Meet Information
Date: Oct 30 @ 11 am
Meet Director: Michael Banning 479-979-4245
Teams: Clarksville, Dardanelle, Dover, Heber Springs, Morrilton, Subiaco, Ozark, Pottsville
Start Times are only estimates!
Jr. High Girls @ 11:00 am
Jr. High Boys @ 11:25 am
Sr. High Girls @ 11:45 am
Sr. High Boys @ 12:20 pm
Timing will be provided by Patrick Macdonald and MacDonald timing.
Covid-19 Rules and Procedures will be in place, and will be enforced. Masks must be worn when social distancing can not be observed. Racers will need to re mask when breathing returns to normal. Chips will be collected by the coaches, put back in numerical order and returned to the registration tent. Small concessions for fans and runners and a hospitality area will be provided for coaches and administrators.
Sign up through Mile Split AR. Registration is open until 9:00am October 28.
Location: University of the Ozarks Cross Country Trails; Take Exit 58 for AR 103 S (S Rogers Street), 0.2 mi
turn onto AR 103 S/S Rogers St (going south), 0.2 mi turn left onto Market St, 0.5 mi turn right onto
paved drive after Wal Mart (River Valley Animal Products Drive), course will be on the left.
Description: The course is grass/dirt mix of field and wooded areas. It is a looped course which passes by
the start/finish area each lap. Cut through trails allow for spectators and coaches to observe the race in
most parts of the wooded areas.
Awards: The top Sr/Jr girls and boys team will receive an award. Top 10 individuals in each race will also
receive medals.
District T Shirts will be available for $15. Contact Coach Qualls at 479 647 2040 with a text to order.
DEADLINE October 14. Design coming soon.