Meet Information
MEET IS CURRENTLY FULL!!!! We cannot take more teams due to limitations from Oaklawn's renovations. We are sorry to have to cut off but that is what we are having to do this year due to having to work around Oaklawn.
If you are a team that has been Invited and have questions you can contact me at the following:
Lake Hamilton Invitational Cross Country
Entry Fee
*Entry fee: $55 per team. For incomplete teams less than 5 runners, the charge is $10 per athlete. All four
teams will be $220. Entries fees are due on day of meet or should be in the
mail sent to the following address. (If paying on meet day, please bring exact amount, we typically do not have change)
*Mailing in Entry fee to
to the following:
Lake Hamilton High School
ATTN: L.H. Cross Country Invitational
280 Wolf St. Pearcy, AR 71964
Parking (Buses and Fans)
Buses will enter the North parking lot across from First Baptist Church and unload at the fence gate. Parking attendants will direct buses to parking in the back of the North Parking lot.
Spectators can park in the North parking lot as allowed, also they can park in the fenced parking lot beside First Baptist Church (Corner of Crestwood St. and Central Avenue), they also can park in the very back of First Baptist Church parking access via (Leach St.).
Teams Staying the night before:
-various hotels are available in the city for team overnight stay. TheMicrotel Inn and Suites has specifically said they will be glad to accomodate teams.
Entrance to infield
Entrance to the infield for teams to enter the infield will be at 7:45 a.m. no sooner. You will enter the old way through the tunnel underneath the track that is behind the new casino hotel. Look for signs directing you to the meet.
Team Camps
Team camps will only be allowed in the inner fenced in area of the infield that contains
the gazebo. Every school coming has been at Oaklawn before and will know where
to set up at. Please do not set up tents near the buildings being built, new restrooms and concessions building are under construction at the moment.
-2 Portable restrooms are supposed to be set up on the north side of the horse gazebo (registration and awards) for our volunteer workers and for visiting coaches as well. This way, you do not have to stand in line very long if at all.
-Runners can use the other 10 to 12 portable restrooms which will be located on the infield fence area closer to the starting ling by the flag poles. Also, if you are familiar with the facility, there is one building on the tunnel side entrance to the infield fence area that has 3 restrooms for men and 3 for women in it that will be open to use.
Packet Pick-up
Coaches can pay entry fee, pick up team race chips, course maps, at the Horse gazebo
Race Times
Jr.Boys 9:00 Jr. Girls 9:30, (It's been 2.1 in the past, but remeasuring this week and will give updated distance in another email this week)
Sr. Boys 10:00, Sr. Girls 10:30. (5k, measured and accurate)
-Races will use the traditional box start. Coaches can pick up a box assignment sheet at
registration. We will have a quick announcement of instructions prior to each race with a PA system to go over
quick details about the race with runners and then fire the gun and get it going.
-Each race will have a lead and trail vehicle.
Chip Timing and Race Awards
-All races will be chip timed. Race resultswill be posted at the Gazeebo medals table area.
-Macs RaceTiming will be handling the race timing and results will be posted on
their website:
-They are supposed to have live results of the races that will be available for access through a scan code that is in your packet pick up I was told.
Meet tshirts, dry fit will be available for $20 per shirt at the shirt table area by the Gazebo. We will also have $5 dry fit shirts from the past on sale as well.
Water Station
At this time we are not able to allowed to provide water aid to runners at the end of the
race. Teams need to bring their own with them for their runners.'
-No concessions, buildings are under construction.
-Teams cannot bring in catered food to the meet via Oaklawn's food policy guidelines.
At this time
there is a planned trainer to be available for runners. The trainer will not be
able to provide taping for visiting teams.
If you still have questions, let me know. I'll send more email info likely throughout the week to you all.