Lincoln Jr Wolfpack Relays 2022

Lincoln, AR
Timing/Results Y Timing LLC

Athlete Entries

MS Boys 100 Meter Dash 49 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Walden, JaQuae 11.86 Elkins Junior High
Jones, Kale 12.08 Lincoln Junior High/Middle Schoo
Erickson, Cade 12.30 West Fork Middle School
Hall, Davian 12.30 Elkins Junior High
Stucki, Mark 12.50 Prairie Grove High School
Brewer, Caden 12.57 Lincoln Junior High/Middle Schoo
Koons, Caydon 12.59 Gentry High School
Butler, Bishop 12.80 Prairie Grove High School
Bell, Ellis 12.83 Haas Hall Academy
Engler, Hayden 12.88 Gentry High School
Trivett, Hunter 12.91 Providence Classical Christian A
Payton, Reed 12.91 Cedarville High School
Reynolds, Jaeden 13.00 Huntsville High School
Hester, Nik 13.00 Providence Classical Christian A
Phillips, Westin 13.00 West Fork Middle School
Jones, Kobe 13.00h Providence Classical Christian A
Weber, Eli 13.02 Cedarville High School
Yerby, William 13.05 Elkins Junior High
Mundo, Fermin 13.10 St. Vincent De Paul Middle Schoo
Key, Kaiden 13.25 Lincoln Junior High/Middle Schoo
Duke, Lawson 13.5 Haas Hall Academy
Wewers, Corwin 13.50h Haas Hall Academy
Swinson, Shawn 13.64 Greenland High School
Tidwell, Jonas 13.70 Life Way Christian
Le, Sky 13.80 St. Vincent De Paul Middle Schoo
Burks, Landon 13.82 Gentry High School
Martin, Festus 13.82 The New School
McSpadden, Josiah 13.86 Life Way Christian
Shockley, Haiden 13.94 Prairie Grove High School
Stephens, Reed 14.14 St. Vincent De Paul Middle Schoo
Lowry, Matthew 14.33 Huntsville High School
Vinson, Wyatt 14.48 The New School
Cavanaugh, Myles 14.53 Greenland High School
Rogers, Jacob 14.66 Arkansas Arts Academy
Quezada, Juan-Andres 14.81 Haas Hall Bentonville
Bell, Billy 14.91 Cedarville High School
Korte, Joenin 15.00 Huntsville High School
Kennedy, Raymond 15.00h Arkansas Arts Academy
Mills, Alex 15.57 Arkansas Arts Academy
Barnes, Tate 16.00 St Joseph Catholic School - Fay
Hood, Colt 16.63 Greenland High School
Galindo, Eduardo 17.00h Thaden School
Green, Hudson 17.05 Life Way Christian
Ward, Sam 18.00h Thaden School
Gunn, Kayden 20.00h Founders Classical Academy
Papera, Jackson 20.00h Founders Classical Academy
Ramey, Dylan 21.57 West Fork Middle School
McDowell, Oliver 53.00h Prism Education Center
Hoffer, Aria 53.00h Prism Education Center
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MS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Reeves, Jude Huntsville High School
Callahan, Camden 19.48 West Fork Middle School
Oden, Chasyn 19.96 Cedarville High School
Barksdale, Arles 20.49 Huntsville High School
Fischer, Marcus 21.34 Prairie Grove High School
Kight, Owen 21.68 Providence Classical Christian A
Redlarczyk, Chase 21.83 West Fork Middle School
Hubbard, Layton 21:30.00 Life Way Christian
McNeer, Taylor 22.00 Huntsville High School
Burnett, Davis 22.00h Providence Classical Christian A
Pastoor, Miles 22.00h Providence Classical Christian A
Harper, Eagan 22.59 Gentry High School
Edwards, Braeden 22:41.00 Life Way Christian
Clower, Harrison 23.00 West Fork Middle School
Smith, Ryder 23.38 Haas Hall Bentonville
Shoffit, Jodiah 23.66 Gentry High School
Thompson, Phillip 24.00 Gentry High School
Cargill, Brayden 24.10h Elkins Junior High
Martin, Ki'Onte 24.10h Elkins Junior High
Hankins, Caleb 24.17 Elkins Junior High
Ramirez, Daniel 24.25 Cedarville High School
Klaus, Lukas 24.45 St Joseph Catholic School - Fay
Lunsford, Elliot 25.73 St. Vincent De Paul Middle Schoo
Ward, Sam 30.00h Thaden School
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MS Boys 1600 Meter Run 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Den Herder, Kayden 5:21.59 West Fork Middle School
Butler, Joby 5:22.23 Providence Classical Christian A
Hernandez, Abe 5:34.57 St. Vincent De Paul Middle Schoo
McCoy, Blake 5:35.08 Huntsville High School
Hudson, Canaan 5:36.68 Elkins Junior High
Von Bergen, Robert 5:44.85 Prairie Grove High School
Smith, Ryder 5:54.19 Haas Hall Bentonville
Edwards, Braeden 5:54.30 Life Way Christian
Clark, Russell 5:55.00 St. Vincent De Paul Middle Schoo
Doughty, Kol 6:00.09 Arkansas Arts Academy
Garcia, Oscar 6:02.84 Elkins Junior High
Cohn, Willem 6:06.14 Thaden School
Preston, Robbie 6:10.61 West Fork Middle School
Laury, Thomas 6:11.68 St Joseph Catholic School - Fay
Reed, Jayden 6:13.00h Providence Classical Christian A
Sanchez, Matthew 6:15.00 St. Vincent De Paul Middle Schoo
Den Herder, Henry 6:16.41 West Fork Middle School
Ryan, Trey 6:18.00h Elkins Junior High
Vandehoef, Nathan 6:19.00h Providence Classical Christian A
McNeer, Taylor 6:20.00h Huntsville High School
Tidwell, Jonas 6:37.24 Life Way Christian
Davis, Dominic 6:38.31 Huntsville High School
Robertson, Aiden 6:49.13 Prairie Grove High School
Watson, Brayden 7:03.00h Prairie Grove High School
Carter, Miles 7:30.00h Thaden School
Chen, Joshua 7:42.21 Life Way Christian
McElroy, Simon 8:00.00h Founders Classical Academy
Terry, Zo 8:00.00h Founders Classical Academy
Dover, Aiden 8:00.00h Founders Classical Academy
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MS Boys 200 Meter Dash 46 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Walden, JaQuae 24.85 Elkins Junior High
Jones, Kale 25.38 Lincoln Junior High/Middle Schoo
Bell, Ellis 26.00h Haas Hall Academy
Joel, Braton 26.00h West Fork Middle School
Busteed, Lawrence 26.00h Haas Hall Academy
Payton, Reed 26.74 Cedarville High School
Brewer, Caden 27.00 Lincoln Junior High/Middle Schoo
Reynolds, Jaeden 27.06 Huntsville High School
Yerby, William 27.09 Elkins Junior High
Hester, Nik 27.39 Providence Classical Christian A
Trivett, Hunter 27.44 Providence Classical Christian A
Moss, Isaac 27.54 Prairie Grove High School
Martin, Festus 28.00 The New School
Barnes, Kyle 28.00h West Fork Middle School
Engler, Hayden 28.00h Gentry High School
Jones, Kobe 28.00h Providence Classical Christian A
Koons, Caydon 28.00h Gentry High School
Ramey, Dylan 28.00h West Fork Middle School
Shrum, Jayden 28.15 Huntsville High School
Key, Kaiden 28.21 Lincoln Junior High/Middle Schoo
Weber, Eli 28.23 Cedarville High School
Townsend, James 28.46 Elkins Junior High
Coughran, Blake 28.77 Prairie Grove High School
Mundo, Fermin 28.80 St. Vincent De Paul Middle Schoo
McSpadden, Josiah 29.34 Life Way Christian
Harding, Adam 30.00h Haas Hall Academy
Stephens, Reed 30.00h St. Vincent De Paul Middle Schoo
Morris, Brycen 30.00h Huntsville High School
Williamson, Brodie 30.11 Prairie Grove High School
Verble, Alex 30.52 Arkansas Arts Academy
Vinson, Wyatt 30.85 The New School
King, Camden 30.98 Life Way Christian
Smith, Ryder 31.25 Haas Hall Bentonville
Lunsford, Elliot 31.74 St. Vincent De Paul Middle Schoo
Parks, Leo 32.00h Arkansas Arts Academy
Bass, Leland 32.00h Gentry High School
Jacobi, Jonathon 32.61 St Joseph Catholic School - Fay
Galindo, Eduardo 34.00h Thaden School
Mills, Alex 34.61 Arkansas Arts Academy
Quezada, Juan-Andres 35.00 Haas Hall Bentonville
Ward, Sam 36.00h Thaden School
Crossland, Adrian 36.55 Cedarville High School
Green, Hudson 36.92 Life Way Christian
Papera, Jackson 50.00h Founders Classical Academy
Gunn, Kayden 50.00h Founders Classical Academy
Hoffer, Aria 59.00h Prism Education Center
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MS Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ramirez, Daniel 1:00.00 Cedarville High School
Smith, Hunter 1:00.10h Elkins Junior High
Cable, Titus 1:03.00h Gentry High School
Kight, Owen 1:03.68 Providence Classical Christian A
Burnett, Davis 1:05.00h Providence Classical Christian A
Callahan, Camden 48.70h West Fork Middle School
Barksdale, Arles 50.07 Huntsville High School
Oden, Chasyn 51.54 Cedarville High School
Hamm, Connor 53.32 Elkins Junior High
McNeer, Taylor 53.91 Huntsville High School
Pastoor, Miles 55.00h Providence Classical Christian A
Redlarczyk, Chase 55.90 West Fork Middle School
Fischer, Marcus 56.29 Prairie Grove High School
Thompson, Phillip 56:05.00 Gentry High School
Laury, Thomas 57.29 St Joseph Catholic School - Fay
Harper, Eagan 58.00 Gentry High School
Griffith, Charlie 58.50h St Joseph Catholic School - Fay
Fowler, Caleb 59.00 West Fork Middle School
Hankins, Caleb 59.29 Elkins Junior High
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MS Boys 400 Meter Dash 46 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Morris, Brycen Huntsville High School
Davis, Dominic Huntsville High School
Rico, Carson 1:01.00h Elkins Junior High
Adair, King 1:01.80 Lincoln Junior High/Middle Schoo
Brewer, Caden 1:02.00 Lincoln Junior High/Middle Schoo
Klaus, Brendan 1:03.00 Haas Hall Academy
Weilert, Max 1:03.00h Haas Hall Academy
Enns, Cooper 1:03.10 Greenland High School
Weber, Eli 1:03.20 Cedarville High School
Bauman, Saxon 1:05.14 Arkansas Arts Academy
Williams, Brooks 1:05.21 Elkins Junior High
Foreman, Owen 1:05.67 Gentry High School
Stephens, Reed 1:08.00 St. Vincent De Paul Middle Schoo
Joel, Braton 1:08.00 West Fork Middle School
Alegria, Xander 1:08.06 Life Way Christian
Ogle, Sully 1:08.38 Providence Classical Christian A
Istre, Aaden 1:08.74 Prairie Grove High School
Hansen, Braye 1:09.00h Gentry High School
Cable, Drew 1:09.00h Gentry High School
King, Camden 1:09.15 Life Way Christian
Smith, Ryder 1:09.15 Haas Hall Bentonville
Cockrell, Tyson 1:09.33 Lincoln Junior High/Middle Schoo
Phillips, Westin 1:10.70 West Fork Middle School
Jacobi, Jonathon 1:11.73 St Joseph Catholic School - Fay
Verble, Alex 1:12.00h Arkansas Arts Academy
Young, Vin 1:12.48 Arkansas Arts Academy
Shockley, Haiden 1:12.73 Prairie Grove High School
Cavanaugh, Myles 1:13.92 Greenland High School
Buckman, Lance 1:14.00h Prairie Grove High School
Payton, Denver 1:15.00 Cedarville High School
Rocha, Joseph 1:15.00 St. Vincent De Paul Middle Schoo
Marble, Noah 1:15.00h Providence Classical Christian A
Pastoor, Miles 1:15.00h Providence Classical Christian A
Griffith, Charlie 1:15.29 St Joseph Catholic School - Fay
Martin, Festus 1:15.45 The New School
Hartman, Juan 1:15.57 West Fork Middle School
Carter, Miles 1:20.00h Thaden School
Klaus, Lukas 1:20.69 St Joseph Catholic School - Fay
Hood, Colt 1:21.75 Greenland High School
Dunn, Lance 1:25.00 Cedarville High School
Passantino, Alexander 1:25.00 St. Vincent De Paul Middle Schoo
Denison, Liam 1:55.00h Prism Education Center
Gunn, Kayden 2:00.00h Founders Classical Academy
Papera, Jackson 2:00.00h Founders Classical Academy
Hubbard, Layton 58.20 Life Way Christian
Williams, SR 59.41 Elkins Junior High
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MS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:00.00h Haas Hall Academy
Relay Team A 1:20.00h Thaden School
Relay Team A 46.25 Prairie Grove High School
Relay Team A 48.95 Elkins Junior High
Relay Team A 50.90 Lincoln Junior High/Middle Schoo
Relay Team A 51.64 Huntsville High School
Relay Team A 53.90 St. Vincent De Paul Middle Schoo
Relay Team A 54.00 Gentry High School
Relay Team A 55.21 Greenland High School
Relay Team A 58.45 Providence Classical Christian A
Relay Team A 58.82 West Fork Middle School
Relay Team A 58.86 Cedarville High School
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MS Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:46.45 Elkins Junior High
Relay Team A 1:48.49 Prairie Grove High School
Relay Team A 1:50.71 Lincoln Junior High/Middle Schoo
Relay Team A 1:51.30 Huntsville High School
Relay Team A 1:53.25 Greenland High School
Relay Team A 1:54.00h Gentry High School
Relay Team A 1:57.73 Cedarville High School
Relay Team A 1:58.09 St. Vincent De Paul Middle Schoo
Relay Team A 1:59.61 West Fork Middle School
Relay Team A 2:09.29 Life Way Christian
Relay Team A 2:10.00h Arkansas Arts Academy
Relay Team A 2:30.00h Providence Classical Christian A
Relay Team A 3:00.00h Haas Hall Academy
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MS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:06.15 Founders Classical Academy
Relay Team A 4:15.59 West Fork Middle School
Relay Team A 4:16.09 Prairie Grove High School
Relay Team A 4:22.25 Huntsville High School
Relay Team A 4:29.82 Elkins Junior High
Relay Team A 4:30.00 Lincoln Junior High/Middle Schoo
Relay Team A 4:47.30 Life Way Christian
Relay Team A 4:55.00h Gentry High School
Relay Team A 5:01.81 St. Vincent De Paul Middle Schoo
Relay Team A 5:44.37 Cedarville High School
Relay Team A 6:00.00h Providence Classical Christian A
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MS Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:17.61 West Fork Middle School
Relay Team A 10:48.71 St. Vincent De Paul Middle Schoo
Relay Team A 11:02.67 Elkins Junior High
Relay Team A 11:30.00 Prairie Grove High School
Relay Team A 11:35.60 St Joseph Catholic School - Fay
Relay Team A 11:37.00 Gentry High School
Relay Team A 11:45.98 Life Way Christian
Relay Team A 9:26.84 Providence Classical Christian A
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MS Boys 800 Meter Run 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McCoy, Blake 2:26.54 Huntsville High School
Butler, Joby 2:28.52 Providence Classical Christian A
Den Herder, Kayden 2:32.75 West Fork Middle School
Hudson, Canaan 2:34.71 Elkins Junior High
Busteed, Lawrence 2:35.00h Haas Hall Academy
Klaus, Brendan 2:35.00h Haas Hall Academy
Weilert, Max 2:35.00h Haas Hall Academy
Hernandez, Abe 2:35.60 St. Vincent De Paul Middle Schoo
Alegria, Xander 2:37.32 Life Way Christian
Reed, Jayden 2:40.00h Providence Classical Christian A
Vandehoef, Nathan 2:40.00h Providence Classical Christian A
Klaus, Lukas 2:44.69 St Joseph Catholic School - Fay
Doughty, Kol 2:45.99 Arkansas Arts Academy
Jacobi, Jonathon 2:48.32 St Joseph Catholic School - Fay
Laury, Thomas 2:48.54 St Joseph Catholic School - Fay
Murphy, John 2:50.00 St. Vincent De Paul Middle Schoo
Morgan, Dominick 2:52.31 Elkins Junior High
Davis, Dominic 2:54.45 Huntsville High School
Preston, Robbie 2:56.25 West Fork Middle School
King, Camden 2:56.90 Life Way Christian
Decker, Ivan 3:00.00 St. Vincent De Paul Middle Schoo
Curran, Henry 3:00.00h Gentry High School
Cohn, Willem 3:00.00h Thaden School
Robertson, Aiden 3:00.76 Prairie Grove High School
Flores, Ricardo 3:02.00h Elkins Junior High
Powers, Quenten 3:10.00 West Fork Middle School
Malone, Easton 3:11.04 Cedarville High School
Bauman, Saxon 3:15.00h Arkansas Arts Academy
Dover, Aiden 3:15.00h Founders Classical Academy
McElroy, Simon 3:15.00h Founders Classical Academy
Terry, Zo 3:15.00h Founders Classical Academy
Chen, Joshua 3:38.93 Life Way Christian
Quezada, Juan-Andres 3:40.00h Haas Hall Bentonville
Bryan, Joshua 3:46.00h Prairie Grove High School
Frost, Levi 3:51 Prairie Grove High School
Denison, Liam 3:59.00h Prism Education Center
Bailly, Lee 4:30.00h Thaden School
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MS Boys Discus Throw 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cable, Drew 114-0 Gentry High School
McNatt, Wyatt 103-1 Prairie Grove High School
Heaton, Alex 101-7 Cedarville High School
Jones, Kale 93-3 Lincoln Junior High/Middle Schoo
Eller, Aidan 89-0 Gentry High School
Duke, Hudson 85-0 Haas Hall Academy
Barnes, Kyle 83-6 West Fork Middle School
Laycock, Tylen 81-7 Prairie Grove High School
De Jager, Vicko 80-8 Founders Classical Academy
Hankins, Caleb 80-0 Elkins Junior High
Dillard, Austin 79-08 Huntsville High School
Martin, James 79-0 Elkins Junior High
Kissinger, Baylor 78-5 Prairie Grove High School
Hartman, Juan 77-0 West Fork Middle School
Philpott, Laine 75-0 Gentry High School
Nowlin, Connor 71-9 Life Way Christian
Barnes, Tate 71-7 St Joseph Catholic School - Fay
Kennedy, Raymond 70-0 Arkansas Arts Academy
Volk, Scott 70-0 Elkins Junior High
Kordsmeier, Braden 69-6 St. Vincent De Paul Middle Schoo
Edwards, Braeden 66-7 Life Way Christian
Loring, Aiden 65-0 St. Vincent De Paul Middle Schoo
Lang, Aiden 65-0 St. Vincent De Paul Middle Schoo
Cowie, Logan 60-5 St Joseph Catholic School - Fay
Kildow, Parson 60-0 West Fork Middle School
Martin, Jake 56-0 Life Way Christian
Gaston, Alex 55-0 Providence Classical Christian A
Hill, Grant 52-6 Founders Classical Academy
Ridenoure, Cooper 50-3 Greenland High School
Dunn, Brenton 50-0 Cedarville High School
Payton, Denver 48-9 Cedarville High School
Ward, Sam 1-1 Thaden School
Bailly, Lee 1-1 Thaden School
Lowry, Matthew 0-0 Huntsville High School
Eaton, Talon 0-0 Huntsville High School
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MS Boys High Jump 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Callahan, Camden 5-6 West Fork Middle School
Erickson, Cade 5-6 West Fork Middle School
Townsend, James 5-4 Elkins Junior High
Key, Kaiden 5-2 Lincoln Junior High/Middle Schoo
Walden, JaQuae 5-2 Elkins Junior High
Reynolds, Jaeden 5-2 Huntsville High School
Martin, Festus 5-0 The New School
Brewer, Caden 5-0 Lincoln Junior High/Middle Schoo
Stucki, Mark 4-10 Prairie Grove High School
Preston, Robbie 4-10 West Fork Middle School
Foreman, Owen 4-10 Gentry High School
Thompson, Phillip 4-10 Gentry High School
Shoffit, Jodiah 4-10 Gentry High School
McCoy, Blake 4-10 Huntsville High School
Williamson, Brodie 4-4 Prairie Grove High School
Griffith, Charlie 4-4 St Joseph Catholic School - Fay
Butler, Joby 4-2 Providence Classical Christian A
Oden, Chasyn 4-0 Cedarville High School
Barrow, Ayden Providence Classical Christian A
Jones, Kobe 0-0 Providence Classical Christian A
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MS Boys Long Jump 46 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jones, Kale 20-11.5 Lincoln Junior High/Middle Schoo
Brewer, Caden 18-5.75 Lincoln Junior High/Middle Schoo
Walden, JaQuae 18-1 Elkins Junior High
Hamm, Connor 17-4.5 Elkins Junior High
Bell, Ellis 17-3 Haas Hall Academy
Erickson, Cade 17-0 West Fork Middle School
Callahan, Camden 16-5.25 West Fork Middle School
Barksdale, Arles 16-3.5 Huntsville High School
Butler, Bishop 16-2.5 Prairie Grove High School
Hall, Davian 16-0 Elkins Junior High
Moss, Tye 15-11.5 Lincoln Junior High/Middle Schoo
Swinson, Shawn 15-5.25 Greenland High School
Foreman, Owen 15-3.25 Gentry High School
Weber, Eli 15-0 Cedarville High School
Klaus, Brendan 15-0 Haas Hall Academy
Shoffit, Jodiah 14-11.5 Gentry High School
Edwards, Braeden 14-8.5 Life Way Christian
Reynolds, Jaeden 14-7.75 Huntsville High School
Vinson, Wyatt 14-6 The New School
Payton, Reed 14-5.75 Cedarville High School
Alegria, Xander 14-3.5 Life Way Christian
Joel, Braton 14-3 West Fork Middle School
Fischer, Marcus 14-2.5 Prairie Grove High School
Moss, Isaac 14-1 Prairie Grove High School
Cable, Drew 14-0 Gentry High School
Enns, Cooper 13-9.5 Greenland High School
Martin, Festus 13-9 The New School
Klaus, Lukas 13-8 St Joseph Catholic School - Fay
Butler, Joby 13-7.75 Providence Classical Christian A
McSpadden, Josiah 13-6 Life Way Christian
Shrum, Jayden 13-1 Huntsville High School
Le, Sky 12-7.5 St. Vincent De Paul Middle Schoo
Decker, Ivan 12-0 St. Vincent De Paul Middle Schoo
Duke, Hudson 12-0 Haas Hall Academy
Mundo, Fermin 12-0 St. Vincent De Paul Middle Schoo
Jacobi, Jonathon 10-11 St Joseph Catholic School - Fay
Gunn, Kayden 10-1 Founders Classical Academy
Papera, Jackson 10-1 Founders Classical Academy
Young, Vin 9-4 Arkansas Arts Academy
Bauman, Saxon 9-0 Arkansas Arts Academy
Parks, Leo 9-0 Arkansas Arts Academy
McDowell, Oliver 6-11.56 Prism Education Center
Hoffer, Aria 6-11.56 Prism Education Center
Ward, Sam 1-1 Thaden School
Trivett, Hunter 0-0 Providence Classical Christian A
Jones, Kobe 0-0 Providence Classical Christian A
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MS Boys Pole Vault 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Copeland, Sawyer 9-0 Lincoln Junior High/Middle Schoo
Cargill, Brayden 8-0 Elkins Junior High
Hudson, Canaan 7-6 Elkins Junior High
Oden, Chasyn 7-0 Cedarville High School
Ryan, Trey 6-6 Elkins Junior High
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MS Boys Shot Put 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Diddle, Josh 38-7 West Fork Middle School
Graves, Dylan 37-4 West Fork Middle School
Eller, Aidan 36-0 Gentry High School
Smith, Garret 35-03 Huntsville High School
Huaracha, Oliver 35-1.5 Elkins Junior High
McNatt, Wyatt 34-11 Prairie Grove High School
Womack, Arthur 34-0 West Fork Middle School
Cable, Drew 34-0 Gentry High School
Bass, Leland 34-0 Gentry High School
Kissinger, Baylor 32-2 Prairie Grove High School
Barnes, Tate 32-0 St Joseph Catholic School - Fay
Dillard, Austin 31-04 Huntsville High School
Reed, Connor 30-9 Prairie Grove High School
Ridenoure, Cooper 30-4 Greenland High School
Kennedy, Raymond 30-0 Arkansas Arts Academy
Duke, Hudson 30-0 Haas Hall Academy
Gaston, Alex 30-0 Providence Classical Christian A
Heaton, Alex 29-6.5 Cedarville High School
Hill, Grant 28-5 Founders Classical Academy
Lunsford, Elliot 28-0 St. Vincent De Paul Middle Schoo
Amos, Colby 27-5 Life Way Christian
Martin, Jake 26-10 Life Way Christian
De Jager, Vicko 26-6 Founders Classical Academy
Nowlin, Connor 25-8 Life Way Christian
Young, Vin 25-0 Arkansas Arts Academy
Parks, Leo 25-0 Arkansas Arts Academy
Loring, Aiden 24-10 St. Vincent De Paul Middle Schoo
Payton, Denver 23-9 Cedarville High School
Wood, Parker 23-9 Elkins Junior High
Dunn, Brenton 23-0 Cedarville High School
Kordsmeier, Braden 22-6 St. Vincent De Paul Middle Schoo
Cowie, Logan 22-5 St Joseph Catholic School - Fay
Martinez, Jared 18-0 Elkins Junior High
Jasper, Cameron 6-11.5 Prism Education Center
Taylor, Weston 6-11.5 Prism Education Center
Lowry, Matthew 0-0 Huntsville High School
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MS Boys Triple Jump 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jones, Kale 38-10 Lincoln Junior High/Middle Schoo
Brewer, Caden 38-0 Lincoln Junior High/Middle Schoo
Hall, Davian 37-1 Elkins Junior High
Townsend, James 35-2.5 Elkins Junior High
Bell, Ellis 33-10 Haas Hall Academy
Yerby, William 33-2.5 Elkins Junior High
Coughran, Blake 30-5 Prairie Grove High School
Lunsford, Elliot 29-4 St. Vincent De Paul Middle Schoo
Klaus, Brendan 29-0 Haas Hall Academy
Thompson, Phillip 28-4 Gentry High School
Klaus, Lukas 27-4 St Joseph Catholic School - Fay
Cable, Titus 27-0 Gentry High School
Stephens, Reed 26-5 St. Vincent De Paul Middle Schoo
Lang, Aiden 26-2 St. Vincent De Paul Middle Schoo
Payton, Reed 26-0 Cedarville High School
Bell, Billy 26-0 Cedarville High School
Ramirez, Daniel 26-0 Cedarville High School
Harper, Eagan 26-0 Gentry High School
Redlarczyk, Chase 25-5 West Fork Middle School
Preston, Robbie 23-0 West Fork Middle School
Jacobi, Jonathon 23-0 St Joseph Catholic School - Fay
McIntyre, Gavin 22-3 West Fork Middle School
Frost, Levi 22-1 Prairie Grove High School
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MS Girls 100 Meter Dash 55 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kelley, Viola 13.73 West Fork Middle School
Scarberough, Ava 14.00 West Fork Middle School
Henderson, Autumn 14.00 Haas Hall Academy
Mooney, Hazel 14.00h Haas Hall Academy
Barnes, Mckenzie 14.04 Gentry High School
Mentuis, Kinley 14.05 St. Vincent De Paul Middle Schoo
Holloway, Avrie 14.11 St. Vincent De Paul Middle Schoo
Ward, Presley 14.12 Gentry High School
Quinn, Makayla 14.22 Lincoln Junior High/Middle Schoo
Medeiros, Valerie 14.24 Prairie Grove High School
Ryan, Kaitlyn 14.29 Providence Classical Christian A
Scudder, Katherine 14.31 St. Vincent De Paul Middle Schoo
Birkes, Layni 14.35 Lincoln Junior High/Middle Schoo
Brewer, Abigail 14.5 Haas Hall Academy
Burris, Carlie 14.51 Cedarville High School
Petersen, Angelina 14.61 Prairie Grove High School
Sparkman, Ivey 14.63 Prairie Grove High School
Barnett, Cierra 14.71 Greenland High School
Swinson, Leah 14.78 Greenland High School
Mora, Annika 14.79 Providence Classical Christian A
Bremner, Kaeleigh 14.89 Cedarville High School
Pense, Athena 14.90 West Fork Middle School
Glass, Muriel (Ellie) 14.90h St Joseph Catholic School - Fay
Free, Lucille 14.98 The New School
Newton, Jade 15.00h Lincoln Junior High/Middle Schoo
Sanchez, Greenlee 15.00h Arkansas Arts Academy
McGill, Olivia 15.04 Cedarville High School
Piel, Aurora 15.29 Founders Classical Academy
Abohammdan, Jude 15.38 Arkansas Arts Academy
Wilson, Esther 15.39 Life Way Christian
Matthews, Kayla 15.39 St Joseph Catholic School - Fay
Heath, Desi 15.40h Gentry High School
Henry, Emaline 15.42 Huntsville High School
Drummond, Brynn 15.50h Elkins Junior High
Cox, Chloe 15.52 The New School
Jorge, Laura 15.59 Elkins Junior High
Evans, Bella 15.61 Huntsville High School
Fullmer, Gracie 15.61 Prism Education Center
Roughley, Ashlyn 15.94 Life Way Christian
Razo, Elizabeth 16.02 Greenland High School
Sanchez, Kaelyn 16.29 St Joseph Catholic School - Fay
Eoff, Abby 16.46 Providence Classical Christian A
Bush, Aubrey 16.81 Founders Classical Academy
Mefy, Kailani 17.51 Arkansas School For the Deaf
Bertrand, Katie 17.74 Huntsville High School
Albright, Evelyn 17.75 Life Way Christian
Canter, Tangela 17.93 Arkansas School For the Deaf
Moses, Aubrey 17.96 Haas Hall Bentonville
Kennedy, Emma 18 Arkansas Arts Academy
Paez Dur, Valentina 19.00h Thaden School
Trujillo, Liz 19.00h Thaden School
Hamm, Cailynn 19.30h Elkins Junior High
Machuca, Alexis 20.00 Thaden School
McDonald, Anna 20.00h Founders Classical Academy
Harshaw, Kivy 26.56 Arkansas School For the Deaf
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MS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Doke, Catherine 18.75 St. Vincent De Paul Middle Schoo
Lux, Vivian 19.28 St Joseph Catholic School - Fay
Barnes, Mckenzie 19.69 Gentry High School
Ryan, Kaitlyn 19.80 Providence Classical Christian A
Linares, Mia 20.12 St Joseph Catholic School - Fay
Wilson, Esther 20.28 Life Way Christian
Woodward, Heidi 20.68 Providence Classical Christian A
Free, Lucille 20.89 The New School
Miller, Honey 21.32 Prairie Grove High School
Remington, Hannah 21.32 Lincoln Junior High/Middle Schoo
Kenney, Caroline 21.70h St Joseph Catholic School - Fay
Kidd, Hope 21.73 Prairie Grove High School
Skogen, Lena 21.82 Lincoln Junior High/Middle Schoo
Fields, McKinzey 22.00 West Fork Middle School
McFadden, Isabelle 22.00 St. Vincent De Paul Middle Schoo
Pomeroy, Zoe 22.00h Lincoln Junior High/Middle Schoo
Watson, Soraya's 22.38 Prairie Grove High School
Koehler, Lyla 23.67 Life Way Christian
Summers, Lily 23.78 Providence Classical Christian A
Powers, Ellie 23.84 West Fork Middle School
Paladino, Sophia 24.00 West Fork Middle School
Cox, Chloe 24.28 The New School
Trujillo, Tessa 25.00h Thaden School
Stefferud, Lindley 35.00h Thaden School
Blundell, Makenzie 56.23 Elkins Junior High
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MS Girls 1600 Meter Run 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bishop, Gabbie 5:36.11 Providence Classical Christian A
Dunn, Averie 5:44.30 Huntsville High School
Downar-Patterson, Mary Victoria 6:02.76 St Joseph Catholic School - Fay
Hesselgren, Emelia 6:15.00h Haas Hall Academy
Miller, Zoe 6:15.00h Providence Classical Christian A
Scudder, Elizabeth 6:21.36 St. Vincent De Paul Middle Schoo
Cristofaro, Madeline 6:21.67 Providence Classical Christian A
Lopez, Alexis 6:27.11 Gentry High School
White, Kennye 6:31.52 Prairie Grove High School
Pohlmeier, Clare 6:32.06 St Joseph Catholic School - Fay
Moore, Addison 6:38.16 Huntsville High School
Parker, Jaidyn 6:40.00 West Fork Middle School
Flippo, Eva 6:41.44 Elkins Junior High
Buysse, Greta 6:45.00h Haas Hall Academy
Paquette, Caroline 6:47.84 St. Vincent De Paul Middle Schoo
Cansino, Cate 6:50.00 St. Vincent De Paul Middle Schoo
Corlew, Grace 6:50.00h Haas Hall Academy
Holland, Emma 6:59.00h Elkins Junior High
Chandler, Kayla 7:10.42 Prairie Grove High School
Ward, Sagely 7:13.78 St Joseph Catholic School - Fay
Paladino, Sophia 7:20.00 West Fork Middle School
Pace, Aurora 7:22.66 Founders Classical Academy
Johnson, Chloe 7:30.00h Prairie Grove High School
Short, Mariella 8:00.00h Founders Classical Academy
Bloomfield, Violet 8:00.00h Thaden School
Childress, Ariah 8:00.00h Founders Classical Academy
Lawson, Juliet 8:00.00h Thaden School
Caudle, Samantha 8:40.00 West Fork Middle School
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MS Girls 200 Meter Dash 54 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Nguyen, Olivia 29.00h Haas Hall Academy
Henderson, Autumn 29.00h Haas Hall Academy
Kelley, Viola 29.39 West Fork Middle School
Holloway, Avrie 29.48 St. Vincent De Paul Middle Schoo
Scarberough, Ava 29.90 West Fork Middle School
Ward, Presley 30.05 Gentry High School
Barnes, Mckenzie 30.14 Gentry High School
Drummond, Brynn 30.18 Elkins Junior High
Quinn, Makayla 30.54 Lincoln Junior High/Middle Schoo
Linares, Mia 30.59 St Joseph Catholic School - Fay
Rochelle, Ellie 30.60 West Fork Middle School
Burris, Carlie 30.62 Cedarville High School
Birkes, Layni 30.83 Lincoln Junior High/Middle Schoo
Ryan, Kaitlyn 30.83 Providence Classical Christian A
Marples, Chloe 30.99 Life Way Christian
Heimer, Blythe 31.00 Haas Hall Academy
Pomeroy, Zoe 31.00h Lincoln Junior High/Middle Schoo
Stovall, Brooklyn 31.31 Prairie Grove High School
Short, Mariella 31.59 Founders Classical Academy
Bremner, Kaeleigh 31.91 Cedarville High School
Martinous, Alexis 32.00 St. Vincent De Paul Middle Schoo
Sanchez, Greenlee 32.00h Arkansas Arts Academy
Morris, Heavenly 32.18 Huntsville High School
Menendez, Olivia 32.33 St Joseph Catholic School - Fay
Wilson, Esther 32.37 Life Way Christian
Love, Kaylee 32.55 Prairie Grove High School
Abohammdan, Jude 32.57 Arkansas Arts Academy
Walters, Willa 32.64 Prairie Grove High School
Mentuis, Kinley 32.82 St. Vincent De Paul Middle Schoo
Free, Lucille 32.95 The New School
Henry, Emaline 33.01 Huntsville High School
Roughley, Ashlyn 33.74 Life Way Christian
Jorge, Laura 33.88 Elkins Junior High
Dunn, Gracie 33.98 Cedarville High School
Langu, Masae 34.00h Gentry High School
Ramirez, Julie Jasmin 34.11 St Joseph Catholic School - Fay
Williams, Ava 34.41 Elkins Junior High
Moses, Aubrey 35.00 Haas Hall Bentonville
Choe, Taylor 35.00h Founders Classical Academy
Moll, Breeley 36.49 Haas Hall Bentonville
Cox, Chloe 36.64 The New School
Trujillo, Liz 37.00h Thaden School
Canter, Tangela 37.83 Arkansas School For the Deaf
Bertrand, Katie 38.69 Huntsville High School
Bush, Aubrey 39.24 Founders Classical Academy
Mefy, Kailani 39.47 Arkansas School For the Deaf
Most, McKenzie 40.00h Providence Classical Christian A
Trujillo, Tessa 40.00h Thaden School
Woodward, Heidi 40.00h Providence Classical Christian A
Paez Dur, Valentina 40.00h Thaden School
Tucker, Alexis 41.68 Arkansas Arts Academy
Shaffer, Sophia 42.83 Haas Hall Bentonville
Harshaw, Kivy 45.58 Arkansas School For the Deaf
Fullmer, Gracie 59.00h Prism Education Center
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MS Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Schopper, Lillian 1:00.00 Gentry High School
Fields, McKinzey 1:00.00h West Fork Middle School
Spatz, Payton 1:02.00h Prairie Grove High School
Paladino, Sophia 1:03.00 West Fork Middle School
Powers, Ellie 1:03.00h West Fork Middle School
Summers, Lily 1:06.91 Providence Classical Christian A
Lipsmeyer, Colbie 1:07.14 St Joseph Catholic School - Fay
Martinez, Destiny 1:09.00h Prairie Grove High School
Most, McKenzie 1:10.00h Providence Classical Christian A
Lux, Vivian 54.59 St Joseph Catholic School - Fay
Doke, Catherine 56.05 St. Vincent De Paul Middle Schoo
Skogen, Lena 56.76 Lincoln Junior High/Middle Schoo
Woodward, Heidi 58.94 Providence Classical Christian A
Linares, Mia 59.45 St Joseph Catholic School - Fay
Koehler, Lyla 59.97 Life Way Christian
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MS Girls 400 Meter Dash 47 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Canter, Tangela Arkansas School For the Deaf
Fritts, Kaylee Huntsville High School
Mefy, Kailani Arkansas School For the Deaf
Harshaw, Kivy Arkansas School For the Deaf
Kelley, Viola 1:05.07 West Fork Middle School
Scudder, Katherine 1:06.13 St. Vincent De Paul Middle Schoo
Scarberough, Ava 1:07.00 West Fork Middle School
Baumann, Cora 1:07.03 St Joseph Catholic School - Fay
Mora, Annika 1:09.67 Providence Classical Christian A
Cluck, Paige 1:10.50 Cedarville High School
Jinks, Kaydence 1:11.11 Prairie Grove High School
Pomeroy, Zoe 1:11.87 Lincoln Junior High/Middle Schoo
Vannaman, Cameryn 1:12.06 Life Way Christian
Medeiros, Valerie 1:12.53 Prairie Grove High School
Pense, Athena 1:12.90 West Fork Middle School
Marples, Chloe 1:13.41 Life Way Christian
Barnett, Cierra 1:13.78 Greenland High School
Swinson, Leah 1:13.94 Greenland High School
Booth, Sierra 1:14.72 Cedarville High School
McCarty, Emma 1:15.11 St. Vincent De Paul Middle Schoo
Ortiz, Stephany 1:16.00h St Joseph Catholic School - Fay
Duncan, Maddy 1:16.26 Lincoln Junior High/Middle Schoo
Langley, Madisyn 1:16.75 Cedarville High School
Moore, Graceyn 1:17.30 Life Way Christian
Martinous, Alexis 1:17.52 St. Vincent De Paul Middle Schoo
Evans, Bella 1:18.40 Huntsville High School
Pohlmeier, Clare 1:19.16 St Joseph Catholic School - Fay
Bell, Livi 1:20.00 Haas Hall Academy
Phillips, Stella 1:20.00 Haas Hall Academy
Parsons, Izzy 1:20.00h Thaden School
McDonald, Anna 1:20.00h Founders Classical Academy
Hudson, Hayden 1:20.51 Elkins Junior High
Razo, Elizabeth 1:21.73 Greenland High School
Preston, Jayden 1:21.96 Prairie Grove High School
Eoff, Abby 1:23.44 Providence Classical Christian A
Machuca, Alexis 1:25.00h Thaden School
Most, McKenzie 1:25.61 Providence Classical Christian A
Remington, Lauren 1:32.44 Lincoln Junior High/Middle Schoo
Pennington, Layla 1:36.00 Gentry High School
Taylor, Kira 1:36.69 Elkins Junior High
Shofner, Lakyn 1:40.00h Elkins Junior High
Sutton, Holly 1:40.00h Gentry High School
Burks, Desi 1:55.00h Gentry High School
Moses, Aubrey 1:57.00h Haas Hall Bentonville
Smith, Audrey 2:00.00h Haas Hall Bentonville
Moll, Breeley 2:00.00h Haas Hall Bentonville
Hesselgren, Helen 58.93 Haas Hall Academy
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MS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Life Way Christian
Relay Team A 1:00.00h Founders Classical Academy
Relay Team A 1:01.81 Elkins Junior High
Relay Team A 1:02.88 Huntsville High School
Relay Team A 1:04.16 Gentry High School
Relay Team A 1:08.00h Haas Hall Academy
Relay Team A 1:11.00h Arkansas Arts Academy
Relay Team A 1:11.65 West Fork Middle School
Relay Team A 1:15.00h Thaden School
Relay Team A 1:20.00h Providence Classical Christian A
Relay Team A 56.16 Lincoln Junior High/Middle Schoo
Relay Team A 57.51 St. Vincent De Paul Middle Schoo
Relay Team A 58.96 Prairie Grove High School
Relay Team A 59.01 St Joseph Catholic School - Fay
Relay Team A 59.82 Cedarville High School
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MS Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Life Way Christian
Relay Team A 2:01.35 Lincoln Junior High/Middle Schoo
Relay Team A 2:04.80 St. Vincent De Paul Middle Schoo
Relay Team A 2:10.11 St Joseph Catholic School - Fay
Relay Team A 2:11.47 Elkins Junior High
Relay Team A 2:14.73 Prairie Grove High School
Relay Team A 2:16.69 West Fork Middle School
Relay Team A 2:20.00h Gentry High School
Relay Team A 2:25.00 Haas Hall Academy
Relay Team A 2:30.00h Providence Classical Christian A
Relay Team A 2:45.00h Thaden School
Relay Team A 3:00.00h Haas Hall Bentonville
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MS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Providence Classical Christian A
Relay Team A 4:47.67 St Joseph Catholic School - Fay
Relay Team A 5:08.05 St. Vincent De Paul Middle Schoo
Relay Team A 5:14.34 Prairie Grove High School
Relay Team A 5:14.46 West Fork Middle School
Relay Team A 5:15.02 Huntsville High School
Relay Team A 5:20.00h Lincoln Junior High/Middle Schoo
Relay Team A 5:32.00h Gentry High School
Relay Team A 6:35.00h Haas Hall Academy
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MS Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 11:07.38 St Joseph Catholic School - Fay
Relay Team A 11:21.33 St. Vincent De Paul Middle Schoo
Relay Team A 12:00.00 Founders Classical Academy
Relay Team A 12:31.83 Providence Classical Christian A
Relay Team A 13:15.00 Gentry High School
Relay Team A 13:41.63 Lincoln Junior High/Middle Schoo
Relay Team A 14:01.00 Prairie Grove High School
Relay Team A 14:30.00 Haas Hall Academy
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MS Girls 800 Meter Run 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hesselgren, Helen 2:21.30 Haas Hall Academy
Bishop, Gabbie 2:38.40 Providence Classical Christian A
Dunn, Averie 2:39.96 Huntsville High School
Baumann, Cora 2:40.50h St Joseph Catholic School - Fay
Scudder, Anna 2:41.91 St. Vincent De Paul Middle Schoo
Downar-Patterson, Mary Victoria 2:42.78 St Joseph Catholic School - Fay
Buysse, Greta 2:45.00 Haas Hall Academy
Maline, Layla 2:45.32 Providence Classical Christian A
Kelley, Viola 2:51.61 West Fork Middle School
Ming, Lilly 2:52.24 Cedarville High School
Hernandez, Keilee 2:53.77 St Joseph Catholic School - Fay
Newton, Jade 2:57.00h Lincoln Junior High/Middle Schoo
Cluck, Paige 2:57.17 Cedarville High School
Parker, Jaidyn 2:57.35 West Fork Middle School
Flippo, Eva 2:57.35 Elkins Junior High
White, Kennye 2:59.64 Prairie Grove High School
Cristofaro, Madeline 2:59.67 Providence Classical Christian A
Anzora, Teresa 2:59.68 St. Vincent De Paul Middle Schoo
Bowling, Calla 3:00.00h Haas Hall Academy
Vannaman, Cameryn 3:02.81 Life Way Christian
Moore, Addison 3:09.83 Huntsville High School
Fritts, Kaylee 3:10.00 Huntsville High School
Childress, Ariah 3:15.00h Founders Classical Academy
Pace, Aurora 3:15.00h Founders Classical Academy
McCarty, Emma 3:16.65 St. Vincent De Paul Middle Schoo
Chandler, Kayla 3:19.04 Prairie Grove High School
Faubus, Bella 3:20.00h West Fork Middle School
Hudson, Hayden 3:27.23 Elkins Junior High
Cockrell, Brooke 3:37.00h Lincoln Junior High/Middle Schoo
Martinez, Adriana 3:37.72 Lincoln Junior High/Middle Schoo
Kupka, Chloe 3:50.00h Prairie Grove High School
Taylor, Kira 3:57.00h Elkins Junior High
Shaffer, Sophia 4:00.00h Haas Hall Bentonville
Bloomfield, Violet 4:20 Thaden School
Kenny, Teagan 4:45 Thaden School
Lawson, Juliet 4:45 Thaden School
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MS Girls Discus Throw 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Shelton, Natalie 92-0 Gentry High School
Still, Iris 82-0 Gentry High School
Johnson, Savannah 80-10 St Joseph Catholic School - Fay
Emerson, Jill 73-2 Prairie Grove High School
Welcher, Clare 66-6 St Joseph Catholic School - Fay
Gibson, Addison 62-6 Providence Classical Christian A
Dilbeck, Raley 61-0 Gentry High School
Ferguson, Sydney 60-0 West Fork Middle School
Petersen, Angelina 58-2 Prairie Grove High School
Rivera, Sophia 55-3 West Fork Middle School
Scarberough, Dakota 54-7 West Fork Middle School
LaLonde, Rose 51-4 Cedarville High School
Heimer, Blythe 50-0 Haas Hall Academy
Buysse, Greta 50-0 Haas Hall Academy
Bell, Livi 50-0 Haas Hall Academy
Jones, Kylee 50-0 Lincoln Junior High/Middle Schoo
Shearburn, Michaela 46-5 Cedarville High School
Griggs, Cameron 45-0 Providence Classical Christian A
Ramirez, Julie Jasmin 45-0 St Joseph Catholic School - Fay
Gray, Elanor 44-1 The New School
Marples, Chloe 40-5 Life Way Christian
Gomez Crowe, Vivi 40-0 St. Vincent De Paul Middle Schoo
McFadden, Isabelle 40-0 St. Vincent De Paul Middle Schoo
Riedel, Haili 36-9 Greenland High School
Piel, Aurora 35-10 Founders Classical Academy
Albright, Evelyn 32-2 Life Way Christian
Cromwell, Greer 30-1 Founders Classical Academy
Smith, Kaylee 30-1 Founders Classical Academy
Alanis, Azucena 28-11 Greenland High School
Coultas, Leslie 25-0 Arkansas Arts Academy
Holland, Emma 23-0 Elkins Junior High
Haney, Emery 18-0 Elkins Junior High
Duling, Hannah 17-9 Elkins Junior High
Moore, Graceyn Life Way Christian
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MS Girls High Jump 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kidd, Hope 4-8 Prairie Grove High School
Remington, Hannah 4-8 Lincoln Junior High/Middle Schoo
Ward, Presley 4-8 Gentry High School
Welcher, Clare 4-6 St Joseph Catholic School - Fay
McGill, Olivia 4-6 Cedarville High School
Skogen, Lena 4-4.25 Lincoln Junior High/Middle Schoo
Watson, Soraya's 4-4 Prairie Grove High School
LaLonde, Rose 4-4 Cedarville High School
Jinks, Kaydence 4-4 Prairie Grove High School
Viccaro, Kate 4-2 St. Vincent De Paul Middle Schoo
Ming, Lilly 4-2 Cedarville High School
Cooper, Olivia 4-2 St Joseph Catholic School - Fay
Duncan, Maddy 4-2 Lincoln Junior High/Middle Schoo
Lux, Vivian 4-1 St Joseph Catholic School - Fay
Doke, Catherine 4-0 St. Vincent De Paul Middle Schoo
Kelley, Viola 4-0 West Fork Middle School
Mora, Annika 4-0 Providence Classical Christian A
Summers, Lily 4-0 Providence Classical Christian A
Shofner, Lakyn 4-0 Elkins Junior High
Schopper, Lillian 4-0 Gentry High School
Cutburth, Katelynn 3-10 Huntsville High School
Powers, Ellie 3-8 West Fork Middle School
Faubus, Bella 3-8 West Fork Middle School
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MS Girls Long Jump 46 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Quinn, Makayla 15-7.5 Lincoln Junior High/Middle Schoo
Skogen, Lena 14-9 Lincoln Junior High/Middle Schoo
Holloway, Avrie 14-8.5 St. Vincent De Paul Middle Schoo
Barnett, Cierra 14-8 Greenland High School
Birkes, Layni 14-5.5 Lincoln Junior High/Middle Schoo
Swinson, Leah 13-11 Greenland High School
Viccaro, Kate 13-5 St. Vincent De Paul Middle Schoo
Dunn, Gracie 13-2.25 Cedarville High School
Barnes, Mckenzie 13-2 Gentry High School
Ward, Presley 12-9 Gentry High School
Rochelle, Ellie 12-6 West Fork Middle School
Wilson, Esther 12-4 Life Way Christian
Free, Lucille 12-3.5 The New School
Morris, Heavenly 12-3.5 Huntsville High School
Stovall, Brooklyn 12-1 Prairie Grove High School
Mora, Annika 12-0 Providence Classical Christian A
Boattini, Ella 12-0 St Joseph Catholic School - Fay
Kelley, Viola 11-10 West Fork Middle School
Bell, Brittany 11-10 Cedarville High School
Parker, Jaidyn 11-8 West Fork Middle School
Bremner, Kaeleigh 11-6.5 Cedarville High School
Welcher, Clare 11-6.5 St Joseph Catholic School - Fay
Eoff, Abby 11-3 Providence Classical Christian A
Fullmer, Gracie 11-1.5 Prism Education Center
Howard, Emily 11-1 Prairie Grove High School
Martinez, Destiny 11-1 Prairie Grove High School
Evans, Bella 10-11 Huntsville High School
Koehler, Lyla 10-8 Life Way Christian
Dickinson, Grace 10-8 St Joseph Catholic School - Fay
Langu, Masae 10-6 Gentry High School
Bush, Aubrey 10-5 Founders Classical Academy
McDonald, Anna 10-5 Founders Classical Academy
Garcia, Andrea 10-4 Elkins Junior High
Bowling, Calla 10-0 Haas Hall Academy
Heimer, Blythe 10-0 Haas Hall Academy
Mentuis, Kinley 9-10.5 St. Vincent De Paul Middle Schoo
Roughley, Ashlyn 9-7.5 Life Way Christian
Shaffer, Sophia 9-4 Haas Hall Bentonville
Ivy, Maddie 9-4 Elkins Junior High
Cox, Chloe 9-2 The New School
Combs, Savannah 8-8.5 Elkins Junior High
Moll, Breeley 8-1 Haas Hall Bentonville
Cutburth, Katelynn 7-7 Huntsville High School
Trujillo, Tessa 1-1 Thaden School
Parsons, Izzy 1-1 Thaden School
Stefferud, Lindley 1-1 Thaden School
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MS Girls Pole Vault 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Erck, Liv 6-5 St Joseph Catholic School - Fay
Tramonte, Zoe 6-0 Elkins Junior High
Harnberger, Rylee 6-0 Gentry High School
Matthews, Kayla 6-0 St Joseph Catholic School - Fay
Ramirez, Julie Jasmin 6-0 St Joseph Catholic School - Fay
Stacey, Melyia 5-0 Gentry High School
Blundell, Makenzie 4-0 Elkins Junior High
Carter, Cambree 4-0 Elkins Junior High
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MS Girls Shot Put 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Johnson, Savannah 31-9 St Joseph Catholic School - Fay
Welcher, Clare 30-8 St Joseph Catholic School - Fay
Shelton, Natalie 30-1 Gentry High School
Ferguson, Sydney 29-0 West Fork Middle School
Heath, Desi 29-0 Gentry High School
Emerson, Jill 28-4 Prairie Grove High School
Gibson, Addison 28-3 Providence Classical Christian A
Riedel, Haili 28-2 Greenland High School
Scarberough, Dakota 27-7 West Fork Middle School
Still, Iris 26-9 Gentry High School
Torrey, Brynn 25-2 West Fork Middle School
Cromwell, Greer 25-0 Founders Classical Academy
LaLonde, Rose 24-11 Cedarville High School
Holland, Emma 23-9 Elkins Junior High
Coultas, Leslie 23-8 Arkansas Arts Academy
Partain, Rylee 23-8 Cedarville High School
Petersen, Angelina 23-5 Prairie Grove High School
Griggs, Cameron 23-4 Providence Classical Christian A
Erck, Liv 22-11 St Joseph Catholic School - Fay
Vannaman, Cameryn 22-6 Life Way Christian
Grat, Annalee 21-7 Founders Classical Academy
Shearburn, Michaela 21-5 Cedarville High School
Smith, Kaylee 20-1 Founders Classical Academy
Gray, Elanor 20-0 The New School
Gomez Crowe, Vivi 20-0 St. Vincent De Paul Middle Schoo
McFadden, Isabelle 20-0 St. Vincent De Paul Middle Schoo
Alanis, Azucena 19-7 Greenland High School
Bell, Livi 15-0 Haas Hall Academy
Bowling, Calla 15-0 Haas Hall Academy
Heimer, Blythe 15-0 Haas Hall Academy
Haney, Emery 14-9 Elkins Junior High
Duling, Hannah 12-8 Elkins Junior High
Gonzalez, Trinity Providence Classical Christian A
Moore, Graceyn Life Way Christian
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MS Girls Triple Jump 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Quinn, Makayla 32-0.25 Lincoln Junior High/Middle Schoo
Holloway, Avrie 30-10 St. Vincent De Paul Middle Schoo
Pomeroy, Zoe 30-1 Lincoln Junior High/Middle Schoo
Scudder, Katherine 29-9 St. Vincent De Paul Middle Schoo
Burris, Carlie 29-5.5 Cedarville High School
Barnett, Cierra 28-8.5 Greenland High School
Welcher, Clare 27-7 St Joseph Catholic School - Fay
Swinson, Leah 27-5 Greenland High School
Ryan, Kaitlyn 26-5 Providence Classical Christian A
Howard, Emily 26-0 Prairie Grove High School
Dickinson, Grace 25-5 St Joseph Catholic School - Fay
Hesselgren, Emelia 25-0 Haas Hall Academy
Schopper, Lillian 23-6 Gentry High School
Summers, Lily 23-5 Providence Classical Christian A
Powers, Ellie 22-9 West Fork Middle School
Medeiros, Valerie 22-6 Prairie Grove High School
Booth, Sierra 22-5.5 Cedarville High School
Miller, Honey 22-5 Prairie Grove High School
Kenney, Caroline 21-1 St Joseph Catholic School - Fay
Faubus, Bella 21-0 West Fork Middle School
Mentuis, Kinley 20-4.25 St. Vincent De Paul Middle Schoo
Bush, Aubrey 19-8.5 Founders Classical Academy
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