Bryant Hornet Relays 2024

Bryant, AR
Timing/Results ATCA

Athlete Entries

HS Boys 1,600 Meter Run 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Tapia, George LR Central High School
Saul, Lane Stuttgart High School
Robinson, Benjamin LR Central High School
Lam, Nathan Sylvan Hills High School
Zaremba, Jerome Benton High School
Alamilla, Hugo Sylvan Hills High School
Avila, Brandon 4:23.90 Bryant High School
Henry, Max 4:40.95 Conway High School
Bright, Randall 4:43.33 Benton High School
Johnson, Brooks 4:44.37 Cabot High School
Moellers, Joseph 4:44.88 Catholic High School
Johnson, Will 4:45.94 Catholic High School
Smith, Luke 4:46.03 North Little Rock High School
Thurman (Shiloh), Matthew 4:54.02 Cabot High School
Hollingsworth, Gavin 4:55.12 Cabot High School
Knollmeyer, Chase 4:55.91 Bryant High School
Davis, Charlie 5:00.00 Catholic High School
Wofford, John 5:04 Conway High School
Tatom, Jake 5:04.18 Conway High School
McKelvy, Dawson 5:04.45 Stuttgart High School
Sandh, David 5:07.70 Bryant High School
Pullian, Jonah 5:09.49 North Little Rock High School
Sherman, Ashton 5:20.20h Maumelle High School
Harrison, Dylan 5:22.00h Maumelle High School
Wildman-Clark, Jacob 5:23.25 Clinton High School
Reed, Antonio 5:29.13 Sylvan Hills High School
Hillman, Ian 6:02.73 Stuttgart High School
Bauman, Ayden 6:21.00 North Little Rock High School
Moreau, Arthur 6:36.12 Clinton High School
Durham, Donnie 6:47.39 Clinton High School
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HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Holmes, Devon LR Central High School
Hammond, Trez 10.79 Conway High School
Witcher, Dylan 11.01 Bryant High School
Muhammad, Malachi 11.09 North Little Rock High School
O'Gary, Chris 11.25 Benton High School
Fields, Jeremiah 11.35 Bryant High School
Cox, Hayes 11.38 Cabot High School
Hogan, Anthony 11.39 North Little Rock High School
Williams, Kevin 11.43 LR Southwest High School
Thompson, Joe 11.43 Sylvan Hills High School
Clark, De'ontae 11.50 Stuttgart High School
Kulbeth, Zach 11.50 Conway High School
Johnson, Quarterion 11.56 Stuttgart High School
Collat, Karson 11.58 Benton High School
Hildreth, Josiah 11.69 LR Southwest High School
Blakely, Tyler 11.72 Sylvan Hills High School
Morris, Kaheem 11.87 LR Central High School
Armstrong, Jeremiah 12.27 Maumelle High School
Akins, Collin 12.30 Maumelle High School
Standridge, Sam 12.54 Clinton High School
Gadberry, Briar 13.10 Clinton High School
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Daniels, Zayvieon LR Central High School
White, Christopher LR Central High School
Delamater, Mason 15.39 Cabot High School
Welch, Jayden 16.06 Bryant High School
Nelson, Matthew 16.19 Bryant High School
Neely, Corzellis 16.23 Conway High School
VanGordon, Jordon 16.30 Cabot High School
Rideout, Gary 16.31 Benton High School
Wright, Nick 16.42 Benton High School
Lee, Kani 16.57 North Little Rock High School
Brown, Corey 16.95 Sylvan Hills High School
Otey, Jadarion 16.97 North Little Rock High School
Waits, Jalen 17.21 LR Southwest High School
Heard, Marcus 17.48 Sylvan Hills High School
Haywood, Darrius 18.50 Conway High School
McCarver, Kaleb 19.41 Clinton High School
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Holmes, Devon LR Central High School
Billings, Kohlin Sylvan Hills High School
Hammond, Trez 22.13 Conway High School
Knox, Tristen 22.48 Bryant High School
Witcher, Dylan 22.60 Bryant High School
Carter, Will 23.27 Benton High School
Collat, Karson 23.63 Benton High School
Johnson, Quarterion 23.77 Stuttgart High School
Hogan, Anthony 23.89 North Little Rock High School
Jones, Xavier 23.91 North Little Rock High School
Smith, Logan 23.99 Cabot High School
Blakely, Tyler 24.00h Sylvan Hills High School
Anderson, Ter'Quan 24.40 LR Southwest High School
Morris, Kaheem 24.42 LR Central High School
McCray, Alex 24.61 Conway High School
Lever, Dzariaun 24.65 LR Southwest High School
Terry, Jaywan 24.81 Stuttgart High School
Holland, Karter 25.13 Clinton High School
Johnson, Brenden 25.22 Clinton High School
Franklin, Khollin 26.35 Maumelle High School
Johnson, Bubba 27.99 Maumelle High School
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HS Boys 3,200 Meter Run 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wildman-Clark, Jacob Clinton High School
Lam, Nathan Sylvan Hills High School
Alamilla, Hugo Sylvan Hills High School
Zaremba, Jerome Benton High School
Morris, Hez 10:11.36 Cabot High School
McFall, Myson 10:17.87 Cabot High School
Greenway, Zach 10:22.07 Catholic High School
Landrum, Jack 10:22.97 Bryant High School
Morriss, Grady 10:42.21 Bryant High School
Massey, Dylan 10:50.00 Conway High School
Moreno, Antonio 10:50.00 Conway High School
Null, Miles 10:55.90 Catholic High School
Lopez, Caleb 10:56.12 Benton High School
Waller, Brandon 9:52.41 Cabot High School
Vargas, Angel 9:53.63 Bryant High School
Found, Asher 9:54.12 Catholic High School
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HS Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Holmes, Roy LR Central High School
Dufrene, Brodie Clinton High School
James, Jontavious 41.12 North Little Rock High School
Williams, Norvellus 41.73 Benton High School
Neely, Corzellis 41.77 Conway High School
Delamater, Mason 42.09 Cabot High School
Nelson, Matthew 42.80 Bryant High School
VanGordon, Jordon 43.97 Cabot High School
Welch, Jayden 44.28 Bryant High School
Rideout, Gary 44.35 Benton High School
Haywood, Darrius 44.41 Conway High School
Brown, Corey 45.25 Sylvan Hills High School
Heard, Marcus 46.59 Sylvan Hills High School
Lee, Kani 46.72 North Little Rock High School
Waits, Jalen 48.78 LR Southwest High School
Littell, Brayson 49.57 Clinton High School
McCoy, Jeremiah 50.78 LR Southwest High School
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jenkins, Zion LR Southwest High School
Walker, Jackson Sylvan Hills High School
Douglas, Justin LR Central High School
Hord, Jamarion Stuttgart High School
Hicks, Cardagan 1:00.43 Sylvan Hills High School
Franklin, Khollin 1:00.99 Maumelle High School
Akins, Collin 1:05.00h Maumelle High School
Modlin, Jackson 52.14 Benton High School
Long, Zachary 52.44 Bryant High School
Kline, Mick 52.72 Catholic High School
Fields, Jeremiah 52.97 Bryant High School
Hall, Jaylan 53.65 Benton High School
Johnson, Brenden 55.22 Clinton High School
Murphy, Jayvyn 55.26 North Little Rock High School
Holland, Karter 55.32 Clinton High School
Deloney, Austin 55.40 LR Central High School
Pallasigui, Tristan 55.90 Cabot High School
Blalack, Lucas 55.90h Cabot High School
Wilkins, Tony 56.01 North Little Rock High School
Gathier, Julius 57.06 Stuttgart High School
Muhammad, Bilal 57.53 LR Southwest High School
Luckett, Collin 58 Conway High School
Haywood, Darrius 58.00h Conway High School
Hudson, Cooper 58.55 Catholic High School
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A LR Southwest High School
Relay Team A LR Central High School
Relay Team A Stuttgart High School
Relay Team A 42.88 Bryant High School
Relay Team A 43.10 Benton High School
Relay Team A 44.50h Conway High School
Relay Team A 47.55 North Little Rock High School
Relay Team A 48.17 Sylvan Hills High School
Relay Team A 53.13 Clinton High School
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HS Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A LR Central High School
Relay Team A Stuttgart High School
Relay Team A 1:31.89 Benton High School
Relay Team A 1:32.50 LR Southwest High School
Relay Team A 1:32.52 Bryant High School
Relay Team A 1:33.00h Conway High School
Relay Team A 1:34.66 Clinton High School
Relay Team A 1:41.06 Sylvan Hills High School
Relay Team A 1:45.84 North Little Rock High School
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Sylvan Hills High School
Relay Team A LR Southwest High School
Relay Team A LR Central High School
Relay Team A Stuttgart High School
Relay Team A 3:28.73 Benton High School
Relay Team A 3:31.39 Bryant High School
Relay Team A 3:32.62 Cabot High School
Relay Team A 3:36.70 Clinton High School
Relay Team A 3:40.47 Conway High School
Relay Team A 3:56.70 North Little Rock High School
Relay Team A 3:58.75 Catholic High School
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HS Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A LR Central High School
Relay Team A Stuttgart High School
Relay Team A Sylvan Hills High School
Relay Team A 8:38.12 Cabot High School
Relay Team A 8:41.29 Bryant High School
Relay Team A 8:46.41 Catholic High School
Relay Team A 8:49.23 Benton High School
Relay Team A 8:50.00h Conway High School
Relay Team A 9:29.13 North Little Rock High School
Relay Team A 9:40.29 Clinton High School
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Tapia, George LR Central High School
Mintor, Carmelo Stuttgart High School
Morgan, Aiden Benton High School
Robinson, Benjamin LR Central High School
Robinson, Tristan Stuttgart High School
Miles, Landen Benton High School
Clark, Tae Stuttgart High School
Cunningham, Ian 2:00.14 Bryant High School
Avila, Brandon 2:03.01 Bryant High School
Fischer, Brodie 2:06.18 Bryant High School
Trueman, Joshua 2:06.18 Cabot High School
Fisher, Reese 2:06.60 Cabot High School
Robbins, Andrew 2:10.00 Catholic High School
Henry, Max 2:12.79 Conway High School
Stephens, Beau 2:14.00 Catholic High School
Jackson, Tyler 2:14.00 Catholic High School
Wofford, John 2:15.00h Conway High School
Tatom, Jake 2:15.24 Conway High School
RASBURRY, Landon 2:16.08 Benton High School
Goldman, Marcus 2:16.41 Cabot High School
Anthony, Ledarius 2:17.76 Sylvan Hills High School
Otey, Jonathan 2:19.52 North Little Rock High School
Otey, Jadarion 2:23.53 North Little Rock High School
Reed, Antonio 2:23.66 Sylvan Hills High School
Johannes, Aiden 2:24.51 North Little Rock High School
Jenkins, Jayden 2:24.59 LR Central High School
Sherman, Ashton 2:24.8 Maumelle High School
Harrison, Dylan 2:25.0 Maumelle High School
Williams, Jashod 2:25.00 LR Southwest High School
Hudson, Liam 2:36.27 Clinton High School
Vance, Zachary 2:41.00 Clinton High School
Cullum, Bryar 2:45.80 Clinton High School
Hawkins, Jovan 2:52.15 LR Southwest High School
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HS Boys Discus 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Steingisser, Devyn 167-4 Bryant High School
Reardon, Gavin 142-0 Cabot High School
Gipson, Isaiah 139-10 Benton High School
Bobo, Terry 137-6 Bryant High School
Cox, Hayes 136-1 Cabot High School
Jackson, Kingston 127-5 Conway High School
Bowman, Isaiah 119-5 Conway High School
Wright, Nick 110-2 Benton High School
Bryant, Brandon 108-7 LR Southwest High School
Huie, Alec 106-7 Clinton High School
Lea, Cleveland 106-5 North Little Rock High School
Davis, Delkari 102-0 North Little Rock High School
Davis, Chris 100-4 Sylvan Hills High School
Lincoln, Cory 93-7 Catholic High School
Brown, Creed 92-1 Clinton High School
Mohammed, Makhi 90-10 LR Southwest High School
Riley, Porshawn 87-8 LR Central High School
Cotrell, Dylan 82-2 Stuttgart High School
Curtis, Keodon 66-4 Sylvan Hills High School
McKinney, Arthur Stuttgart High School
Hamilton, Jonathan Maumelle High School
Sharp, Edward Maumelle High School
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HS Boys High Jump 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Welch, Jayden 6-4 Bryant High School
Gaston, Landon 6-2 Bryant High School
Gourde, Seth 6-2 Catholic High School
Widener, Zane 6-0 Clinton High School
Hudson, Liam 6-0 Clinton High School
VanGordon, Jordon 6-0 Cabot High School
Scott, Tyler 5-10 Sylvan Hills High School
Thompson, Joe 5-10 Sylvan Hills High School
Hall, Jaylan 5-10 Benton High School
Jones, Xavier 5-10 North Little Rock High School
Clark, De'ontae 5-8 Stuttgart High School
Garrison, Gavin 5-8 Conway High School
Williams, Kamarion 5-8 Conway High School
Carter, Will 5-6 Benton High School
Holmes, Devon LR Central High School
White, Christopher LR Central High School
Clark, Tae Stuttgart High School
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HS Boys Long Jump 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Knox, Tristen 22-9.5 Bryant High School
Johnson, Quarterion 21-7 Stuttgart High School
Modlin, Jackson 21-3 Benton High School
King, O'Marcus 20-11 Benton High School
Muhammad, Malachi 20-10 North Little Rock High School
Palmer, Derrick 20-8.5 LR Southwest High School
Wilkins, Tony 20-5.5 North Little Rock High School
Cox, Hayes 20-2.25 Cabot High School
Barthol, Matthew 19-8.5 Catholic High School
Scott, Tyler 19-5 Sylvan Hills High School
Williams, Kamarion 19-4 Conway High School
Austin, Kamauri 19-4 Bryant High School
Chatmon, Rolandis 19-4 Conway High School
VanGordon, Jordon 19-0 Cabot High School
Gourde, Seth 18-5 Catholic High School
Standridge, Sam 18-4.5 Clinton High School
Hines, Philex 17-10.5 LR Southwest High School
Ward, Patrick 16-6 Maumelle High School
Johnson, Bubba 16-4 Maumelle High School
Daniels, Zayvieon LR Central High School
White, Christopher LR Central High School
Holland, Karter Clinton High School
Billings, Kohlin Sylvan Hills High School
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HS Boys Pole Vault 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Smith, Logan 12-6 Cabot High School
Jones, Jacob 12-0 Bryant High School
Wilson, Spencer 11-6 Benton High School
Blalack, Lucas 11-0 Cabot High School
Karp, Andrew 11-0 Bryant High School
McCarver, Kaleb 11-0 Clinton High School
Kindy, Colson 8-0 Benton High School
Martin, Ryan Conway High School
Sampson, Kamron Sylvan Hills High School
Ho, Jadan Conway High School
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HS Boys Shot Put 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Steingisser, Devyn 54-3 Bryant High School
Cox, Hayes 49-2 Cabot High School
Anderson, Daniel 46-6 Bryant High School
Woodard, Zaiden 44-5 Sylvan Hills High School
Hicks, Walter 43-9.5 Benton High School
Reardon, Gavin 43-6 Cabot High School
Glaze, Parker 43-5 Benton High School
Kern, Kayleb 42-2 Conway High School
Johnson, Marcus 41-2 LR Central High School
Carpenter, Cash 40-6 Clinton High School
Davis, Chris 40-5 Sylvan Hills High School
Jackson, Timothy 40-5 LR Southwest High School
Jones, Monterius 40-0 Conway High School
Huie, Alec 38-9 Clinton High School
Lea, Cleveland 38-7 North Little Rock High School
Davis, Delkari 38-5 North Little Rock High School
Burdine, Luke 37-0 Catholic High School
Harris, Daylon 36-7 LR Southwest High School
Lincoln, Cory 34-4 Catholic High School
Johnson, Jeremy 32-11 Stuttgart High School
Smith, Josiah LR Central High School
Scoby, Dylan Stuttgart High School
Ruple, Reece Maumelle High School
Hamilton, Jonathan Maumelle High School
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HS Boys Triple Jump 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
James, Jontavious 42-6.25 North Little Rock High School
King, O'Marcus 42-5.5 Benton High School
Scott, Tyler 42-3 Sylvan Hills High School
Johnson, Quarterion 42-0 Stuttgart High School
Davis, Mattox 41-1 Benton High School
Welch, Jayden 40-9.5 Bryant High School
Kertis-Jones, Zekariah 40-9.5 Bryant High School
Walker, Jackson 40-1 Sylvan Hills High School
Smith, Jonathan 38-9.75 Conway High School
Barthol, Matthew 38-8 Catholic High School
Nesbitt, Jackie 38-6.5 Conway High School
Delamater, Mason 38-5 Cabot High School
Burgess, Dawson 37-6 Clinton High School
Littell, Brayson 35-2 Clinton High School
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HS Girls 1,600 Meter Run 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Adeola, Sophia LR Central High School
Cabana, Maddie 5:10.80 Clinton High School
Milwee, Virginia 5:23.04 Mount St. Mary Academy
Fisher, Aidan 5:31.13 Bryant High School
Masters, Cady 5:32.32 Cabot High School
Wood, Makenzie 5:32.39 Cabot High School
McNeill, Madeline 5:34.00 Mount St. Mary Academy
Huff, Abigail 5:35.43 Cabot High School
McCandless, Ella 5:42.24 North Little Rock High School
Martin, Reese 5:48.60 Conway High School
Harrell, Jada 5:53.98 Conway High School
McClellan, Sophie 5:59.43 Conway High School
Green, Brea 6:00.00 LR Southwest High School
Kollar, Reese 6:03.44 Mount St. Mary Academy
Pegram, Arion 6:12.85 Bryant High School
Aguirre-Rivera, Victoria 6:28.27 Bryant High School
Quenga, Bailey 6:57.63 Benton High School
Lopez, Mary 7:01.07 Clinton High School
Saranie, Nadia 7:05.58 Stuttgart High School
Berry, Kristen 7:17.67 Clinton High School
Miller, Greta 7:39.59 LR Central High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Miller, Saniya Sylvan Hills High School
Austin, Azaria 11.99 LR Central High School
Poole, Danyelle 12.35 Stuttgart High School
Tyus, Kendra 12.35 Conway High School
Tolliver, Carmin 12.58 Sylvan Hills High School
Cole, Karah 12.67 Conway High School
Lewis, Graci 13.04 Bryant High School
Love, Amaria 13.06 Mount St. Mary Academy
Marks, Jayla 13.17 Bryant High School
Robinson, Kaylen 13.22 Maumelle High School
Muldrew, Tytiana 13.45 LR Central High School
Johnson, Makenna 13.60 Maumelle High School
Lipin, Ak 13.87 Mount St. Mary Academy
Vernon, Kennedy 13.97 LR Southwest High School
Jordan, Haley 14.00h North Little Rock High School
Allen, JaKayla 14.10 LR Southwest High School
Jones, Alexis 14.12 Benton High School
Byers, Christian 14.13 Benton High School
Miller, Lyriq 14.94 North Little Rock High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wilburd, Paris Sylvan Hills High School
Pittman, Kamya LR Central High School
Hasan, Tierra Benton High School
Thomas, Rebekah 16.25 Benton High School
McNab, Dakota 16.38 Bryant High School
Tolliver, Carmin 16.50 Sylvan Hills High School
Harris, D'Ariah 18.28 LR Southwest High School
Zaffina, Alexis 18.60 Bryant High School
Washington, Janiyah 18.64 Conway High School
Swaim, Avery 18.68 Cabot High School
Cole, AnnMarie 18.80h Mount St. Mary Academy
Sims, Kallie 18.96 Cabot High School
Love, Emann 19.00 Mount St. Mary Academy
Mack, Marie 19.30 LR Southwest High School
Daniels, Nadia 19.52 LR Central High School
Powell, Kamiah 19.92 Conway High School
Dunn, Ciriah 20.67 North Little Rock High School
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bradley, Jayia Sylvan Hills High School
Hood, Kortney Sylvan Hills High School
Austin, Azaria 24.87 LR Central High School
Williams, Tierra 24.89 LR Central High School
Poole, Danyelle 25.51 Stuttgart High School
Tyus, Kendra 25.98 Conway High School
Lemay, Allie 27.1 Cabot High School
Robinson, Kaylen 27.10 Maumelle High School
Lewis, Graci 27.27 Bryant High School
Marks, Jayla 27.52 Bryant High School
Hamilton, Kemari 28.00h Cabot High School
Johnson, Makenna 28.20 Maumelle High School
Pownall, Eva 28.28 Mount St. Mary Academy
Harris, Leilanni 28.43 Conway High School
Byers, Christian 28.90 Benton High School
Jones, Alexis 28.90 Benton High School
Jordan, Haley 29.00h North Little Rock High School
Poole, Danaye 29.19 Stuttgart High School
Burdine, Ella 30.16 Mount St. Mary Academy
McDonald, Ariana 31.00 LR Southwest High School
McGee, Samora 31.50 LR Southwest High School
Ollison, Jaliyah 33.89 North Little Rock High School
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HS Girls 3,200 Meter Run 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lopez, Mary Clinton High School
Wooten, Haylen Clinton High School
Cabana, Maddie 11:17.81 Clinton High School
Swindle, Meg 11:38.54 Conway High School
Fisher, Aidan 12:17.12 Bryant High School
King, Lilli 12:28.82 Conway High School
McCandless, Ella 12:32.87 North Little Rock High School
Wysong, Ashtaynne 13:20.98 Cabot High School
Greer, Kelsey 13:23.01 Benton High School
Colter, Blessing 14:03.93 Bryant High School
Sauers, Madison 14:04.19 Bryant High School
Ashley, Kate 14:19.06 Benton High School
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HS Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
White, Makayla LR Central High School
Dunn, Ciriah 1:02.00h North Little Rock High School
Shaver, Gwen 1:02.78 Clinton High School
Love, Emann 1:07.76 Mount St. Mary Academy
McNab, Dakota 48.41 Bryant High School
Harris, D'Ariah 48.99 LR Southwest High School
Lamb, Aubrey 50.76 Bryant High School
Tolliver, Carmin 50.93 Sylvan Hills High School
Thomas, Rebekah 51.44 Benton High School
Blocker, Leah 51.92 Conway High School
Sims, Kallie 52.10h Cabot High School
Muldrew, Tytiana 53.17 LR Central High School
Swaim, Avery 55.09 Cabot High School
Washington, Janiyah 55.13 Conway High School
Mack, Marie 56.84 LR Southwest High School
Ollison, Bailey 58.52 Benton High School
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lattimore, Drew Sylvan Hills High School
Robinson, Ky'Ana Sylvan Hills High School
Morris Pridgeon, Kaliyah LR Central High School
Hoppis, Haven 1:02.62 Conway High School
Guisbiers, Alicia 1:03.28 Benton High School
Allison, Abigail 1:04.69 Conway High School
Meharg, Natalie 1:04.88 Bryant High School
Carozza, Karoline 1:04.90 Benton High School
Lemay, Allie 1:05.32 Cabot High School
Jackson, Karmen 1:11.29 Cabot High School
Tucker, Sarah 1:13.13 Stuttgart High School
Pinter, Sophia 1:15.00h Mount St. Mary Academy
Ellis, Josephine 1:15.75 Mount St. Mary Academy
Barrett, Ah'Jada 1:18.16 LR Southwest High School
Finley, Sharnel 1:19.00 LR Southwest High School
Dunn, Ciriah 1:20.00h North Little Rock High School
Gore, Kimberly 1:21.91 North Little Rock High School
Williams, Tierra 57.67 LR Central High School
Findley, Brilynn 59.00 Bryant High School
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A LR Southwest High School
Relay Team A Sylvan Hills High School
Relay Team A LR Central High School
Relay Team A 49.39 Conway High School
Relay Team A 51.02 Bryant High School
Relay Team A 53.63 Mount St. Mary Academy
Relay Team A 54.24 Benton High School
Relay Team A 58.48 North Little Rock High School
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HS Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A LR Southwest High School
Relay Team A LR Central High School
Relay Team A Sylvan Hills High School
Relay Team A 1:47.31 Bryant High School
Relay Team A 1:52.20 Benton High School
Relay Team A 1:54.30 Conway High School
Relay Team A 1:58.60 Mount St. Mary Academy
Relay Team A 2:05.81 North Little Rock High School
Relay Team A 2:07.88 Maumelle High School
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Sylvan Hills High School
Relay Team A LR Central High School
Relay Team A 4:15.04 Bryant High School
Relay Team A 4:24.81 Benton High School
Relay Team A 4:25.68 Cabot High School
Relay Team A 4:35.00 LR Southwest High School
Relay Team A 4:39.75 Mount St. Mary Academy
Relay Team A 4:42.24 Clinton High School
Relay Team A 4:42.32 Conway High School
Relay Team A 5:20.45 North Little Rock High School
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HS Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Benton High School
Relay Team A Sylvan Hills High School
Relay Team A 10:22.12 Cabot High School
Relay Team A 10:33.33 Bryant High School
Relay Team A 10:35.67 Mount St. Mary Academy
Relay Team A 10:49.48 Conway High School
Relay Team A 11:22.88 Clinton High School
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Robinson, Ky'Ana Sylvan Hills High School
Campbell, Crystal Sylvan Hills High School
Kelley, D'Kiylah Maumelle High School
McClurkin, Siah Conway High School
Lattimore, Drew Sylvan Hills High School
Herrien, Taegan 2:25.94 Bryant High School
Hoppis, Haven 2:27.28 Conway High School
Steliga, Allie 2:32.66 Mount St. Mary Academy
Byers, Amelia 2:34.36 Mount St. Mary Academy
James, Lilly 2:34.39 Bryant High School
Cloud, Jordan 2:35.29 Benton High School
Huff, Abigail 2:35.67 Cabot High School
Grant, Ensley 2:35.77 Cabot High School
Prater, Reagan 2:40.00 Benton High School
Adeola, Sophia 2:41.18 LR Central High School
Towner, Macy 2:42.31 Cabot High School
McCandless, Ella 2:45.65 North Little Rock High School
Garcia, Kimora 2:46.77 LR Southwest High School
Pegram, Arion 2:47.91 Bryant High School
Atilano, Camila 2:52.00 Mount St. Mary Academy
Mahan, Chloe 2:53.65 Conway High School
Lopez, Mary 2:57.46 Clinton High School
Saranie, Nadia 2:59.29 Stuttgart High School
Warner, Paisley 3:01.92 Benton High School
Collins, Brooklynn 3:02.13 Clinton High School
Miller, Greta 3:02.94 LR Central High School
Green, Brea 3:15.00 LR Southwest High School
Slater, Asya 3:19.29 Maumelle High School
Gore, Kimberly 3:29.63 North Little Rock High School
Wooten, Haylen 3:47.95 Clinton High School
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HS Girls Discus 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Steeland, Jaden 141-7 DeWitt High School
Branch, Kylee 130-5 Bryant High School
Ruettiger, Allison 107-3 Cabot High School
Parham, Diamond 102-9 Benton High School
Jackson, Kelis 102-0 Cabot High School
Hoard, Ja'lah 97-9 Stuttgart High School
Koon, Emily 92-9 Bryant High School
Gordon, Kylee 84-8 Benton High School
Deboard, Hannah 84-6 Conway High School
Trezvant, Janiyah 82-6 Conway High School
Sartain, Kylie 81-10 North Little Rock High School
Keith, Kamryn 80-0 Clinton High School
Jones, Iyuana 68-7 North Little Rock High School
Wallace, Allyson 63-11 Clinton High School
Johnson, Lamya 52-0 LR Southwest High School
White, Ariana 51-5 Stuttgart High School
Laird, Kylee Sylvan Hills High School
Looney, Kyra Sylvan Hills High School
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HS Girls High Jump 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Harris, D'Ariah 5-4 LR Southwest High School
James, Lilly 5-1 Bryant High School
Herrien, Taegan 5-0 Bryant High School
Pruett, Kenzie 5-0 Cabot High School
Tucker, Sarah 4-8 Stuttgart High School
Greer, Kelsey 4-6 Benton High School
Blocker, Leah 4-6 Conway High School
Carter, Kyndall 4-6 Conway High School
Cabana, Maddie 4-4 Clinton High School
Cole, AnnMarie 4-4 Mount St. Mary Academy
Daniels, Nadia LR Central High School
Collins, Brooklynn Clinton High School
Lattimore, Drew Sylvan Hills High School
Wilburd, Paris Sylvan Hills High School
Ollison, Bailey Benton High School
Lipin, Ak Mount St. Mary Academy
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HS Girls Long Jump 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Tolliver, Carmin 18-7 Sylvan Hills High School
Poole, Danyelle 17-6.5 Stuttgart High School
Jordan, Mia 16-11.5 Bryant High School
Findley, Brilynn 16-9 Bryant High School
Wilbert, Kylee 16-3.75 LR Central High School
Harris, Leilanni 16-3.5 Conway High School
Hamilton, Kemari 16-1 Cabot High School
Pownall, Eva 15-11.25 Mount St. Mary Academy
Love, Amaria 15-5.5 Mount St. Mary Academy
Tyus, Kendra 15-4.5 Conway High School
Adzokpa, Juliet 15-0 LR Central High School
Bean, Kenya 15-0 Cabot High School
Carozza, Karoline 14-6.5 Benton High School
Shaver , Callie 13-4.26 Clinton High School
Barrett, Ah'Jada 10-8 LR Southwest High School
Wilburd, Paris Sylvan Hills High School
Lageman, Bella Benton High School
Robinson, Kaylen Maumelle High School
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HS Girls Pole Vault 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sorbet, Ryan 9-6 Conway High School
Beams, Aubrey 9-4 Cabot High School
Thomas, Rebekah 9-0 Benton High School
Sims, Kallie 8-9 Cabot High School
Baker, Isabella 8-6 Mount St. Mary Academy
Fabunmi, Dorcas 8-0 Bryant High School
Flores Isturiz, Ariadna 8-0 Bryant High School
Jeu, Abby 8-0 Conway High School
Shaver, Gwen 7-8 Clinton High School
Price, Hannah 7-0 Mount St. Mary Academy
Shaver, Allie 7-0 Clinton High School
Spivey, Amelia Benton High School
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HS Girls Shot Put 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Steeland, Jaden 34-7 DeWitt High School
Parham, Diamond 34-7 Benton High School
Branch, Kylee 34-4 Bryant High School
Ruettiger, Allison 33-7 Cabot High School
Hoard, Ja'lah 31-7 Stuttgart High School
Gresham, Maggie 30-10.25 Clinton High School
Jackson, Kelis 30-7 Cabot High School
Colvin, Zaniya 29-6 Stuttgart High School
Trezvant, Janiyah 28-8 Conway High School
Couch, Parker 28-0 North Little Rock High School
Crowder, Elea 27-7.5 Mount St. Mary Academy
Keith, Kamryn 27-6.5 Clinton High School
Lofton, Anaiya 27-5 Bryant High School
Sartain, Kylie 27-3 North Little Rock High School
Deboard, Hannah 25-5 Conway High School
Kwelle, Chinotu 21-9.5 Mount St. Mary Academy
Johnson, Lamya 21-5 LR Southwest High School
Laird, Kylee Sylvan Hills High School
Wallace, Ashley Benton High School
Looney, Kyra Sylvan Hills High School
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HS Girls Triple Jump 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Tolliver, Carmin 38-5 Sylvan Hills High School
Poole, Danyelle 36-10.5 Stuttgart High School
Robinson, Kaylen 36-1.75 Maumelle High School
Flores Isturiz, Ariadna 36-0 Bryant High School
Pruett, Kenzie 35-11.25 Cabot High School
Jordan, Mia 35-3.5 Bryant High School
Carozza, Karoline 35-1.25 Benton High School
Wilbert, Kylee 33-7 LR Central High School
Tucker, Sarah 32-11.2 Stuttgart High School
Dalton, Lindley 32-3 Mount St. Mary Academy
Hamilton, Kemari 31-6 Cabot High School
Tyus, Kendra 30-2.25 Conway High School
Adzokpa, Juliet 28-11 LR Central High School
Watson, Kylie 26-0 Conway High School
Dickerson, Magenta Sylvan Hills High School
Lageman, Bella Benton High School
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