Meet Information
5-2A Senior Conference Meet
Bigelow |
Conway Christian |
Cutter Morning Star |
England |
Jacksonville Lighthouse |
Magnet Cove |
Mountain Pine |
Poyen |
$200 fee per school. Payment can be mailed in prior to the meet or brought to the meet.
Checks should be made out to England High School.
Each school should appoint someone to help with a field event during that portion of the meet.
Park buses in the gravel area on the north side of the football field parking lot.
Park buses in the gravel area on the north side of the football field parking lot.
All teams will be assigned a camp area in the grass around the stadium. Please keep athletes off of the track and infield unless they are warming up or waiting for their event.
**Scratch meeting at the benches at 3:00** No Adds
Field events will begin at 3:30. Running events will begin after field events are over.
4x800 will be scheduled to start at 4:30 PM.
4 per event 1 per relay
Ribbons will be awarded for top 8 finishers in each event
Plaques will be awarded to both boys and girls 1st place and runner-up teams
Plaques will also be awarded to both boys and girls high point winners
Any questions contact:
Josh Anderson