The Road to Oaklawn: Rogers XC Boys Q&A

With the 2024 cross country season quickly approaching, Milesplit Arkansas' Gavin Frick was able to the ask the distance boys from Rogers High School some questions before the Mounties start their season.


GF: With the 2024 cross season just a few weeks away, quickly looking at last season's team, you guys return all but one runner from last year's third-place finish at the state meet. As of now, Rogers enters the season ranked second in 6A based on returning talent, what are your team's goals and expectations for this fall?

"With most of our runners becoming upperclassmen. The primary goal is to challenge for the state title. Being ranked second based on returning talent is a great starting point, but the team is focused on continuous improvement, staying healthy, and peaking at the right time during the championship season." - Henry Woods

GF: It seemed like last season was a four-horse race at the top while the true battle was for second place while Bentonville went on to have their historic season. This season, the race at the top looks more wide-open. It's only August so I'm sure you aren't looking too far ahead, but is the impending rematch against Bentonville in Hot Springs something you guys have kept in mind throughout summer training?

"It's definitely something that has kept us motivated to work harder everyday. It's been our goal for a while to beat them and stop them from breaking our school record in consecutive state titles. We've known for a while that this coming year would be our best shot and now it's us seniors' last chance at a state title, so we've been reminding ourselves every practice." - Noah Brothers

GF: With September just a few weeks away, what meets are you guys looking forward to most and are there any you specifically have circled on the schedule?

"I'm looking forward to Lovejoy and Chili pepper the most because of the high level of competition and seeing how the team stacks up against the best teams in the country." - Andrew Porta

GF: For those in Arkansas, it's no secret that Rogers is one of the most successful and history-rich programs in the state, what does it mean to you to represent Rogers High School and to be a Mountie?

"I take great pride in being a Mountie, I think we have some amazing programs. Though my pride is not covered by arrogance. Rogers is a great and humble program and I am honored to be a part of it." - Graham Thompson

GF: I have not been able to spend too much time up in NW Arkansas, but I have been told there's nothing like it. For those not familiar with Rogers, where are the best places to run?

"The best places to run in NW Arkansas are Lake Atalanta and The Greenway trail. There are also many dirt roads in the area that are really close to town." - Aiden Pratt

GF: As long as our plans don't change, the Milesplit crew is hoping to make the Rogers Night Race on the first Tuesday in September. Now that I know where to run when we visit, where are the best places to eat?

"Old Chicago, Buttered biscuit, Acambaro, The Rail, Parkside Public, Las Palmas" - Stetson Tiffan

GF: If you all had to use three words to describe your group, what would they be and why?

Uplifting, competitive, and hardworking.

GF: Outside of running, what are things you guys do together as a team?

We go rock climbing, go to the lake, and go out to eat after runs.