3A Region 7 Sr. High District Meet 2023

Prescott, AR
Timing/Results ATCA

Athlete Entries

Boys 100 Meter Dash 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Overturf, Jackson Bismarck High School
Johnson, Jaylen 11.14 Prescott High School
Harris, Jah'Noah 11.35 Prescott High School
McKinney, Roderick 11.67 Prescott High School
Kratz, Tyler 11.69 Glen Rose High School
Johnson, Cooper 11.70 Jessieville High School
Burton, Jamarion 11.71 Prescott High School
Johnson, Brentenn 11.88 Jessieville High School
Sprayberry, Dylan 11.93 Fouke High School
Roberson, Joseph 11.95 Bismarck High School
Diaz, Johnny 11.98 Bismarck High School
Chaney, Gage 12.06 Glen Rose High School
Redifer, Tristan 12.06 Jessieville High School
Renfro, Johnroy 12.09 Genoa Central High School
Walters, Jeremy 12.14 Bismarck High School
Oosterhous, Ben 12.25 Centerpoint High School
Monk, Amari 12.26 Prescott High School
Weeks, Tony 12.36 Bismarck High School
Guzman, Zaid 12.36 Jessieville High School
Nobles, Jahiem 12.37 Harmony Grove-Haskell High Schoo
Harless, Bryce 12.39 Centerpoint High School
Hankins, Devin 12.41 Genoa Central High School
Johnson, Brisonn 12.44 Jessieville High School
Brent, Cory 12.55 Genoa Central High School
Smith, Cameron 12.62 Fouke High School
Williams, Julian 12.68 Fouke High School
Curtis, John Cade 12.70h Glen Rose High School
Bannister, Luke 12.81 Genoa Central High School
Franks, Lane 12.99 Glen Rose High School
Nobles, Jakobe 13.08 Harmony Grove-Haskell High Schoo
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Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Oosterhous, Ben Centerpoint High School
Tribbet, Sean Prescott High School
Box, Tiquan 15.30 Prescott High School
Jones, Jakeylon 15.33 Prescott High School
Dickens, Travion 16.98 Prescott High School
Bisbee, Aiden 17.79 Genoa Central High School
Hubbard, Spencer 18.20 Prescott High School
Thomas, Hunter 18.68 Jessieville High School
Hunt, Bryan 18.80 Jessieville High School
Jones, Colin 20.77 Bismarck High School
Daniel, Gavin 21.71 Fouke High School
Rooke, Ian 22.06 Jessieville High School
Denger, Zhen 22.55 Jessieville High School
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Boys 1600 Meter Run 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bradford, Noah Bismarck High School
Abbott, Luke Bismarck High School
Pye, Hunter 4:40.23 Jessieville High School
Rodgers, Tristen 4:56.00 Jessieville High School
Britton, G'mar 4:59.47 Prescott High School
Pye, Nic 5:08.00h Jessieville High School
Brent, Noah 5:10.58 Genoa Central High School
Porter, Joseph 5:14.33 Bismarck High School
Cowart, Asher 5:16.64 Fouke High School
Vann, Harrison 5:17.14 Genoa Central High School
Wyatt, Isaiah 5:21.06 Genoa Central High School
Rabadan, John 5:29.20 Prescott High School
Herrera, Jorge 5:29.76 Genoa Central High School
Wilt, Dylan 5:30.00h Jessieville High School
Greer, John 5:42.31 Jessieville High School
Stockton, Dalton 5:46.10 Prescott High School
Wren, Micah 5:52.55 Genoa Central High School
Hayes, Mason 5:52.90 Prescott High School
Kirkwood, Jonathan 5:58.29 Fouke High School
Rabadan, David 6:17.62 Prescott High School
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Boys 200 Meter Dash 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Johnson, Jaylen 22.64 Prescott High School
Box, Tiquan 23.50 Prescott High School
Sprayberry, Dylan 23.70 Fouke High School
Johnson, Cooper 24.08 Jessieville High School
Harris, Jah'Noah 24.12 Prescott High School
Bell, Rashawn 24.35 Prescott High School
Helms, Brody 24.36 Genoa Central High School
Johnson, Brisonn 24.51 Jessieville High School
Brent, Cory 24.70 Genoa Central High School
Page, K.J. 24.87 Prescott High School
Roberson, Joseph 24.88 Bismarck High School
Lewis, Ethan 24.91 Jessieville High School
Weeks, Tony 25.02 Bismarck High School
Guzman, Zaid 25.08 Jessieville High School
Johnson, Brentenn 25.27 Jessieville High School
Oosterhous, Ben 25.34 Centerpoint High School
Walters, Jeremy 25.72 Bismarck High School
Renfro, Johnroy 25.75 Genoa Central High School
Lansdell, Levi 26.07 Fouke High School
Nobles, Jakobe 26.50 Harmony Grove-Haskell High Schoo
Nobles, Jahiem 27.53 Harmony Grove-Haskell High Schoo
Overturf, Jackson 27.67 Bismarck High School
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Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sorrells, Zykease Prescott High School
Dickens, Travion 42.08 Prescott High School
Box, Tiquan 42.46 Prescott High School
Hunt, Bryan 44.90 Jessieville High School
Davis, Cliff 46.11 Prescott High School
Diaz, Johnny 47.10 Bismarck High School
Hubbard, Spencer 48.04 Prescott High School
Garner, Austin 48.55 Fouke High School
Bisbee, Aiden 50.45 Genoa Central High School
Rooke, Ian 51.01 Jessieville High School
Jones, Colin 54.23 Bismarck High School
Denger, Zhen 54.52 Jessieville High School
Schinski, Jason 55.69 Fouke High School
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Boys 3200 Meter Run 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Stockton, Dalton Prescott High School
Rodgers, Tristen Jessieville High School
Abbott, Luke Bismarck High School
Duffy, Asher Jessieville High School
Wilt, Dylan Jessieville High School
Huff, Andrew Fouke High School
Eskew, Kaleb 10:25.36 Jessieville High School
Britton, G'mar 10:45.90 Prescott High School
Pye, Hunter 10:47.68 Jessieville High School
Brent, Noah 11:35.46 Genoa Central High School
Herrera, Jorge 11:42.08 Genoa Central High School
Wyatt, Isaiah 11:43.58 Genoa Central High School
Rabadan, John 11:58.97 Prescott High School
Ortiz, Jose 12:30.98 Prescott High School
Dickerson, Jayquan 13:15.56 Prescott High School
Cowart, Asher 14:11.44 Fouke High School
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Boys 400 Meter Dash 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Caballero, Julian Harmony Grove-Haskell High Schoo
Digiacomo, Gabe 1:00.57 Bismarck High School
Butler, Abiah 1:00.80 Jessieville High School
Deen, Aiden 1:01.02 Jessieville High School
Williams, Julian 1:01.06 Fouke High School
Tyler, Hagan 1:01.73 Harmony Grove-Haskell High Schoo
taylor, cameron blake 1:02.31 Harmony Grove-Haskell High Schoo
Smith, Gabe 1:02.81 Glen Rose High School
Cruz, Daniel 1:05.24 Centerpoint High School
Tidwell, Armani 53.07 Prescott High School
Johnson, Cooper 53.84 Jessieville High School
Morgan, Jack 54.79 Jessieville High School
Colbert, Timothy 55.31 Genoa Central High School
Keithley, Caedmon 55.36 Bismarck High School
Woodley, Kevonte 56.49 Prescott High School
Benton, Richard 56.64 Prescott High School
Keithley, Benjamin 56.87 Bismarck High School
Porter, Joseph 56.89 Bismarck High School
Schilling, Braelin 57.08 Genoa Central High School
Guzman, Zaid 57.40 Jessieville High School
Davis, Parker 57.58 Glen Rose High School
Johnson, Boone 57.93 Fouke High School
Smith, Tayshawn 58.48 Prescott High School
Yates, Pierce 58.51 Prescott High School
Brent, Cory 59.18 Genoa Central High School
Wooten, Greyson 59.33 Genoa Central High School
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Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 43.68 Prescott High School
Relay Team A 45.99 Fouke High School
Relay Team A 46.17 Glen Rose High School
Relay Team A 46.57 Genoa Central High School
Relay Team A 46.96 Jessieville High School
Relay Team A 47.67 Bismarck High School
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Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:35.37 Prescott High School
Relay Team A 1:36.05 Genoa Central High School
Relay Team A 1:38.43 Jessieville High School
Relay Team A 1:39.00 Bismarck High School
Relay Team A 1:39.34 Fouke High School
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Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:37.77 Jessieville High School
Relay Team A 3:43.35 Prescott High School
Relay Team A 3:44.09 Fouke High School
Relay Team A 3:55.17 Genoa Central High School
Relay Team A 3:58.26 Glen Rose High School
Relay Team A 4:08.56 Bismarck High School
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Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Bismarck High School
Relay Team A 11:10.25 Harmony Grove-Haskell High Schoo
Relay Team A 9:04.88 Prescott High School
Relay Team A 9:16.19 Genoa Central High School
Relay Team A 9:18.18 Fouke High School
Relay Team A 9:33.82 Jessieville High School
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Boys 800 Meter Run 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Abbott, Luke Bismarck High School
Eskew, Kaleb 2:03.95 Jessieville High School
Whiseant, Kirby 2:05.19 Fouke High School
Dickerson, Jayquan 2:11.47 Prescott High School
Culp, Justin 2:13.85 Prescott High School
Rodgers, Tristen 2:16 Jessieville High School
Vann, Harrison 2:17.58 Genoa Central High School
Pye, Nic 2:18.00h Jessieville High School
Ortiz, Jose 2:19.01 Prescott High School
Schilling, Braelin 2:19.53 Genoa Central High School
Porter, Joseph 2:20.05 Bismarck High School
Wilt, Dylan 2:22.00h Jessieville High School
Gleason, Lavonte 2:22.18 Prescott High School
Digiacomo, Gabe 2:25.43 Bismarck High School
Carey, Lucas 2:26.35 Harmony Grove-Haskell High Schoo
Gawreah, John 2:27.60 Genoa Central High School
Hatchett, Charles 2:29.29 Prescott High School
Thornton, Ethan 2:30.00h Fouke High School
Morrow, Kingston 2:30.36 Jessieville High School
Stroup, Isaac 2:31.94 Genoa Central High School
Nichols, Rodney 2:32.87 Fouke High School
Boyd, Brady 2:34.64 Fouke High School
Smith, Gabe 2:36.42 Glen Rose High School
Bradford, Noah 2:38.28 Bismarck High School
Record, Mason 2:39.90 Genoa Central High School
Cruz, Daniel 2:57.55 Centerpoint High School
Vess, Micah 3:04.96 Bismarck High School
Collins, Dj 3:10.00h Harmony Grove-Haskell High Schoo
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Boys Discus 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Patrick, Rocco 173-10 Prescott High School
Bunn, Kaden 129-6 Genoa Central High School
York, Gavan 109-9 Prescott High School
Arnold, Colton 106-6 Prescott High School
Wilhmoth, Gabe 105-9 Harmony Grove-Haskell High Schoo
Taylor, Isaiah 103-2 Jessieville High School
Cox, Eli 103-1 Prescott High School
Lofton, Latavion 101-2 Prescott High School
Harmon, Kayden 99-4 Harmony Grove-Haskell High Schoo
Burris, Stephen 94-3 Genoa Central High School
Bennett, Jarek 93-7 Genoa Central High School
Keithley, Benjamin 91-1 Bismarck High School
Copeland, Christian 87-8 Genoa Central High School
Duke, Justin 82-7 Glen Rose High School
Vess, Micah 79-8 Bismarck High School
Wardlow, Jacob 75-0 Fouke High School
Soileau, Tony 74-0 Jessieville High School
Garner, Dakota 73-8 Harmony Grove-Haskell High Schoo
Ford, Tyler 62-3 Fouke High School
Bradford, Noah 50-4 Bismarck High School
Pricop, Emanuel Jessieville High School
Pilgrim, Linden Jessieville High School
Lewis, Ethan Jessieville High School
Cottingham, Jacob Genoa Central High School
Zataran, Max Glen Rose High School
Cole, Weston Bismarck High School
Cook, Levi Bismarck High School
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Boys High Jump 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Haworth, Trey 6-9 Genoa Central High School
Wood, Dalton 6-1 Fouke High School
Whiseant, Kirby 6-0 Fouke High School
Harless, Bryce 5-8 Centerpoint High School
Passmore, Cory 5-8 Centerpoint High School
Culp, Justin 5-8 Prescott High School
Johnson, Cooper 5-8 Jessieville High School
Jones, Jakeylon 5-8 Prescott High School
Poole, Carston 5-6 Prescott High School
Page, De'lavone 5-6 Prescott High School
Stroup, Isaac 5-4 Genoa Central High School
White, D'Wayne 5-4 Prescott High School
Wyatt, Isaiah 5-2 Genoa Central High School
HIcks, Peyton Genoa Central High School
Denger, Zhen Jessieville High School
Bisbee, Aiden Genoa Central High School
Digiacomo, Gabe Bismarck High School
Walters, Jeremy Bismarck High School
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Boys Long Jump 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jones, Jakeylon 22-0.5 Prescott High School
Tidwell, Armani 21-8 Prescott High School
White, D'Wayne 20-0 Prescott High School
Haworth, Trey 20-0 Genoa Central High School
Harless, Bryce 19-9 Centerpoint High School
Helms, Brody 19-8.5 Genoa Central High School
Dorrough, Jon 19-8 Prescott High School
Vaught, Peyton 19-0 Centerpoint High School
Mann, Michael 19-0 Fouke High School
Johnson, Brentenn 18-10.75 Jessieville High School
Passmore, Cory 18-10 Centerpoint High School
Benton, Richard 18-9 Prescott High School
Wood, Dalton 18-5.5 Fouke High School
Johnson, Cooper 17-11.5 Jessieville High School
Hankins, Devin 17-6 Genoa Central High School
Renfro, Johnroy 17-5 Genoa Central High School
Morgan, Jack 17-5 Jessieville High School
Weeks, Tony 17-0 Bismarck High School
Rooke, Ian 16-8 Jessieville High School
Roberson, Joseph 16-4 Bismarck High School
Reasons, Charlie 16-0 Glen Rose High School
Keithley, Caedmon 12-9.5 Bismarck High School
Lewis, Ethan Jessieville High School
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Boys Pole Vault 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wooten, Greyson 10-6 Genoa Central High School
Sheets, Justin 10-6 Prescott High School
Stockton, Dalton 10-6 Prescott High School
Rash, Wesley 10-6 Prescott High School
Kassem, Connor 9-6 Jessieville High School
Diaz, Johnny 9-0 Bismarck High School
Keithley, Benjamin 8-6 Bismarck High School
Huneycutt, Grant 8-0 Jessieville High School
Keithley, Caedmon 7-6 Bismarck High School
Bannister, Luke Genoa Central High School
Dixon, Kenyon Genoa Central High School
Thomas, Hunter Jessieville High School
Thornton, Ethan Fouke High School
Whiseant, Kirby Fouke High School
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Boys Shot Put 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Patrick, Rocco 54-6 Prescott High School
Bennett, Jarek 42-8 Genoa Central High School
Bunn, Kaden 40-2 Genoa Central High School
White, D'Wayne 39-8 Prescott High School
Watson, Tristan 38-3 Fouke High School
Cottingham, Jacob 37-11 Genoa Central High School
Hubbard, Avery 37-8 Prescott High School
Burris, Stephen 37-6 Genoa Central High School
Harmon, Kayden 37-1 Harmony Grove-Haskell High Schoo
Davis, Cliff 37-0 Prescott High School
Reed, Logan 36-0 Glen Rose High School
Andrews, Trip 35-8.5 Fouke High School
Keithley, Benjamin 35-4 Bismarck High School
Duke, Justin 33-2 Glen Rose High School
Parks, Jonathan 33-1 Fouke High School
Pittman, Joey 33-0 Prescott High School
Sutton, Jared 32-10 Harmony Grove-Haskell High Schoo
Vess, Micah 30-8 Bismarck High School
Bradford, Noah 22-0 Bismarck High School
Soileau, Tony Jessieville High School
Chavis, Jesse Jessieville High School
Hill, Dillion Harmony Grove-Haskell High Schoo
Moore, Maddox Harmony Grove-Haskell High Schoo
Lewis, Ethan Jessieville High School
Butler, Elijah Jessieville High School
Pricop, Emanuel Jessieville High School
Copeland, Christian Genoa Central High School
Cole, Weston Bismarck High School
Cook, Levi Bismarck High School
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Boys Triple Jump 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dorrough, Jon 42-11.5 Prescott High School
Benton, Richard 42-8 Prescott High School
White, D'Wayne 41-9 Prescott High School
Jones, Jakeylon 41-7 Prescott High School
Haworth, Trey 40-9.5 Genoa Central High School
Tidwell, Armani 40-8 Prescott High School
Harless, Bryce 40-3 Centerpoint High School
Johnson, Brentenn 40-2.5 Jessieville High School
Helms, Brody 40-2 Genoa Central High School
Brent, Noah 38-6 Genoa Central High School
Oosterhous, Ben 37-3.5 Centerpoint High School
Passmore, Cory 37-0 Centerpoint High School
Renfro, Johnroy 36-11 Genoa Central High School
Vaught, Peyton 36-8 Centerpoint High School
Thomas, Hunter 36-3 Jessieville High School
Johnson, Brisonn 31-5.5 Jessieville High School
Roberson, Joseph 31-4 Bismarck High School
Porter, Joseph Bismarck High School
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Girls 100 Meter Dash 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ellenwood, Cailsey Bismarck High School
Jamerson, R'Moni 12.74 Prescott High School
Knowles, Kinsley 13.08 Genoa Central High School
Manning, Carrigan 13.30 Jessieville High School
Bryant, Kamille 13.32 Prescott High School
Launius, Olivia 13.37 Glen Rose High School
Ross, Deovyun 13.49 Prescott High School
Snowden, Makyla 13.70 Prescott High School
Wilson, Rainii Day 13.78 Genoa Central High School
Carter, Kinley 13.87 Harmony Grove-Haskell High Schoo
Vann, Christina 14.14 Glen Rose High School
Manning, Zyreanna 14.20 Prescott High School
humble, amberly 15.22 Jessieville High School
Burrow, Lily 15.22 Jessieville High School
Ragsdale, Taylor 15.43 Jessieville High School
Alvarez, Kailey 15.97 Jessieville High School
Avalos, Sarinna 16.77 Bismarck High School
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Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Whitehead, Lydia 17.54 Genoa Central High School
Hillery, Leightyn 18.23 Prescott High School
Zetts, Ava 18.67 Jessieville High School
Saveall, Karley 18.68 Jessieville High School
morrow, katelyn 19.05 Jessieville High School
Hood, Hadley 19.13 Glen Rose High School
Kuykendall, Lynlee 19.52 Genoa Central High School
Formby, Kadence 19.54 Prescott High School
Colbert, Zareah 20.40 Prescott High School
Patterson, Lola 21.19 Genoa Central High School
Wright, Zoie 21.63 Prescott High School
Thornton, Molly 22.00 Prescott High School
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Girls 1600 Meter Run 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Crain, Georgie 6:19.33 Prescott High School
Wren, Amber 6:20.62 Fouke High School
Bell, Allie 6:23.09 Glen Rose High School
Williams, Savannah 6:27.59 Genoa Central High School
Davis, Kelssi 6:31.18 Bismarck High School
Killett, Daisy 6:43.45 Genoa Central High School
DeSantis, Alessandra 7:00.20 Jessieville High School
Duffy, Fallon 7:05.22 Jessieville High School
Vasquez, Lesly 7:10.22 Jessieville High School
McGuire, Emily 7:20.09 Genoa Central High School
Green, Tessa 7:22.32 Jessieville High School
Glass, Carlee 7:22.41 Prescott High School
Rivera, Daniela 7:23.08 Genoa Central High School
Hensley, Lilly 7:49.66 Genoa Central High School
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Girls 200 Meter Dash 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ellenwood, Cailsey Bismarck High School
Jamerson, R'Moni 26.84 Prescott High School
Scrivner, Kennedi 27.85 Jessieville High School
Launius, Olivia 27.88 Glen Rose High School
Knowles, Kinsley 28.05 Genoa Central High School
Johnson, Allee 28.28 Genoa Central High School
Bryant, Kamille 28.32 Prescott High School
Manning, Zyreanna 28.77 Prescott High School
Ross, Deovyun 29.10 Prescott High School
Carter, Kinley 29.77 Harmony Grove-Haskell High Schoo
Manning, Carrigan 29.98 Jessieville High School
Wilson, Rainii Day 30.00 Genoa Central High School
Alvarez, Kailey 31.22 Jessieville High School
Burrow, Lily 32.23 Jessieville High School
Huddleston, Mya 32.51 Prescott High School
Ragsdale, Taylor 33.98 Jessieville High School
Avalos, Sarinna 35.28 Bismarck High School
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Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Glass, Carlee 1:01.17 Prescott High School
Bryant, Braylee 1:02.28 Genoa Central High School
Kuykendall, Lynlee 1:03.81 Genoa Central High School
Patterson, Lola 1:03.96 Genoa Central High School
Carver, Avery 1:04.30 Genoa Central High School
Whitehead, Lydia 51.96 Genoa Central High School
Hood, Hadley 53.10 Glen Rose High School
Saveall, Karley 53.55 Jessieville High School
Zetts, Ava 54.23 Jessieville High School
morrow, katelyn 56.99 Jessieville High School
Hillery, Leightyn 57.13 Prescott High School
Formby, Kadence 57.13 Prescott High School
Stout, Dakota 57.65 Prescott High School
Thornton, Molly 58.03 Prescott High School
Burrow, Lily 59.22 Jessieville High School
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Girls 3200 Meter Run 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Killett, Daisy 12:55.50 Genoa Central High School
Rivera, Daniela 13:47.91 Genoa Central High School
Green, Tessa 14:05.76 Jessieville High School
Giddens, Jasmine 14:15.41 Fouke High School
Grimes, Chloe 15:10.20 Prescott High School
Hudson, Morgan 15:15.64 Genoa Central High School
McMurry, Emilee 15:24.62 Genoa Central High School
Cornelius, Olivia 16:00.00 Prescott High School
Davis, Kelssi 16:10.58 Bismarck High School
Stout, Dakota 16:13.62 Prescott High School
DeSantis, Alessandra 17:03.22 Jessieville High School
Faulkner, Harlee 17:30.00 Prescott High School
Duffy, Fallon 17:53.07 Jessieville High School
Munoz, Alexis 17:53.81 Prescott High School
Vasquez, Lesly 17:55.22 Jessieville High School
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Girls 400 Meter Dash 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ellenwood, Cailsey Bismarck High School
Smith, Shanaya Prescott High School
Scrivner, Kennedi 1:04.71 Jessieville High School
Scrivner, Karstyn 1:04.78 Jessieville High School
May, Zavery 1:05.27 Glen Rose High School
Snowden, Makyla 1:05.91 Prescott High School
Johnson, Allee 1:06.43 Genoa Central High School
Harris, Channan 1:07.52 Jessieville High School
Cross, Emily 1:08.62 Fouke High School
Bright, Mazie 1:08.84 Prescott High School
Huddleston, Mya 1:09.65 Prescott High School
bailey, macy 1:10.22 Jessieville High School
Duffy, Fallon 1:11.69 Jessieville High School
Kuykendall, Lynlee 1:13.13 Genoa Central High School
Holt, Emily 1:17.62 Genoa Central High School
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Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 53.77 Jessieville High School
Relay Team A 54.35 Genoa Central High School
Relay Team A 54.63 Prescott High School
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Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:57.22 Jessieville High School
Relay Team A 1:57.43 Prescott High School
Relay Team A 2:00.57 Genoa Central High School
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Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:24.26 Jessieville High School
Relay Team A 4:41.75 Prescott High School
Relay Team A 4:42.81 Glen Rose High School
Relay Team A 4:43.48 Genoa Central High School
Relay Team A 5:00.96 Fouke High School
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Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 11:41.22 Jessieville High School
Relay Team A 11:42.34 Fouke High School
Relay Team A 11:42.55 Prescott High School
Relay Team A 11:54.08 Genoa Central High School
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Girls 800 Meter Run 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cornelius, Olivia 2:39.97 Prescott High School
Jones, Payton 2:40.14 Fouke High School
Hargrove, Hope 2:42.67 Centerpoint High School
Poole, Caytlee 2:46.50 Prescott High School
Crain, Georgie 2:50.28 Prescott High School
Davis, Kelssi 2:55.38 Bismarck High School
Smith, Logan 2:58.25 Fouke High School
Bell, Allie 2:58.87 Glen Rose High School
Williams, Savannah 3:03.46 Genoa Central High School
Green, Tessa 3:05.22 Jessieville High School
Grimes, Chloe 3:05.46 Prescott High School
Vasquez, Lesly 3:08.55 Jessieville High School
Ragsdale, Taylor 3:12.22 Jessieville High School
Praseck, Adrianna 3:14.67 Genoa Central High School
Stanislawski, Karyn 3:14.79 Genoa Central High School
DeSantis, Alessandra 3:16.03 Jessieville High School
Ruiz, Amaia 3:22.94 Prescott High School
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Girls Discus 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Tefteller, Brailey 104-5 Genoa Central High School
Sharp, Jade 86-9 Prescott High School
Harper, Ava 81-0 Jessieville High School
Faulkner, Harlee 79-7 Prescott High School
Gammon, Lindsey 74-9 Genoa Central High School
Scrivner, Kennedi 73-9 Jessieville High School
Martinez, Fatima 71-9 Prescott High School
Scoggins, Anna 67-6 Genoa Central High School
Owen, Kenzie 67-5 Genoa Central High School
Bundy, Brianna 65-5 Jessieville High School
Grimes, Chloe 65-3 Prescott High School
Formby, Kadence 63-7 Prescott High School
Pierce, Ali 63-3 Genoa Central High School
sapp, veronica 62-0 Jessieville High School
McEarl, Lillie 50-0 Jessieville High School
Wietzel, Lilly Fouke High School
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Girls High Jump 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jamerson, R'Moni 5-0 Prescott High School
Bright, Mazie 5-0 Prescott High School
Smith, Kinley 4-11 Fouke High School
Harvey, Brianna 4-8 Genoa Central High School
Cornelius, Aubree 4-6 Prescott High School
Isley, Natalie 4-6 Prescott High School
Bryant, Braylee 4-4 Genoa Central High School
Glass, Carlee 4-2 Prescott High School
Zetts, Ava 4-0 Jessieville High School
Burrow, Lily 4-0 Jessieville High School
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Girls Long Jump 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wilson, Rainii Day 16-5.5 Genoa Central High School
Bryant, Kamille 15-11 Prescott High School
Dunn, Haley 15-3 Centerpoint High School
Jones, Payton 15-2.5 Fouke High School
Johnson, Allee 15-1 Genoa Central High School
Snowden, Makyla 15-1 Prescott High School
Smith, Logan 15-1 Fouke High School
Bright, Mazie 15-0 Prescott High School
Launius, Olivia 15-0 Glen Rose High School
Hargrove, Hope 14-6 Centerpoint High School
Whitehead, Lydia 14-4 Genoa Central High School
Poole, Caytlee 13-10.5 Prescott High School
Manning, Carrigan 13-5 Jessieville High School
Zetts, Ava 13-1 Jessieville High School
bailey, macy 13-1 Jessieville High School
morrow, katelyn 13-0 Jessieville High School
Colbert, Zareah 13-0 Prescott High School
Knowles, Kinsley 11-4 Genoa Central High School
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Girls Pole Vault 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wilson, Rainii Day 8-0 Genoa Central High School
Johnson, Allee 7-6 Genoa Central High School
Snowden, Makyla 7-6 Prescott High School
Stout, Dakota 7-6 Prescott High School
Harris, Channan 7-6 Jessieville High School
Bryant, Braylee 7-6 Genoa Central High School
Glass, Carlee 7-0 Prescott High School
Wright, Zoie 6-6 Prescott High School
Carver, Avery 6-6 Genoa Central High School
Faulkner, Harlee 6-0 Prescott High School
morrow, katelyn 6-0 Jessieville High School
Saveall, Karley 5-6 Jessieville High School
Stanislawski, Karyn 5-6 Genoa Central High School
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Girls Shot Put 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Tefteller, Brailey 33-4.5 Genoa Central High School
Sharp, Jade 31-10 Prescott High School
Joseph, Kyla 30-4.5 Prescott High School
Brown, Alannah 30-0 Prescott High School
Gammon, Lindsey 29-3 Genoa Central High School
Harper, Ava 28-10 Jessieville High School
Pierce, Ali 28-1.5 Genoa Central High School
Reese, Kailee 27-6 Prescott High School
Owen, Kenzie 27-4 Genoa Central High School
Saveall, Karley 26-0 Jessieville High School
sapp, veronica 25-0 Jessieville High School
Johnson, Shuntrella 25-0 Prescott High School
Bundy, Brianna 24-5 Jessieville High School
McEarl, Lillie 24-0 Jessieville High School
Scoggins, Anna 23-2 Genoa Central High School
Smith, Kinley Fouke High School
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Girls Triple Jump 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Whitehead, Lydia 33-4 Genoa Central High School
Jamerson, R'Moni 32-0 Prescott High School
May, Zavery 31-11 Glen Rose High School
Hood, Hadley 31-8 Glen Rose High School
Bryant, Braylee 31-7 Genoa Central High School
Scrivner, Kennedi 31-6 Jessieville High School
Hargrove, Hope 31-3 Centerpoint High School
Poole, Caytlee 30-7.5 Prescott High School
Colbert, Zareah 30-4 Prescott High School
Hillery, Leightyn 29-8 Prescott High School
Dunn, Haley 29-3 Centerpoint High School
Harris, Channan 28-8 Jessieville High School
Carver, Avery 27-8 Genoa Central High School
Holt, Emily 27-6 Genoa Central High School
bailey, macy 27-3 Jessieville High School
Smallwood, Laila 27-0 Prescott High School
morrow, katelyn 26-5 Jessieville High School
Burrow, Lily 25-0 Jessieville High School
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