside High School
Mota, Pablo 39-8 Rogers High School
Mitchelle, Riley 39-5.5 Alma High School
Blackshire, Nathan 39-4.5 Rogers High School
Smith, DD 39-4 Ft. Smith Southside High School
Fosse, Niah 39-1 Rogers Heritage High School
Hluz, Istvan 38-10.25 Rogers Heritage High School
Palmer, Jaidon 38-6 Russellville High School
Lewis, T.J. 38-5 Danville High School
Montes, Daniel 38-4 Rogers High School
Villarreal, Isaac 38-1 Waldron High School
Williams, Luke 37-10 Rogers Heritage High School
Palafox, Guillermo 37-3.5 Van Buren High School
Mitchell, Kelin 36-7 Cedarville High School
Fuller, Caden 36-6.5 Waldron High School
Gonzalez, Jesus 36-2 Danville High School
Hill, Jonah 35-10 Ft. Smith Southside High School
Releford, Jason 35-6 Alma High School
Emery, Renden 35-2 Mansfield High School
Yang, Xeng 33-7.5 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
Bryan, Nate 31-5.5 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
Kattich, Jacob 30-6 Cedarville High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 49 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wilson, Tayonna 12.64 Rogers Heritage High School
Silcott, Ashlyne 13.10 Rogers High School
Pixley, Callie 13.16 Van Buren High School
Franklin, Darriana 13.34 Ft. Smith Northside High School
Christensen, Taylar 13.35 Van Buren High School
Wright, Alexa 13.37 Rogers High School
Stidman, Chelsea 13.52 Waldron High School
Carter, Gracie 13.62 Van Buren High School
Ziem, Karli 13.63 Rogers Heritage High School
Laranjo, Shielo 13.65 Ft. Smith Southside High School
Henderson, Brooke 13.69 Siloam Springs Schools
Roberts, CiAnna 13.72 Ozark High School
Phonkhoumphon, Sabrina 13.73 Ft. Smith Southside High School
Robbins, Jaylee 13.76 Rogers Heritage High School
Henning, Angel 13.78 Russellville High School
Hendrix, Anna 14.12 Greenland High School
Perceful, Ashley 14.19 Roland High School
Helms-Pittman, Daemeona 14.20h Russellville High School
Mata, Hillarie 14.27 Alma High School
Horton, J Leace 14.27 Ft. Smith Northside High School
Morrow, Chloe 14.28 Cedarville High School
Garcia, Guadalupe 14.30 Rogers High School
Thompson, Sierre 14.40 Ft. Smith Northside High School
Krigbaum, Kelsey 14.40 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
Carrion, Isabel 14.40h Siloam Springs Schools
Littleton, Lauren 14.43 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
McBroom, Katie 14.44h Cedarville High School
Cagle, Abby 14.45 Greenwood High School
Dunsmore, Angel 14.50 Ozark High School
Rojas, Lizbeth 14.54 Siloam Springs Schools
Nguyen, Haley 14.60 Roland High School
Meythaler, Emily 14.63 Northwest Arkansas Classical Aca
Keener, Kaitlin 14.71 Waldron High School
Hampton, Audrey 14.92 Alma High School
Davis, Erica 14.94 Waldron High School
Biondolillo, Sophe 15.00h Providence Classical Christian A
Willadsen, Sara 15.05 Mansfield High School
Goetz, Addison 15.24 Mansfield High School
Eblin, Alli 15.25 Northwest Arkansas Classical Aca
Moore, Reagan 15.29 Alma High School
Hill, Campbell 15.30 Greenland High School
Acosta, Martha 15.31 Russellville High School
Barbrey, Kayla 15.79 Greenwood High School
Hamm, Sydney 15.80h Roland High School
Rodriguez, Sophia 15.99 Northwest Arkansas Classical Aca
Lee, Jaden 16.03 Greenwood High School
Duggin, Kayla 16.53 Greenland High School
Byers, Hailey 16.93 Mansfield High School
Dorrough, Haley 18.67 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brain, Georgia 15.07 Rogers High School
Wilson, Fiona 16.43 Greenland High School
Ellifrits, Chesnee 16.58 Alma High School
Smith, Hannah 16.69 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
Nesbitt, Chiane 17.01 Russellville High School
Efurd, Quincy 17.24 Siloam Springs Schools
Soundara, Sarah 17.30h Danville High School
Stallings, Destiny 17.71 Greenwood High School
Boyce, Taneka 17.91 Russellville High School
Carter, Gracie 18.07 Van Buren High School
Mentz, Lauren 18.11 Danville High School
Scott, Lakin 18.14 Alma High School
Lipham, Bayleigh 18.30 Waldron High School
Christensen, Taylar 18.32 Van Buren High School
Hamm, Sydney 18.40h Roland High School
Alvis, Taia 18.47 Rogers High School
Davis, Erica 18.61 Waldron High School
Sisson, Savannah 18.70 Ozark High School
Henson, Paige 18.97 Alma High School
Strutton, Makayla 19.09 Mansfield High School
Box, Sarah 19.10 Providence Classical Christian A
Harried, Jael 19.15 Siloam Springs Schools
McWhorter, Chelsea 19.16 Siloam Springs Schools
Trampp, Lauren 19.44 Waldron High School
Pledger, Hailie 21.17 Ozark High School
McKusker, Delilah 21.32 Mansfield High School
Cook, Jayden 21.55 Ozark High School
Woods, Lennon 22.61 Mansfield High School
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HS Girls 1600 Meter Run 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Clark, Julia 5:24.69 Van Buren High School
Campos, Aubrey 5:27.45 Greenland High School
Elcan, Abby 5:36.88 Providence Classical Christian A
Ming, Amberlie 5:38.53 Van Buren High School
Maass, Jamison 5:39.14 Rogers High School
Koeth, Taylor 5:39.85 Greenwood High School
Cash, Macie 5:43.47 Greenwood High School
Wicklund, Alayna 5:45.90 Rogers High School
Richards, Kali 5:49.55 Ozark High School
Ruiz, Kaitlyn 5:50.00h Rogers High School
Helms-Pittman, Charissa 5:50.50 Russellville High School
Sifuentes, Anya 6:13.36 Ft. Smith Northside High School
Balderas, Dirie 6:13.49 Ft. Smith Northside High School
Spence, Kentucky 6:14.82 Waldron High School
McLelland, Kaiya 6:18.69 Providence Classical Christian A
Ryan, Lauren 6:20.77 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
Richmond, Constance 6:21.05 Waldron High School
Mejia, Bethany 6:30.00h Siloam Springs Schools
Pentz, Kailey 6:30.00h Siloam Springs Schools
Spence, Star 6:43.53 Waldron High School
Wahba, Jessica 6:45.00 Ozark High School
Harr, Jordan 7:00.00h Providence Classical Christian A
Becerra, Mitzy 7:09.92 Ft. Smith Northside High School
Parrish, Carlee 7:14.30 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
Serna, Marina 7:45.01 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
Smith, Lilly 7:57.93 Ft. Smith Southside High School
Young, Lyndee 8:45.00 Northwest Arkansas Classical Aca
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 47 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wilson, Tayonna 26.11 Rogers Heritage High School
Wright, Alexa 27.78 Rogers High School
Brain, Georgia 28.14 Rogers High School
Morrow, Chloe 28.77 Cedarville High School
Roberts, CiAnna 28.85 Ozark High School
Bennet, Cassidy 28.92 Rogers High School
Phonkhoumphon, Sabrina 28.96 Ft. Smith Southside High School
Stidman, Chelsea 29.00 Waldron High School
Perceful, Ashley 29.11 Roland High School
Laranjo, Shielo 29.26 Ft. Smith Southside High School
McBroom, Katie 29.32 Cedarville High School
Cazzell, Chloe 29.50 Van Buren High School
Royal, Tiara 29.67 Ft. Smith Northside High School
West, Kailee 29.77 Ozark High School
Ramirez, Diana 29.88 Ft. Smith Northside High School
Hendrix, Anna 29.91 Greenland High School
Henderson, Brooke 29.91 Siloam Springs Schools
Adame, Whitney 30.00h Russellville High School
Robbins, Jaylee 30.04 Rogers Heritage High School
Burnett, Amberlee 30.12 Van Buren High School
Keener, Kaitlin 30.12 Waldron High School
Camyn, Samara 30.48 Van Buren High School
Caballero, Glenda 30.50h Russellville High School
Nguyen, Haley 30.93 Roland High School
Willadsen, Sara 31.0 Mansfield High School
Carrion, Isabel 31.00h Siloam Springs Schools
Moore, Sydnee 31.08 Ft. Smith Southside High School
Wells, Michelle 31.12 Alma High School
Richmond, Whitney 31.14 Waldron High School
Hamm, Sydney 31.40h Roland High School
Hampton, Audrey 31.72 Alma High School
Rojas, Lizbeth 32.0 Siloam Springs Schools
Dunsmore, Angel 32.00 Ozark High School
Littleton, Lauren 32.02 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
Scott, Becky 32.03 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
Kizer, Karah 32.50h Alma High School
Johnson, Andi 32.51 Greenland High School
Tippin, Taylor 33.29 Danville High School
Goetz, Addison 33.30 Mansfield High School
Hughes, Alexis 33.43 Rogers Heritage High School
Eblin, Alli 33.57 Northwest Arkansas Classical Aca
Duggin, Kayla 35.72 Greenland High School
Byers, Hailey 36.31 Mansfield High School
Treadway, Hailey 36.92 Greenwood High School
Zitlow, Brianna 37.00h Greenwood High School
Efurd, Megan 38.00h Greenwood High School
Dorrough, Haley 44.44 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
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HS Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pledger, Hailie 1:00.00h Ozark High School
Trampp, Lauren 1:00.21 Waldron High School
Lipham, Bayleigh 1:00.23 Waldron High School
McKusker, Delilah 1:01.00h Mansfield High School
Byford, Sarah 1:01.78 Waldron High School
Woods, Lennon 1:02 Mansfield High School
Cook, Jayden 1:02.38 Ozark High School
Silcott, Ashlyne 46.94 Rogers High School
Efurd, Quincy 49.46 Siloam Springs Schools
Wilson, Fiona 49.74 Greenland High School
Pixley, Callie 50.43 Van Buren High School
Nesbitt, Chiane 51.78 Russellville High School
Rodgers, Rebekah 51.81 Siloam Springs Schools
Wise, Krystal 52.62 Alma High School
Christensen, Taylar 52.66 Van Buren High School
Bennet, Cassidy 53.20 Rogers High School
Boyce, Taneka 53.31 Russellville High School
Smith, Hannah 53.55 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
Mentz, Lauren 53.98 Danville High School
White, Haley 54.96 Alma High School
Carter, Gracie 55.23 Van Buren High School
Thomas, Alaina 55.50 Providence Classical Christian A
Henson, Paige 56.58 Alma High School
Acosta, Martha 56.80h Russellville High School
McWhorter, Chelsea 57.57 Siloam Springs Schools
Sisson, Savannah 57.95 Ozark High School
Strutton, Makayla 58.30 Mansfield High School
Garcia, Guadalupe 58.66 Rogers High School
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HS Girls 3200 Meter Run 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Clark, Julia 11:41.49 Van Buren High School
Elcan, Abby 12:00.00 Providence Classical Christian A
Koeth, Taylor 12:05.33 Greenwood High School
Maass, Jamison 12:09.41 Rogers High School
Helms-Pittman, Charissa 12:22.80 Russellville High School
Sakalares, Amanda 12:40.63 Rogers High School
Lawrence, Amy 12:43.99 Rogers High School
Ming, Amberlie 12:47.92 Van Buren High School
Campos, Aubrey 13:03.28 Greenland High School
Ryan, Lauren 13:14.24 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
Hernandez, Mariana 13:34.00 Ft. Smith Southside High School
Pentz, Kailey 14:00.00 Siloam Springs Schools
Sifuentes, Anya 14:03.10 Ft. Smith Northside High School
Mejia, Bethany 14:10.00 Siloam Springs Schools
Spence, Kentucky 14:13.09 Waldron High School
Richmond, Constance 14:17.35 Waldron High School
Dobson, Michal-Ann 15:58.26 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
Santiago, Eliza 16:05.00 Ft. Smith Northside High School
Alvarado, Ariana 16:48.00 Ft. Smith Northside High School
Parrish, Carlee 17:20.18 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 39 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Williams, Allison 0.00 Northwest Arkansas Classical Aca
Wright, Alexa 1:00.08 Rogers High School
Craft, Kaitlyn 1:02.58 Rogers Heritage High School
Henning, Angel 1:02.75 Russellville High School
Carrigan, Savannah 1:03.17 Providence Classical Christian A
McGooden, Chloe 1:03.41 Siloam Springs Schools
Harried, Jael 1:04.00h Siloam Springs Schools
West, Kailee 1:05.22 Ozark High School
Sexton, Stephanie 1:05.70 Waldron High School
Green, Hannah 1:06.48 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
McBroom, Katie 1:06.48 Cedarville High School
Nava, Lizette 1:06.62 Russellville High School
Wann, Tristyn 1:06.68 Rogers High School
Helms-Pittman, Daemeona 1:06.87 Russellville High School
Hendrix, Anna 1:07.01 Greenland High School
Cardona, Evelyn 1:07.11 Rogers High School
Thomas, Alaina 1:07.18 Providence Classical Christian A
Wright, Jada 1:08.38 Ft. Smith Northside High School
Meythaler, Emily 1:08.47 Northwest Arkansas Classical Aca
Hunt, Desiree 1:10.30 Waldron High School
Duncan, Annika 1:10.86 Alma High School
Pittman, Hannah 1:11.88 Siloam Springs Schools
Leslie, Taryn 1:12.27 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
Johnson, Andi 1:12.44 Greenland High School
Burrows, Taylor 1:13.46 Ft. Smith Northside High School
Hernandez, Blanca 1:14.00h Ft. Smith Southside High School
Martinez, Kaylie 1:14.57 Waldron High School
Moore, Sydnee 1:15.00 Ft. Smith Southside High School
McLelland, Kaiya 1:15.00h Providence Classical Christian A
Smith, Destiny 1:15.40 Alma High School
Scott, Becky 1:16.21 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
Rouw, Anika 1:17.15 Rogers Heritage High School
Ramirez, Diana 1:17.95 Ft. Smith Northside High School
Berry, Alyssa 1:19.79 Mansfield High School
James, Alissa 1:20.58 Alma High School
Rodriguez, Sophia 1:20.61 Northwest Arkansas Classical Aca
Clark, Kaitlyn 1:23.73 Ft. Smith Southside High School
Duggin, Kayla 1:26.04 Greenland High School
Byers, Hailey 1:32.63 Mansfield High School
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 52.88 Rogers Heritage High School
Relay Team A 53.00 Ft. Smith Northside High School
Relay Team A 53.24 Van Buren High School
Relay Team A 53.47 Rogers High School
Relay Team A 56.09 Alma High School
Relay Team A 56.21 Waldron High School
Relay Team A 57.17 Russellville High School
Relay Team A 58.40h Roland High School
Relay Team A 58.52 Ozark High School
Relay Team A 59.35 Greenwood High School
Relay Team A 59.51 Mansfield High School
Relay Team A 59.99 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:20 Rogers High School
Relay Team A 4:21.00h Siloam Springs Schools
Relay Team A 4:26.50 Alma High School
Relay Team A 4:30.00h Providence Classical Christian A
Relay Team A 4:35.00 Rogers Heritage High School
Relay Team A 4:40.00h Russellville High School
Relay Team A 4:42.78 Greenland High School
Relay Team A 4:47.07 Waldron High School
Relay Team A 4:50.00 Ft. Smith Northside High School
Relay Team A 5:03.00h Mansfield High School
Relay Team A 5:05.11 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
Relay Team A 5:15.00h Ozark High School
Relay Team A 5:20.00h Northwest Arkansas Classical Aca
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HS Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:00.00 Rogers High School
Relay Team A 11:04.58 Ft. Smith Northside High School
Relay Team A 11:08.00 Siloam Springs Schools
Relay Team A 11:24.40 Ft. Smith Southside High School
Relay Team A 11:24.75 Waldron High School
Relay Team A 11:38.03 Russellville High School
Relay Team A 12:10.57 Rogers Heritage High School
Relay Team A 12:30.00 Ozark High School
Relay Team A 13:56.67 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Day, Hailey 2:21.22 Rogers High School
Jeffcoat, Anna 2:22.13 Rogers High School
Nachtigal, Ali 2:22.32 Rogers High School
Campos, Aubrey 2:32.33 Greenland High School
Richards, Kali 2:33.19 Ozark High School
Dubon, Candy 2:35.94 Siloam Springs Schools
Cash, Macie 2:36.23 Greenwood High School
Anschutz, Ryleigh 2:39.55 Waldron High School
West, Felicity 2:42.00 Ft. Smith Northside High School
Pappas, Abigail 2:42.21 Rogers Heritage High School
Hill, Campbell 2:42.51 Greenland High School
McBroom, Katie 2:42.60 Cedarville High School
Garcia, Andrea 2:43.98 Ft. Smith Northside High School
Rodriguez, Clara 2:45.00h Ozark High School
Dean, Zarah 2:45.00h Ozark High School
Patrick, Madison 2:47.10 Waldron High School
Carrigan, Savannah 2:47.62 Providence Classical Christian A
Bevis, Brooke 2:48.40 Russellville High School
Flores, Yuritza 2:50.56 Russellville High School
Spence, Kentucky 2:50.67 Waldron High School
Burgess, Emmie 2:53.24 Ft. Smith Southside High School
Ryan, Lauren 2:54.34 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
Sharp, Tayley 2:55.24 Russellville High School
Dobson, Michal-Ann 2:59.82 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
Meythaler, Emily 3:00.00h Northwest Arkansas Classical Aca
Cambell, Julia 3:04.71 Providence Classical Christian A
Collins, Hadassah 3:05.00h Rogers Heritage High School
McDougal, Addison 3:05.87 Ft. Smith Northside High School
Harr, Jordan 3:10.00h Providence Classical Christian A
Rainwater, Malli 3:10.00h Ft. Smith Southside High School
Berry, Alyssa 3:12.70 Mansfield High School
Parrish, Carlee 3:14.99 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
Rodriguez, Sophia 3:17.86 Northwest Arkansas Classical Aca
Jones, Chloe 3:20.00h Rogers Heritage High School
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HS Girls Discus Throw 38 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Woods, Kaziya 114-5 Russellville High School
Wells, Gracie 105-6 Russellville High School
Ealy, Makayla 101-8 Russellville High School
Callahan, Mackinzie 99-3 Waldron High School
Snipes, Abby 97-2 Rogers Heritage High School
Wilson, Fiona 93-6 Greenland High School
Lynch, Anastasia 93-4 Waldron High School
Wright, Brooke 90-8 Mansfield High School
Towns-Robinson, Ariel 90-7 Alma High School
Curtis, Clair 87-4 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
Kattich, Chanel 86-8 Cedarville High School
Cambell, Julia 75-0 Providence Classical Christian A
Cagle, Abby 69-6 Greenwood High School
Hatley, Sidney 69-4 Alma High School
Gumm, Beza 67-11 Siloam Springs Schools
Grober, Joleen 67-11 Alma High School
Coplin, Janna 67-2 Mansfield High School
Huey, Khamyri 65-5 Ft. Smith Northside High School
Shuman, Raven 64-8 Rogers High School
Mainer, Madison 64-7 Ozark High School
Salazar, Susana 64-5 Van Buren High School
Burns, Haylie 63-10 Mansfield High School
Owens, Megan 60-0 Ft. Smith Northside High School
Parrish, Sarai 59-8 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
Lajar, Kamitha 59-6 Rogers High School
Knights, Haileigh 58-3 Van Buren High School
Young, Lyndee 58-2 Northwest Arkansas Classical Aca
McCain, Jaylee 57-0 Rogers Heritage High School
Wilson, Kaylee 56-10 Greenland High School
Engelke, Samantha 55-5 Waldron High School
Martinez, Jacqueline 54-9 Van Buren High School
Mcalindon, Margaret 52-5 Providence Classical Christian A
Jones, Marissa 51-1 Ozark High School
Raasch, Janne 50-0 Cedarville High School
Biondolillo, Sophe 47-2 Providence Classical Christian A
Lee, Mary 45-11 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
Blakey, Abby 43-10 Northwest Arkansas Classical Aca
Williams, Allison Northwest Arkansas Classical Aca
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HS Girls High Jump 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lane, Kate 5-4 Russellville High School
Harried, Jael 4-10 Siloam Springs Schools
McNeill, Ava Jane 4-10 Russellville High School
Summerhill, Margaret 4-10 Ft. Smith Northside High School
Spence, Kentucky 4-8.5 Waldron High School
Buckner, Haylee 4-8 Mansfield High School
Smith, Hannah 4-8 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
Holland, Kaylee 4-8 Rogers Heritage High School
Bevis, Brooke 4-8 Russellville High School
Box, Sarah 4-8 Providence Classical Christian A
Kirkendoll , Jaden 4-8 Waldron High School
Strutton, Makayla 4-6 Mansfield High School
Rouw, Anika 4-6 Rogers Heritage High School
Pabon, Aleyshka 4-6 Rogers Heritage High School
Biondolillo, Sophe 4-2 Providence Classical Christian A
McLelland, Kaiya 4-2 Providence Classical Christian A
Willadsen, Sara 4-2 Mansfield High School
Scott, Becky 4-0 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
Krigbaum, Kelsey 4-0 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
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HS Girls Long Jump 39 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brain, Georgia 17-10.5 Rogers High School
Silcott, Ashlyne 17-8 Rogers High School
Thompson, Sierre 16-11 Ft. Smith Northside High School
Bennet, Cassidy 16-3 Rogers High School
Wilson, Tayonna 16-0.5 Rogers Heritage High School
Sanford, Rheagan 15-11 Waldron High School
Summerhill, Margaret 15-10 Ft. Smith Northside High School
Morrow, Chloe 15-9.5 Cedarville High School
Harried, Jael 15-7.5 Siloam Springs Schools
Box, Sarah 15-7 Providence Classical Christian A
Henderson, Brooke 15-5.5 Siloam Springs Schools
Carrigan, Savannah 15-4.25 Providence Classical Christian A
Carter, Gracie 15-4 Van Buren High School
Horn, Taylor 15-2.5 Waldron High School
Cagle, Abby 15-1 Greenwood High School
Nesbitt, Chiane 15-0.75 Russellville High School
Cazzell, Chloe 14-10.5 Van Buren High School
Pixley, Callie 14-9 Van Buren High School
Ziem, Karli 14-7.5 Rogers Heritage High School
Strutton, Makayla 14-6 Mansfield High School
Thomas, Alaina 14-5 Providence Classical Christian A
Pabon, Aleyshka 14-5 Rogers Heritage High School
Krigbaum, Kelsey 14-2 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
McBroom, Katie 13-10.5 Cedarville High School
Fletcher, Hailey 13-8 Waldron High School
Boyce, Taneka 13-6.5 Russellville High School
Carrion, Isabel 13-6 Siloam Springs Schools
Hamm, Sydney 13-5 Roland High School
Mata, Hillarie 13-0.75 Alma High School
Eblin, Alli 12-8 Northwest Arkansas Classical Aca
Glass, Jalen 12-6.75 Greenwood High School
Woods, Lennon 12-6 Mansfield High School
Littleton, Lauren 12-5 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
Scott, Becky 12-5 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
Goetz, Addison 12-4 Mansfield High School
Perceful, Ashley 11-10 Roland High School
Bull, Andi 11-7 Alma High School
Meythaler, Emily 10-10 Northwest Arkansas Classical Aca
Nguyen, Haley 10-9.5 Roland High School
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HS Girls Pole Vault 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Buso, Annalee 11-3 Greenwood High School
Green, Hannah 9-3 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
Groeber, Sophie 8-6 Rogers High School
Smith, Hannah 8-0 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
Craft, Kaitlyn 8-0 Rogers Heritage High School
McWhorter, Chelsea 8-0 Siloam Springs Schools
Vardeman, Hillyn 8-0 Russellville High School
Morrow, Chloe 8-0 Cedarville High School
Trampp, Lauren 7-6 Waldron High School
Oliva, Kimberly 7-6 Rogers High School
Collins, Kieron 7-0 Rogers Heritage High School
Garcia, Nicole 7-0 Rogers High School
Berry, Alyssa 6-6 Mansfield High School
Willadsen, Sara 6-0 Mansfield High School
Parrish, Carlee 6-0 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
Evans, Alexandra 6-0 Rogers Heritage High School
Carr, Takesha 6-0 Russellville High School
Gonzalez, Ashley 6-0 Russellville High School
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HS Girls Shot Put 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Thomas, Halle 36-5 Russellville High School
Callahan, Mackinzie 32-4.5 Waldron High School
Snipes, Abby 32-0 Rogers Heritage High School
Wilson, Fiona 31-8.75 Greenland High School
Wells, Gracie 31-5.5 Russellville High School
Lynch, Anastasia 31-5 Waldron High School
Curtis, Clair 30-10.5 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
McCain, Jaylee 30-4.5 Rogers Heritage High School
Byford, Alyssa 29-9 Waldron High School
Ealy, Makayla 29-4 Russellville High School
Towns-Robinson, Ariel 29-2 Alma High School
Kattich, Chanel 29-1 Cedarville High School
Raasch, Janne 27-5 Cedarville High School
Wright, Brooke 27-1.5 Mansfield High School
Barnett, Alexis 26-8 Rogers High School
Hatley, Sidney 26-3 Alma High School
Burns, Haylie 26-2 Mansfield High School
Shuman, Raven 25-9 Rogers High School
Wilson, Kaylee 25-1.5 Greenland High School
Cambell, Julia 25-0 Providence Classical Christian A
Mcalindon, Margaret 25-0 Providence Classical Christian A
Biondolillo, Sophe 25-0 Providence Classical Christian A
Huey, Khamyri 25-0 Ft. Smith Northside High School
Young, Lyndee 24-5.5 Northwest Arkansas Classical Aca
Lajar, Kamitha 24-0 Rogers High School
Jones, Marissa 24-0 Ozark High School
Martinez, Jacqueline 23-7 Van Buren High School
Mainer, Madison 23-5 Ozark High School
Lee, Mary 23-0 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
Blakey, Abby 22-8.5 Northwest Arkansas Classical Aca
Grober, Joleen 21-10.5 Alma High School
Owens, Megan 21-10 Ft. Smith Northside High School
Pettigrew, Miracle 21-6 Mansfield High School
Knights, Haileigh 20-7 Van Buren High School
Parrish, Sarai 20-2 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
Salazar, Susana 19-5.5 Van Buren High School
Williams, Allison 16-8 Northwest Arkansas Classical Aca
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HS Girls Triple Jump 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brain, Georgia 35-9 Rogers High School
Bennet, Cassidy 34-2 Rogers High School
McBroom, Katie 32-10.5 Cedarville High School
Smith, Hannah 32-7 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
Henderson, Brooke 32-5.5 Siloam Springs Schools
Morrow, Chloe 32-5.25 Cedarville High School
Carter, Gracie 32-5 Van Buren High School
Horn, Taylor 32-2.5 Waldron High School
Sanford, Rheagan 31-11 Waldron High School
Duncan, Annika 31-10.75 Alma High School
Craft, Kaitlyn 31-8.25 Rogers Heritage High School
Leslie, Taryn 31-2 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
Summerhill, Margaret 31-2 Ft. Smith Northside High School
Cazzell, Chloe 31-1.5 Van Buren High School
Pixley, Callie 30-7.75 Van Buren High School
Fletcher, Hailey 30-5.5 Waldron High School
Rodgers, Rebekah 30-3.5 Siloam Springs Schools
McNeill, Ava Jane 29-5 Russellville High School
Johnson, Molly 28-3.5 Ft. Smith Northside High School
Littleton, Lauren 27-8 Magazine High School (JD Leftwic
Mentz, Lauren 27-5 Danville High School
Alvis, Taia 27-1 Rogers High School
Tippin, Taylor 25-7 Danville High School
Eblin, Alli 25-4 Northwest Arkansas Classical Aca
Goetz, Addison 25-1.5 Mansfield High School
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