Berryville Bobcat Back 40 2022

Berryville, AR

Meet Information

Coaches, in conjunction with the AAA, all Arkansas cross country/track athletes must claim their MileSplit Athlete Profile!

Registration Ends Thursday 24th @ 6pm


At Casey's head east past Tyson's. At the next stoplight head north on 21/221 (Springfield St.) for 1.5 miles. The fairgrounds are on the left just out of the city limits. Signs will be visible.

Who: ElementaryJunior High Girls, Junior High Boys, Senior High Girls, Senior High Boys


9:00 am Elementary 1 mile

9:30 am JH Girls 2 mile

10:00 am JH Boys 2 mile

10:30 am SR Girls 5K

11:00 am SR Boys 5K

Fees:$60 per team

(Discount $200.00 total for all four teams jr, sr, boys, girls) $100 for teams with more than 20

$10 per individual if less than 5 athletes on team

Contacts: Coach Wood (870) 654-2014


Small school division

Medium school division

Large school division

Medals:1st - 10th place each race per division

Timing: We are using Jim Yurwitz with

Register at

Parking: Parking will be at the Carroll County Fairgrounds

Admission: $5

Amenities: Concessions and T-shirts will be sold