Sr. Bomber Relays - Wednesday 2023

Mountain Home, AR

Athlete Entries

HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 50 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hatcher, Chris Blytheville High School
Button, Kenter West Plains High School
Johnson, Jamarrion Blytheville High School
Patrick, Kaleb Timbo
Hamm, Shawn Bakersfield High School
Stephens, Talon 11.44 Harrison High School
Palmer, Talan 11.58 Mountain Home High School
Barnett, Brady 11.63 Mountain Home High School
Bell, Kamran 11.64 Harrison High School
Battles, Ingram 11.70 Blytheville High School
Brumley, Lucas 11.73 Harrison High School
Blair, Trenton 11.90 Omaha High School
Romine, Elijah 11.92 Salem High School
Henthorne, Jackson 11.97 Clinton High School
Brumley, Caleb 12.00 Harrison High School
King, Derrick 12.00 Blytheville High School
Banister, Spencer 12.02 Clinton High School
Watlington, Jacob 12.06 Bakersfield High School
Isbell, Drew 12.11 Mountain View High School
Whitehurst, Briar 12.24h Omaha High School
Teel, Tristin 12.30 Yellville-Summit High School
Harrison, Kael 12.30 West Plains High School
Carlton, Kaleb 12.36 Omaha High School
Dailey, Aiden 12.37 Salem High School
Milbourne, Anthony 12.44 Mountain Home High School
McKay, Noah 12.49 Mountain Home High School
Lawson, Warren 12.54 West Plains High School
Downs, Lukas 12.64 Salem High School
Keiter, Landen 12.67 Yellville-Summit High School
Gonzalez, Anthony 12.70 Green Forest High School
Hurst, Kolby 12.76 Flippin High School
Brotherton, Alex 12.76 Yellville-Summit High School
Baxley, David 12.77 Mountain Home High School
Watlington, Nathan 12.80 Bakersfield High School
Leiboult, Micah 12.81 MHCA Eagles
Cabrera, Ali 12.88 Green Forest High School
Medina, Carson 12.89 Melbourne High School
Due, Wyatt 12.94h West Plains High School
Lemon, Coda 13.00 Lead Hill High School
Ricketts, Hunter 13.00 Lead Hill High School
Grozis, William 13.26 Lead Hill High School
Childers, Jayden 13.28 Omaha High School
Teague, Collin 13.32 Melbourne High School
Burch, Caden 13.50h Salem High School
McMichael, Colson 13.54 Melbourne High School
Avey, Braden 13.90 Timbo
Dawson, Daniel 14.11 Flippin High School
Miller, Clifford 14.23 Sloan-Hendrix High School
Samuels, Gage 14.24h Bakersfield High School
Gray, Alex 15.61 Lead Hill High School
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cowell, Casen Timbo
Howard, Rayn Melbourne High School
Emberton, Brody 15.87 Clinton High School
Woodall, Nathan 15.88 Melbourne High School
Romine, Elijah 16.45 Salem High School
Bartlett, Jon 18.00 Harrison High School
Hubberd, Cole 18.54 Mountain View High School
Dowd, Fabeous 18.55 Blytheville High School
Mannon, Kevin 18.64 Mountain View High School
Koksma, Kyloh 19.79 Yellville-Summit High School
Bradford, Isaac 20.00 Clinton High School
McKinney, Jonathan 20.27 Omaha High School
Strong, Hayden 20.38 West Plains High School
Edwards, Samuel 21.61 Omaha High School
Patrick, Kaleb 22.09 Timbo
Morrison, Noah 22.32 Omaha High School
Shaver, Zack 22.58 Clinton High School
McCalla, Bradon 25.42 Yellville-Summit High School
McConniel, Dakoda 25.43 Timbo
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HS Boys 1600 Meter Run 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Handy, Terrian Blytheville High School
Quillman, Jordan Melbourne High School
Hill, William 4:25.18 Mountain Home High School
Lawrence, Ty 4:36.42 Mountain Home High School
Smith, Ridge 4:36.59 West Plains High School
Triantos, Caden 4:37.88 Mountain Home High School
Gunter, Kyler 4:46.57 West Plains High School
Reyes, Arauny 4:46.63 Green Forest High School
Smith, Trevin 4:57.49 West Plains High School
Wortham, Shawn 5:07.72 Melbourne High School
Valentine, Conner 5:08.56 Harrison High School
Duenas, Joseph 5:21.81 Green Forest High School
Choate, Garrett 5:21.90 Sloan-Hendrix High School
Swearingen, Copper 5:22.86 Yellville-Summit High School
Richardson, Michael 5:23.32 Blytheville High School
Watts, Brayden 5:24.30 Timbo
Yates, Brayden 5:24.46 Mountain Home High School
Callahan, Riley 5:25.26 Timbo
Coker, Gavin 5:31.48 Harrison High School
McNew, James 5:35.06 Harrison High School
Heap, Rafe 5:35.62 Yellville-Summit High School
Shellstrom, Dalton 5:44.08 Timbo
Lara, Reece 5:46.48 Mountain Home High School
Elliott, Matthew 5:47.39 Harrison High School
Vallmitjana, Pol 5:47.49 Flippin High School
Turner, Nolan 6:20.31 Lead Hill High School
Samuels, Gage 6:21.00 Bakersfield High School
Franco, Dylan 6:29.31 Lead Hill High School
Welch, Jacob 6:34.55 Salem High School
Householder, Titus 6:35.63 Omaha High School
Marlowe, John 7:05.00 West Plains High School
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 54 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hamm, Shawn Bakersfield High School
Lopez-Tzoc, Brandon Green Forest High School
Reed, Ladarius Blytheville High School
McConniel, Dakoda Timbo
De La Paz, Gabriel Timbo
Vallmitjana, Pol Flippin High School
King, Derrick Blytheville High School
Stephens, Talon 23.32 Harrison High School
Miller, Barrett 23.53 Mountain Home High School
Downs, Lukas 24.14 Salem High School
Battles, Ingram 24.22 Blytheville High School
Palmer, Talan 24.26 Mountain Home High School
Schulz, Connor 24.33 Mountain Home High School
Brumley, Caleb 24.34 Harrison High School
Henthorne, Jackson 24.37 Clinton High School
Teel, Tristin 24.56 Yellville-Summit High School
Watlington, Jacob 24.61 Bakersfield High School
Tate, Dalton 24.64 Melbourne High School
Dailey, Aiden 25.00 Salem High School
Isbell, Drew 25.10 Mountain View High School
Whitehurst, Briar 25.24h Omaha High School
Gonzalez, Anthony 25.30 Green Forest High School
Baxley, David 25.51 Mountain Home High School
McKay, Noah 25.57 Mountain Home High School
Keiter, Landen 25.68 Yellville-Summit High School
Reuscher, Orion 25.68 Mountain Home High School
McKinney, Jonathan 25.70 Omaha High School
Riggs, Steven 25.73 Salem High School
Milbourne, Anthony 25.87 Mountain Home High School
Blair, Trenton 26.00 Omaha High School
Pope, Jay 26.07 Green Forest High School
Arnold, Kurtis 26.08 Omaha High School
Cabrera, Ali 26.11 Green Forest High School
Leiboult, Micah 26.21 MHCA Eagles
Rose, Landon 26.24 Clinton High School
Brotherton, Alex 26.54 Yellville-Summit High School
McChristian, Royal 26.67 Blytheville High School
Medina, Carson 26.81 Melbourne High School
Watlington, Nathan 26.89 Bakersfield High School
Callahan, Riley 26.94 Timbo
Bradford, Isaac 26.97 Clinton High School
Leslie, Elias 27.13 West Plains High School
Layton, Denver 27.13 Yellville-Summit High School
Bivens, Ian 27.34h West Plains High School
Ricketts, Hunter 27.45 Lead Hill High School
Roark, Karson 27.71 Sloan-Hendrix High School
Amburgy, Brooks 28.34h Bakersfield High School
Grozis, William 28.45 Lead Hill High School
Logue, Brenden 28.53 West Plains High School
McMichael, Colson 29.44 Melbourne High School
Miller, Clifford 29.97 Sloan-Hendrix High School
Powell, Benjamin 34.07 Lead Hill High School
Asmussen, Dalton 36.83 West Plains High School
Lemon, Coda 41.01 Lead Hill High School
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HS Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Young, Brycen Melbourne High School
McConniel, Dakoda Timbo
Peglar, Riley MHCA Eagles
Edwards, Samuel Omaha High School
Wilson, Naddarius Blytheville High School
Woodall, Nathan 41.51 Melbourne High School
Hubberd, Cole 43.21 Mountain View High School
Romine, Elijah 43.60 Salem High School
McBride, Dylan 43.86 Mountain Home High School
Daugherty, Zach 44.05 Mountain Home High School
Emberton, Brody 44.13 Clinton High School
Dowd, Fabeous 45.57 Blytheville High School
Bartlett, Jon 46.04 Harrison High School
Davis, Dayton 46.22 Mountain Home High School
Floyd, Chism 47.24 Kingston
Henson, Eli 47.80 Clinton High School
Littell, Brayson 49.57 Clinton High School
Strong, Hayden 49.65 West Plains High School
Koksma, Kyloh 49.70 Yellville-Summit High School
McCalla, Bradon 51.25 Yellville-Summit High School
Callahan, Riley 52.39 Timbo
Shaver, Zack 52.48 Clinton High School
Morrison, Noah 54.05 Omaha High School
Massey, Gage 54.85 Timbo
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HS Boys 3200 Meter Run 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Quillman, Jordan Melbourne High School
Watts, Brayden Timbo
Collins, Lane West Plains High School
Stiner, Hoyt 10:16.00 West Plains High School
Rangel, Alonzo 10:49.83 Green Forest High School
Valentine, Conner 11:08.60 Harrison High School
Callahan, Riley 12:13.46 Timbo
Coker, Gavin 12:15.20 Harrison High School
Swearingen, Copper 12:21.36 Yellville-Summit High School
Vallmitjana, Pol 12:30.30 Flippin High School
Shellstrom, Dalton 12:55.20 Timbo
Luker, Cayden 13:05.65 Harrison High School
McNew, James 14:03.87 Harrison High School
Bickford, Ky 9:52.21 Mountain Home High School
Hughes, Hendrix 9:56.74 Mountain Home High School
King, Carson 9:57.96 West Plains High School
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 45 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Button, Kenter West Plains High School
Taylor, Jackson West Plains High School
Roark, Karson Sloan-Hendrix High School
Due, Wyatt West Plains High School
Caraway, Kale Melbourne High School
Hudson, Liam 1:00.26 Clinton High School
Riggs, Steven 1:00.47 Salem High School
Dawson, Daniel 1:01.03 Flippin High School
Curtis, Chase 1:01.12 Omaha High School
Howell, Robert 1:01.20 Yellville-Summit High School
Ventura, Fernando 1:01.44 Melbourne High School
McChristian, Royal 1:01.62 Blytheville High School
Holland, Anthony 1:01.86 Sloan-Hendrix High School
Levalley, Anthony 1:02.08 Salem High School
Massey, Gage 1:02.91 Timbo
Folk, Julian 1:02.96 Sloan-Hendrix High School
Leiboult, Micah 1:03.00 MHCA Eagles
Amburgy, Brooks 1:03.34h Bakersfield High School
Layton, Denver 1:03.62 Yellville-Summit High School
Moon, Edden 1:04.78 Omaha High School
Miesner, Troy 1:06.15 Melbourne High School
Hampton, Aiden 1:06.41 Omaha High School
Wright, Timothy 1:06.91 Omaha High School
Reed, Ladarius 1:07.56 Blytheville High School
Treadway, Logan 1:08.57 Timbo
Samuels, Gage 1:08.64h Bakersfield High School
Cowell, Casen 1:09.29 Timbo
Turner, Nolan 1:10.21 Lead Hill High School
Franco, Tyler 1:12.21 Lead Hill High School
Powell, Benjamin 1:14.13 Lead Hill High School
Lopez-Tzoc, Brandon 1:26.91 Green Forest High School
Banister, Spencer 53.45 Clinton High School
Callies, Austin 53.52 Mountain Home High School
Reyes, Arauny 55.47 Green Forest High School
Jeffords, Trentin 55.60 West Plains High School
Henthorne, Jackson 55.66 Clinton High School
King, Derrick 56.02 Blytheville High School
Heap, Rafe 56.22 Yellville-Summit High School
Raboin, Logan 57.13 Clinton High School
Hartle, Caleb 57.29 Yellville-Summit High School
Ramsey, Jaxon 57.50 Harrison High School
Reuscher, Orion 57.54 Mountain Home High School
Munden, Ethan 57.55 Mountain Home High School
Cabrera, Ali 58.67 Green Forest High School
Sagers, Gatlin 59.66 Harrison High School
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Sloan-Hendrix High School
Relay Team A Bakersfield High School
Relay Team A 44.78 Harrison High School
Relay Team A 46.00 Salem High School
Relay Team A 46.35 Mountain Home High School
Relay Team A 47.39 West Plains High School
Relay Team A 48.15 Mountain View High School
Relay Team A 49.01 Omaha High School
Relay Team A 49.43 Green Forest High School
Relay Team A 49.60 Melbourne High School
Relay Team A 50.06 Yellville-Summit High School
Relay Team A 54.61 Timbo
Relay Team A 57.09 Lead Hill High School
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HS Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Bakersfield High School
Relay Team A 1:37.68 West Plains High School
Relay Team A 1:38.73 Mountain Home High School
Relay Team A 1:39.25 Harrison High School
Relay Team A 1:39.62 Melbourne High School
Relay Team A 1:39.89 Mountain View High School
Relay Team A 1:43.71 Omaha High School
Relay Team A 1:45.73 Yellville-Summit High School
Relay Team A 1:48.00 Green Forest High School
Relay Team A 1:53.52 Timbo
Relay Team A 1:53.54 Sloan-Hendrix High School
Relay Team A 2:05.00h Salem High School
Relay Team A 2:09.02 Lead Hill High School
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Melbourne High School
Relay Team A 3:28.81 Mountain Home High School
Relay Team A 3:52.26 Omaha High School
Relay Team A 4:05.52 Yellville-Summit High School
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HS Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:16.65 Yellville-Summit High School
Relay Team A 10:19.11 Melbourne High School
Relay Team A 10:28.16 Omaha High School
Relay Team A 10:33.06 Timbo
Relay Team A 11:42.95 Salem High School
Relay Team A 8:35.41 West Plains High School
Relay Team A 8:50.40 Mountain Home High School
Relay Team A 9:38.14 Clinton High School
Relay Team A 9:39.06 Harrison High School
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 41 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Williams, Qualee Blytheville High School
Miller, John Melbourne High School
Payne, Hayden Salem High School
Choate, Garrett Sloan-Hendrix High School
Terry, Mike Blytheville High School
Elliott, Matthew Harrison High School
Duenas, Joseph Green Forest High School
Bickford, Ky 1:56.67 Mountain Home High School
Hill, William 1:57.86 Mountain Home High School
Lawrence, Ty 2:01.62 Mountain Home High School
Triantos, Caden 2:09.67 Mountain Home High School
Barr, Garrett 2:11.37 Mountain Home High School
Smith, Trenton 2:14.00h Mountain Home High School
King, Connor 2:14.90 Mountain Home High School
Reyes, Arauny 2:15.00 Green Forest High School
Rangel, Alonzo 2:15.15 Green Forest High School
Heap, Rafe 2:17.51 Yellville-Summit High School
Swearingen, Copper 2:20.61 Yellville-Summit High School
Valentine, Conner 2:21.25 Harrison High School
Wortham, Shawn 2:21.45 Melbourne High School
Howell, Robert 2:21.51 Yellville-Summit High School
Rogers, Eli 2:22.64 Blytheville High School
Folk, Julian 2:25.06 Sloan-Hendrix High School
Pearson, Trent 2:26.61 Clinton High School
Gill, Daniel 2:26.76 West Plains High School
Luker, Cayden 2:27.26 Harrison High School
Watts, Brayden 2:29.97 Timbo
Coker, Gavin 2:30.00h Harrison High School
Turner, Nolan 2:30.15 Lead Hill High School
Cavear, Mathis 2:30.91 Flippin High School
Shellstrom, Dalton 2:32.01 Timbo
Levalley, Anthony 2:33.42 Salem High School
Vallmitjana, Pol 2:35.12 Flippin High School
Curtis, Brody 2:36.77 Omaha High School
Caraway, Kale 2:39.08 Melbourne High School
Cullins, Juwon 2:39.58 Blytheville High School
Edwards, Gatlin 2:40.17 Omaha High School
Welch, Jacob 2:46.64 Salem High School
Franco, Tyler 2:55.30 Lead Hill High School
Costner, Christian 3:03.15 Salem High School
Longoria, John Paul 3:05.43 Yellville-Summit High School
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HS Boys Discus Throw 44 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dover, Robert 161-4.25 Mountain Home High School
Jones, Eli 150-9.75 Mountain Home High School
Lowder, Sheldon 129-0 Clinton High School
Sanders, Zack 121-4 Mountain Home High School
Klott, Colin 120-3 Harrison High School
Emberton, Brody 118-4 Clinton High School
Williams, Daniel 116-9 Clinton High School
Yarborough, Nathan 113-1 Mountain Home High School
Hatcher, Chris 112-3 Blytheville High School
Curtis, Shane 105-5.75 West Plains High School
Morrison, Noah 103-10 Omaha High School
Gonzalez, Fernando 101-7 Green Forest High School
Prude, Marcus 100-11 Blytheville High School
Long, Braden 100-10 Harrison High School
Purdom, Trenton 97-9 Yellville-Summit High School
Barnes, Wyatt 96-0 Omaha High School
Lemus, Carlos 95-4 Green Forest High School
Painter, Connor 89-4 Salem High School
Engles, Kristofer 86-6.75 Melbourne High School
Turner, Trey 85-0 Harrison High School
Rogers, Montgomery 83-3 West Plains High School
Snider, Ty 82-7 Clinton High School
Reynolds, Peyton 80-5 West Plains High School
Allen, Samuel 76-5.75 West Plains High School
Oliver, Jacob 73-3 Omaha High School
Holley, Samuel 72-9 Timbo
Morrison, Bryce 71-1 Timbo
Love, Davis 59-10 Melbourne High School
Yancey, Dacoda 50-0 Lead Hill High School
Bathen, Luis 50-0 Green Forest High School
Dell, Damion 40-6 Yellville-Summit High School
Gray, Alex Lead Hill High School
Lemon, Coda Lead Hill High School
Cook, Travis Lead Hill High School
Arnold, Kurtis Omaha High School
Avey, Braden Timbo
Gillihan, Lincoln Melbourne High School
Burch, Caden Salem High School
Costner, Kaden Salem High School
Dawson, Jaydon Salem High School
Stewart, Jarius Blytheville High School
Alvirez, Liam Mountain Home High School
Robinson, Daltyn Flippin High School
Rogers, Danny Blytheville High School
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HS Boys High Jump 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Emberton, Brody 6-2 Clinton High School
Bell, Kamran 6-2 Harrison High School
Uchtman, Levi 6-2 Mountain Home High School
Ramsey, Jaxon 6-0 Harrison High School
Brumley, Lucas 6-0 Harrison High School
Wright, Nehemiah 5-10.75 West Plains High School
Dover, Robert 5-10.75 Mountain Home High School
Gonzalez, Anthony 5-10 Green Forest High School
Wendfeldt, Kaden 5-9.75 MHCA Eagles
Hudson, Liam 5-8 Clinton High School
Stephens, Talon 5-8 Harrison High School
Massey, Gage 5-8 Timbo
Grubbs, Leo 5-8 Mountain Home High School
Kraft, Jared 5-7.75 West Plains High School
Henson, Eli 5-6 Clinton High School
Williams, Eugene 5-6 Blytheville High School
Hurst, Kolby 5-6 Flippin High School
Curtis, Chase 5-4 Omaha High School
Edwards, Samuel 5-4 Omaha High School
Young, Brycen 5-4 Melbourne High School
Hartle, Caleb 5-4 Yellville-Summit High School
Patrick, Kaleb 5-4 Timbo
Greenwood, Dylan 5-2 Omaha High School
Leiboult, Micah 5-1.75 MHCA Eagles
Carlton, Kaleb 5-0 Omaha High School
Koksma, Kyloh 5-0 Yellville-Summit High School
Wall, Braxton 4-10 Sloan-Hendrix High School
McConniel, Dakoda 4-10 Timbo
Cavear, Mathis Flippin High School
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HS Boys Javelin 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dover, Robert 139-10 Mountain Home High School
Daugherty, Zach 110-11 Mountain Home High School
Curtis, Shane 105-6 West Plains High School
Cropper, Luke 101-10 West Plains High School
Barr, Zack 92-4 Mountain Home High School
Reynolds, Peyton 79-10 West Plains High School
Ross, Copen Clinton High School
Snider, Ty Clinton High School
Maynard, Dawson Clinton High School
Kowiti, Amani Bakersfield High School
Choate, Garrett Sloan-Hendrix High School
Holland, Anthony Sloan-Hendrix High School
Pickett, Ethan Sloan-Hendrix High School
Klott, Colin Harrison High School
Long, Braden Harrison High School
Sagers, Gatlin Harrison High School
Woodall, Nathan Melbourne High School
Purdom, Trenton Yellville-Summit High School
Banister, Spencer Clinton High School
Allen, Samuel West Plains High School
Munden, Ethan Mountain Home High School
Campbell, Buck Melbourne High School
Engles, Kristofer Melbourne High School
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HS Boys Long Jump 48 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Barnett, Brady 22-4.75 Mountain Home High School
Emberton, Brody 21-4 Clinton High School
Brumley, Lucas 21-4 Harrison High School
Battles, Ingram 20-11 Blytheville High School
Bell, Kamran 20-10 Harrison High School
Stephens, Talon 20-7 Harrison High School
Reed, Levin 20-2 Blytheville High School
Reyes, Arauny 19-6 Green Forest High School
Brumley, Caleb 19-5 Harrison High School
Woodall, Nathan 19-5 Melbourne High School
Whitehurst, Briar 19-4 Omaha High School
Searle, Trey 19-0 Omaha High School
Watlington, Jacob 18-11.25 Bakersfield High School
Henson, Eli 18-9.5 Clinton High School
Wright, Nehemiah 18-9.5 West Plains High School
Teel, Tristin 18-9.5 Yellville-Summit High School
Downs, Lukas 18-5.5 Salem High School
Grubbs, Leo 18-5 Mountain Home High School
Fletcher, Sam 18-4.5 Mountain View High School
Tate, Dalton 18-2.75 Melbourne High School
Blair, Trenton 18-2 Omaha High School
Reuscher, Orion 18-2 Mountain Home High School
Kraft, Jared 18-1 West Plains High School
Hurst, Kolby 17-10.5 Flippin High School
Rose, Landon 17-9.25 Clinton High School
Wendfeldt, Kaden 17-4.75 MHCA Eagles
Callahan, Riley 17-4.5 Timbo
Hubberd, Cole 17-4.5 Mountain View High School
Keiter, Landen 17-4 Yellville-Summit High School
Teague, Collin 17-3 Melbourne High School
Wall, Braxton 17-1.75 Sloan-Hendrix High School
Edwards, Samuel 16-10 Omaha High School
Peglar, Riley 16-9.5 MHCA Eagles
Whitsell, Jaxon 16-7.5 Yellville-Summit High School
Dailey, Aiden 15-9 Salem High School
McCalla, Bradon 15-8.25 Yellville-Summit High School
McConniel, Dakoda 15-5 Timbo
Pope, Jay 15-1.5 Green Forest High School
Dawson, Daniel 14-8.5 Flippin High School
Shellstrom, Dalton 14-6 Timbo
Watlington, Nathan 14-3 Bakersfield High School
Kowiti, Amani 10-8.5 Bakersfield High School
Turner, Nolan Lead Hill High School
Schofield, Lendon West Plains High School
Welch, Jacob Salem High School
King, Derrick Blytheville High School
Wilson, Naddarius Blytheville High School
Ayala, Justin Green Forest High School
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HS Boys Pole Vault 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Davis, Michael 14-7 Mountain Home High School
Jones, Adam 14-0 Mountain Home High School
Daugherty, Zach 13-6 Mountain Home High School
Daniel, Kaleb 11-2 Mountain Home High School
Callies, Austin 11-0 Mountain Home High School
Baxley, David 11-0 Mountain Home High School
Rutledge, Jack 9-11.75 West Plains High School
Patten, Dimitri 9-6.25 West Plains High School
Fowler, Cash 9-6 Melbourne High School
Sagers, Gatlin 9-0 Harrison High School
Young, Brycen 9-0 Melbourne High School
McKinney, Jonathan 8-0 Omaha High School
Whitsell, Jaxon 8-0 Yellville-Summit High School
Pope, Jay 8-0 Green Forest High School
Maloney, Lucas 8-0 Green Forest High School
Cowell, Casen 8-0 Timbo
Caraway, Kale 8-0 Melbourne High School
Treadway, Logan 7-6 Timbo
Cabrera, Ali 7-0 Green Forest High School
Householder, Titus 6-6 Omaha High School
Curtis, Chase Omaha High School
Ament, Connor West Plains High School
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HS Boys Shot Put 47 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jones, Eli 45-3 Mountain Home High School
Dover, Robert 44-8.5 Mountain Home High School
Luster, Travis 43-2 Blytheville High School
King, Isaac 42-3 West Plains High School
Carpenter, Cash 40-6 Clinton High School
Sanders, Zack 39-6.5 Mountain Home High School
Campbell, Buck 39-6 Melbourne High School
Klott, Colin 38-9.5 Harrison High School
Salgado, Joel 38-8 Green Forest High School
Burch, Caden 36-10 Salem High School
Morrison, Noah 36-9 Omaha High School
Arnold, Kurtis 36-9 Omaha High School
Lowder, Sheldon 36-8 Clinton High School
Pope, Jaaz 36-1.5 Green Forest High School
Romero, Jesus 36-0 Green Forest High School
Lawson, Warren 35-6 West Plains High School
Painter, Connor 35-5 Salem High School
Long, Braden 35-4.5 Harrison High School
Davis, Tyrone 35-1.5 Blytheville High School
Williams, Daniel 34-9.5 Clinton High School
Barnes, Wyatt 34-6 Omaha High School
Curtis, Shane 34-0.75 West Plains High School
Cropper, Luke 32-7.25 West Plains High School
Pickett, Ethan 32-3 Sloan-Hendrix High School
Turner, Trey 32-0 Harrison High School
Engles, Kristofer 30-8.5 Melbourne High School
Purdom, Trenton 30-6.5 Yellville-Summit High School
Avey, Braden 30-4 Timbo
Yancey, Dacoda 30-0 Lead Hill High School
Kowiti, Amani 29-8 Bakersfield High School
Whittle, Tyler 29-2 Blytheville High School
Dell, Damion 27-2 Yellville-Summit High School
Holley, Samuel 27-0 Timbo
Bathen, Luis 26-0 Green Forest High School
Miller, John 21-10 Melbourne High School
Cook, Travis Lead Hill High School
Gray, Alex Lead Hill High School
Lemon, Coda Lead Hill High School
Holland, Anthony Sloan-Hendrix High School
Ross, Copen Clinton High School
Morrison, Bryce Timbo
Yarborough, Nathan Mountain Home High School
Costner, Kaden Salem High School
Dawson, Jaydon Salem High School
Cavear, Mathis Flippin High School
Robinson, Daltyn Flippin High School
Lucas, Vanterrues Blytheville High School
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HS Boys Triple Jump 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brumley, Lucas 43-0 Harrison High School
Reed, Levin 42-4 Blytheville High School
Searle, Trey 41-2.25 Omaha High School
Williams, Eugene 40-1 Blytheville High School
Woodall, Nathan 39-1.5 Melbourne High School
Bell, Kamran 38-8.75 Harrison High School
Long, Braden 38-0 Harrison High School
Romine, Elijah 38-0 Salem High School
Brumley, Caleb 37-11.25 Harrison High School
Whitehurst, Briar 37-10 Omaha High School
Callahan, Riley 37-8.75 Timbo
Teel, Tristin 37-4 Yellville-Summit High School
Reyes, Arauny 36-10.75 Green Forest High School
Downs, Lukas 36-2.5 Salem High School
Cooper, Dawson 36-2 Melbourne High School
Cobb, Reed 35-11.5 West Plains High School
Shellstrom, Dalton 34-8.5 Timbo
Battles, Ingram 34-7 Blytheville High School
Littell, Brayson 33-5.75 Clinton High School
Koksma, Kyloh 32-5.5 Yellville-Summit High School
Watts, Brayden 31-3 Timbo
Riggs, Steven 23-10 Salem High School
King, Derrick Blytheville High School
Ayala, Justin Green Forest High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 41 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Matthews, Fallon Sloan-Hendrix High School
Depew, Hailey Timbo
Ruiz, Giovana Sloan-Hendrix High School
Smith, Bailey Melbourne High School
McChristian, Patriece Blytheville High School
Price, Madi Salem High School
Gibson, Kambree 12.58 Yellville-Summit High School
Sellars, Marleigh 12.75 Salem High School
Stephens, Laiklyn 13.00 Harrison High School
Russell, Lydia 13.13 Green Forest High School
Taylor, Chloe 13.17 Salem High School
Keith, Kinley 13.31 Clinton High School
Chamberlin, Rachel 13.33 Mountain Home High School
Adams, Mylea 13.34h West Plains High School
McConnell, Merritt 13.49 Mountain Home High School
Robinson, Nakyra 13.58 Blytheville High School
Czanstkowski, Ali 13.62 Mountain Home High School
Methvin, Abby 13.81 Yellville-Summit High School
Stewart, Deyounce 13.87 Blytheville High School
Dove, Brinkley 13.92 Harrison High School
Robbins, Emylee 13.94 West Plains High School
Burrow, Sierra 13.94 Yellville-Summit High School
Arnold, Lily Cate 14.05 Harrison High School
Franks, Montana 14.2 Salem High School
Hayward, Hannah 14.28 Yellville-Summit High School
Phillips, Carley 14.31 Harrison High School
Johnson, Nevaeh 14.46 Blytheville High School
Moore, Laykin 14.58 Mountain Home High School
Robinson, Caroline 14.60 MHCA Eagles
Cobble, Remington 14.80 Sloan-Hendrix High School
Reny, Gracie 14.81 Timbo
Rehrig, Kacy Jo 15.06 Flippin High School
Bray, Kyndall 15.06 Lead Hill High School
Brewer, Allie 15.35 Timbo
Porras, Faith 15.44h West Plains High School
Enquist, September 15.66 Mountain Home High School
Riley, Kenna 16.15 MHCA Eagles
Vega, Angelyna 16.24h West Plains High School
Smith, Averi 16.73 Lead Hill High School
Mitchell, Paige 17.24 Sloan-Hendrix High School
McPherson, Emma 17.58 Lead Hill High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pena, Khloe Lead Hill High School
Gibson, Kambree 15.95 Yellville-Summit High School
Russell, Lydia 16.68 Green Forest High School
Johnson, Camilla 17.63 Mountain Home High School
Bolick, Pixie 17.63 Mountain Home High School
Chamberlin, Rachel 17.86 Mountain Home High School
Stewart, Deyounce 17.97 Blytheville High School
Ball, Hadley 18.14h West Plains High School
Chism, Fay 18.20 Yellville-Summit High School
Webb, Maci 19.00 Melbourne High School
Hall, Jasmine 19.11 Bakersfield High School
McCarn, Kaitlyn 19.32 Mountain View High School
Cooper, Jaci 20.00h Mountain View High School
Williams, Alexis 20.04h West Plains High School
Crawford, Sara 20.87 Blytheville High School
Teel, Bayli 21.04 Yellville-Summit High School
Fiorino, Roslyn 21.84h West Plains High School
Kimberlin, Tristan 21.85 Omaha High School
Mosley, Mallory 22.31 Timbo
Wade, Zyaricka 31.13 Blytheville High School
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HS Girls 1600 Meter Run 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cabana, Maddie 5:22.58 Clinton High School
Akins, Ellie 5:33.90 Mountain View High School
Ritter, Emily 5:34.83 West Plains High School
Sanders, Addison 5:40.07 West Plains High School
Smith, Erin 5:57.40 Mountain Home High School
McMaster, Cayla 5:59.40 Mountain Home High School
Wilber, Whitney 5:59.66 Mountain Home High School
Henderson, Aubrey 6:00.52 Kingston
Romans, Karlee 6:12.58 West Plains High School
Cooper, Aslyn 6:23.25 Kingston
Gratton, Vittoria 6:23.40 Harrison High School
Huebner, Bella 6:32.88 Lead Hill High School
Shelton, Alyssa 6:37.24 Flippin High School
PrIngle, Adrianna 6:55.49 West Plains High School
Love, Sophie 7:14.84 Melbourne High School
Breger, Morgan 7:18.04 Lead Hill High School
Zuniga, Lucia 7:29.19 Yellville-Summit High School
Quiroz, Elena 7:56.85 Green Forest High School
Fabio, Andrea 8:04.00 Harrison High School
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 41 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Engrav, Annika Melbourne High School
Sarabi, Lavinia Melbourne High School
McPherson, Emma Lead Hill High School
Fiorino, Roslyn West Plains High School
Matthews, Fallon Sloan-Hendrix High School
Depew, Hailey Timbo
Gibson, Kambree 26.68 Yellville-Summit High School
Stephens, Laiklyn 26.79 Harrison High School
Sellars, Marleigh 26.87 Salem High School
Moore, KJ-Keirstin 26.88 Yellville-Summit High School
Burrow, Sierra 27.24 Yellville-Summit High School
Taylor, Chloe 27.48 Salem High School
McConnell, Merritt 27.98 Mountain Home High School
Keith, Kinley 28.24 Clinton High School
Russell, Lydia 28.53 Green Forest High School
Adams, Mylea 28.61 West Plains High School
Robinson, Nakyra 28.76 Blytheville High School
Johnson, Nevaeh 28.97 Blytheville High School
McCarn, Anna 29.21 Mountain Home High School
Phillips, Carley 29.30 Harrison High School
Akins, Emma 29.53 Mountain View High School
Dove, Brinkley 29.57 Harrison High School
Hayward, Hannah 29.88 Yellville-Summit High School
Arnold, Lily Cate 30.33 Harrison High School
Green, Lorelai 30.33 Mountain Home High School
Zastrow, Gretchen 30.64 Bakersfield High School
Hafer, Lucy 30.95 West Plains High School
Franks, Montana 31.92 Salem High School
Moore, Laykin 32.10 Mountain Home High School
Smith, Vivica 32.10 Sloan-Hendrix High School
Reny, Gracie 32.63 Timbo
Cobble, Remington 32.74 Sloan-Hendrix High School
Rehrig, Kacy Jo 33.04 Flippin High School
Smith, Bailey 33.14 Melbourne High School
Brewer, Allie 33.52 Timbo
Enquist, September 33.85 Mountain Home High School
Adams, Adrianna 34.45 Blytheville High School
Ordway, Amia 34.58 Sloan-Hendrix High School
Vega, Angelyna 35.04h West Plains High School
Smith, Averi 36.73 Lead Hill High School
Seaman, Anna 38.74 Lead Hill High School
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HS Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fiorino, Roslyn West Plains High School
Wade, Zyaricka Blytheville High School
Pena, Khloe Lead Hill High School
Mosley, Mallory Timbo
Crawford, Sara 1:23.65 Blytheville High School
Russell, Lydia 49.83 Green Forest High School
Chism, Fay 50.28 Yellville-Summit High School
Hall, Jasmine 51.76 Bakersfield High School
McCarn, Kaitlyn 53.39 Mountain View High School
McCarn, Anna 54.15 Mountain Home High School
Teel, Bayli 55.80 Yellville-Summit High School
Cooper, Jaci 56.5 Mountain View High School
Stewart, Deyounce 58.50 Blytheville High School
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HS Girls 3200 Meter Run 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Love, Sophie Melbourne High School
Cabana, Maddie 11:27.65 Clinton High School
Akins, Ellie 11:54.59 Mountain View High School
Krueger, Erika 12:18.69 Mountain Home High School
Shelton, Alyssa 14:11.39 Flippin High School
Edgmon, Callie 14:13.10 Kingston
Ervin, Bailey 14:56.00 Yellville-Summit High School
Berry, Kristen 15:50.07 Clinton High School
Quiroz, Elena 17:33.32 Green Forest High School
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Burns, Zoe Melbourne High School
McPherson, Emma Lead Hill High School
Matthews, Fallon Sloan-Hendrix High School
Holland, Savannah Sloan-Hendrix High School
Sellars, Marleigh 1:00.76 Salem High School
Stephens, Laiklyn 1:02.37 Harrison High School
Ritenburg, Bailey 1:03.33 Mountain Home High School
Moore, KJ-Keirstin 1:04.11 Yellville-Summit High School
Clark, Mackenzi 1:04.68 Mountain Home High School
Akins, Emma 1:05.33 Mountain View High School
Self, Shailey 1:11.29 West Plains High School
Smith, Vivica 1:12.63 Sloan-Hendrix High School
Zastrow, Gretchen 1:13.01 Bakersfield High School
Shaver, Allie 1:13.58 Clinton High School
Creekmore, Nadia 1:13.77 Clinton High School
Smith, Bailey 1:14.30 Melbourne High School
Wallace, Allison 1:14.47 Yellville-Summit High School
Mitchell, Paige 1:24.33 Sloan-Hendrix High School
Harmon, Elizabeth 1:30.42 Lead Hill High School
Engrav, Annika 1:35.66 Melbourne High School
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:02.56 Yellville-Summit High School
Relay Team A 1:02.62 Sloan-Hendrix High School
Relay Team A 1:04.09 Timbo
Relay Team A 1:06.41 Lead Hill High School
Relay Team A 54.35 Blytheville High School
Relay Team A 54.58 Mountain Home High School
Relay Team A 55.14 Salem High School
Relay Team A 58.16 Harrison High School
Relay Team A 59.86 Omaha High School
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HS Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:53.80 Mountain Home High School
Relay Team A 1:54.24 West Plains High School
Relay Team A 1:58.86 Harrison High School
Relay Team A 1:59.41 Yellville-Summit High School
Relay Team A 2:08.14 Omaha High School
Relay Team A 2:17.64 Melbourne High School
Relay Team A 2:17.79 Sloan-Hendrix High School
Relay Team A 2:28.11 Timbo
Relay Team A 2:33.94 Lead Hill High School
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:30.54 Mountain Home High School
Relay Team A 4:42.45 Clinton High School
Relay Team A 4:42.90 Yellville-Summit High School
Relay Team A 5:17.23 Omaha High School
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HS Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Omaha High School
Relay Team A 10:56.83 Mountain Home High School
Relay Team A 12:45.13 Yellville-Summit High School
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Holland, Savannah Sloan-Hendrix High School
Ordway, Amia Sloan-Hendrix High School
Leppe, Katelynn Yellville-Summit High School
Bowers, Kailey Sloan-Hendrix High School
Cabana, Maddie 2:31.22 Clinton High School
Akins, Ellie 2:32.80 Mountain View High School
Akins, Emma 2:33.23 Mountain View High School
Ritenburg, Bailey 2:36.73 Mountain Home High School
Chism, Fay 2:38.77 Yellville-Summit High School
Henderson, Aubrey 2:42.11 Kingston
Wallace, Allyson 2:44.31 Clinton High School
Ritter, Emily 2:45.00 West Plains High School
Gibson, Kambree 2:46.12 Yellville-Summit High School
Chafin, Monica 2:46.93 Mountain Home High School
Shelton, Alyssa 2:48.60 Flippin High School
Kivell, Emma 2:49.91 Kingston
Romans, Karlee 2:52.00 West Plains High School
Rodriguez, Topanga 2:56.97 Omaha High School
Cooper, Aslyn 2:59.27 Kingston
Doshier, Kadence 3:00.96 Yellville-Summit High School
PrIngle, Adrianna 3:01.30 West Plains High School
Morgan, Carley 3:12.09 Sloan-Hendrix High School
Rasmussen, Elaine 3:18.16 Omaha High School
Breger, Morgan 3:23.88 Lead Hill High School
Huebner, Bella 3:23.88 Lead Hill High School
Quiroz, Elena 3:30.08 Green Forest High School
Johnson, Anastasia 3:32.11 Omaha High School
Bailey, Abby 3:33.62 Melbourne High School
Mosley, Mallory 3:34.27 Timbo
Tindall, Mystika 3:37.76 Omaha High School
Adams, Kenzie 3:39.12 Melbourne High School
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HS Girls Discus Throw 39 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cruse, Jordan 98-1.25 Mountain Home High School
Scroggins, Kori 95-3 Mountain Home High School
Prins, Devyn 91-4 Mountain Home High School
Medley, Kenna 91-0 Mountain Home High School
Magis, Micayla 88-8.25 Mountain Home High School
Price, Madi 80-5 Salem High School
Rogers, Khloey 79-6 Yellville-Summit High School
McCarn, Kaitlyn 77-6 Mountain View High School
Lee, Elle 77-0 Yellville-Summit High School
Watkins, Katelyn 76-5 Harrison High School
Caudle, Jassara 75-2 Harrison High School
Gibson, Kambree 74-0 Yellville-Summit High School
Greenwood, Hannah 71-4 Harrison High School
Rehrig, Kacy Jo 69-1 Flippin High School
Reyes, Haddasah 68-11 Green Forest High School
Bray, Abby 68-5 Lead Hill High School
Jones, Cayman 67-6 Harrison High School
Thomas, Mckenzie 66-8 Blytheville High School
Brown, Kabrianna 64-2 Blytheville High School
Wallace, Allyson 63-11 Clinton High School
Crecelius, Rylee 62-8 Mountain Home High School
Rasmussen, Elaine 62-4 Omaha High School
Egger, Alexus 60-0 Lead Hill High School
Veasley, Zion 56-6 Blytheville High School
Cobb, Rorie 55-3 Yellville-Summit High School
Roubique, Emma 53-10.5 Timbo
Cifuntes, Yamliet 52-7 Green Forest High School
Johnson, Cadee 50-7.5 Sloan-Hendrix High School
Cooper, Jaci 50-3 Mountain View High School
Evans, Taylor 49-11 Omaha High School
Matlock, Peyton 44-0 Omaha High School
Martino, Mady Omaha High School
Simington, Heather Sloan-Hendrix High School
Webb, Maci Melbourne High School
Byram, Carma Melbourne High School
Goodman, Avery Melbourne High School
Lopez-Tzoc, Gabriela Green Forest High School
Delgado, Heidy Green Forest High School
Fountain, Jeniyah Blytheville High School
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HS Girls High Jump 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Moore, KJ-Keirstin 5-2 Yellville-Summit High School
Stephens, Laiklyn 5-0 Harrison High School
Czanstkowski, Ali 4-11 Mountain Home High School
Cabana, Maddie 4-8 Clinton High School
McCarn, Kaitlyn 4-8 Mountain View High School
McCarn, Anna 4-8 Mountain Home High School
Orr, Ella 4-6 West Plains High School
Crouch, Remington 4-4 Omaha High School
Byram, Carma 4-4 Melbourne High School
Robinson, Caroline 4-4 MHCA Eagles
Hammonds, Claire 4-4 MHCA Eagles
Holland, Savannah 4-2 Sloan-Hendrix High School
Akins, Ellie 4-2 Mountain View High School
McPherson, Emma 4-0 Lead Hill High School
Pena, Khloe 4-0 Lead Hill High School
Matlock, Peyton Omaha High School
Burns, Zoe Melbourne High School
Engrav, Annika Melbourne High School
McCoy, Katie Timbo
McCoy, Olivia Mountain Home High School
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HS Girls Javelin 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Prins, Devyn 84-9 Mountain Home High School
Crecelius, Rylee 31-6 Mountain Home High School
Creekmore, Nadia Clinton High School
Keith, Kinley Clinton High School
Shaver, Allie Clinton High School
Sieveking, Johanna Clinton High School
Chafin, Monica Mountain Home High School
Rogers, Khloey Yellville-Summit High School
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HS Girls Long Jump 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Stephens, Laiklyn 17-8 Harrison High School
Adams, Mylea 16-7.25 West Plains High School
Russell, Lydia 15-10 Green Forest High School
McCarn, Kaitlyn 15-6 Mountain View High School
Keith, Kinley 15-5 Clinton High School
Johnson, Nevaeh 15-4 Blytheville High School
Burrow, Sierra 15-3 Yellville-Summit High School
Methvin, Abby 14-10 Yellville-Summit High School
Ball, Hadley 14-8 West Plains High School
Moore, Laykin 14-4 Mountain Home High School
Taylor, Chloe 14-3.5 Salem High School
Sellars, Marleigh 13-11.5 Salem High School
Zastrow, Gretchen 13-7 Bakersfield High School
Whitehurst, Shelby 13-6 Omaha High School
Hayward, Hannah 13-5.75 Yellville-Summit High School
Hall, Jasmine 13-4.75 Bakersfield High School
Smith, Bailey 13-4 Melbourne High School
Akins, Emma 13-3.5 Mountain View High School
Webb, Maci 13-2 Melbourne High School
Robbins, Emylee 13-1.5 West Plains High School
Hammonds, Claire 13-0.75 MHCA Eagles
Crouch, Remington 13-0 Omaha High School
Franks, Montana 12-5 Salem High School
Porras, Faith 12-4.5 West Plains High School
Arnold, Lily Cate 12-0 Harrison High School
Rodriguez, Topanga 11-9 Omaha High School
McCoy, Katie 11-9 Timbo
Pena, Khloe 11-8.5 Lead Hill High School
Bailey, Abby 11-8 Melbourne High School
McPherson, Emma 11-3 Lead Hill High School
Bray, Kyndall 11-3 Lead Hill High School
Breger, Morgan 9-10.5 Lead Hill High School
Brewer, Allie 9-4 Timbo
Newbern, Twankira 9-2 Blytheville High School
Raper, Chloe MHCA Eagles
McChristian, Patriece Blytheville High School
Hodges, Kadayja Blytheville High School
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HS Girls Pole Vault 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Chism, Fay 8-6 Yellville-Summit High School
Hafer, Lucy 7-5.75 West Plains High School
Webb, Maci 7-0 Melbourne High School
Shaver, Allie 6-6 Clinton High School
Arnold, Lily Cate 6-6 Harrison High School
Doshier, Kadence 6-6 Yellville-Summit High School
McCoy, Olivia 6-6 Mountain Home High School
Kimberlin, Tristan 6-0 Omaha High School
Pyshny, Maddie 5-6 Omaha High School
Johnson, Anastasia 5-6 Omaha High School
Woodall, Madison 5-6 Melbourne High School
Simmons, Madalyn 4-0 Melbourne High School
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HS Girls Shot Put 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lee, Elle 33-2 Yellville-Summit High School
Price, Madi 31-7 Salem High School
Caudle, Jassara 30-3 Harrison High School
Jones, Cayman 29-0 Harrison High School
Rasmussen, Elaine 28-4 Omaha High School
Gibson, Kambree 28-2.25 Yellville-Summit High School
Medley, Kenna 28-2 Mountain Home High School
Scroggins, Kori 28-0 Mountain Home High School
Riley, Kenna 27-2.75 MHCA Eagles
Rehrig, Kacy Jo 26-3 Flippin High School
Magis, Micayla 26-2.5 Mountain Home High School
Johnson, Cadee 25-11 Sloan-Hendrix High School
Prins, Devyn 25-11 Mountain Home High School
Thomas, Mckenzie 25-10.5 Blytheville High School
Roubique, Emma 25-9 Timbo
Cobb, Rorie 25-3 Yellville-Summit High School
Greenwood, Hannah 24-7 Harrison High School
Long, Ashlyn 24-1.5 Harrison High School
Reyes, Haddasah 24-0.5 Green Forest High School
Bray, Abby 23-4 Lead Hill High School
Brown, Kabrianna 22-10 Blytheville High School
Rogers, Khloey 22-1.5 Yellville-Summit High School
Martino, Mady 21-10 Omaha High School
Simington, Heather 21-7 Sloan-Hendrix High School
Cifuntes, Yamliet 21-6 Green Forest High School
Crecelius, Rylee 21-3.5 Mountain Home High School
Egger, Alexus 21-0 Lead Hill High School
Fountain, Jeniyah 20-7 Blytheville High School
Egger, Kieya Lead Hill High School
Wagner, Kendra Lead Hill High School
Matlock, Peyton Omaha High School
Goodman, Avery Melbourne High School
Byram, Carma Melbourne High School
Engrav, Annika Melbourne High School
Lopez-Tzoc, Gabriela Green Forest High School
Veasley, Zion Blytheville High School
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HS Girls Triple Jump 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Stephens, Laiklyn 38-0 Harrison High School
Russell, Lydia 33-5 Green Forest High School
Czanstkowski, Ali 33-3.5 Mountain Home High School
McConnell, Merritt 32-9.75 Mountain Home High School
Johnson, Nevaeh 32-6 Blytheville High School
Methvin, Abby 32-5.5 Yellville-Summit High School
Burrow, Sierra 31-8.5 Yellville-Summit High School
Akins, Emma 30-10 Mountain View High School
Hayward, Hannah 30-3.75 Yellville-Summit High School
Moore, Laykin 30-1.75 Mountain Home High School
Sellars, Marleigh 29-5 Salem High School
Webb, Maci 29-0 Melbourne High School
Shaver, Allie 28-11 Clinton High School
Byram, Carma 28-0 Melbourne High School
Whitehurst, Shelby 27-9 Omaha High School
Smith, Bailey 26-9 Melbourne High School
McKinney, Drew 26-1.5 Omaha High School
Smith, Vivica 25-10.5 Sloan-Hendrix High School
Pyshny, Maddie 25-10 Omaha High School
Rodriguez, Topanga 23-2 Omaha High School
McCoy, Katie 21-4 Timbo
Orr, Ella West Plains High School
McChristian, Patriece Blytheville High School
Newbern, Twankira Blytheville High School
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