Ozark Sr. Hillbilly Relays- Moved to 3-13- 2025

Ozark, AR

Athlete Entries

HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fox, Easton Ozark High School
Estep, Evan Ozark High School
Baker, Kasey Cedarville High School
Burton, Andrew Mansfield High School
Powell, Trey 11.47 Mansfield High School
Harrison, Nathanyal 11.52 Dover High School
Mattson, Dakota 11.71 Booneville High School
Dromer, Conner 12.13 Booneville High School
Smithson, Garred 12.18 Charleston High School
Glasspoole, Jacob 12.24 Dover High School
Metcalf, Noah 12.27 Pottsville High School
Hester, Nik 12.31 Providence Academy
Gaona, Emiliano 12.36 Charleston High School
Payton, Reed 12.40 Cedarville High School
Hollingshead, Layton 12.67 Pottsville High School
Gulledge, Jesse 12.72 St. Paul High School
Stephens, Kristopher 12.80 St. Paul High School
Griffin, Nick 13.09 Providence Academy
Yang, Jonas 13.17 Scranton High School
Rostan, Colby 15.00 Perryville High School
Judy, Jesse 15.00 Perryville High School
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Knowles, Dalton Mansfield High School
Gage, Deacon 17.61 Ozark High School
Pastoor, Miles 17.98 Providence Academy
Ramirez, Daniel 18.18 Cedarville High School
Stancil, Kaleb 18.61 Pottsville High School
Childers, Joel 19.00 Charleston High School
Sanchez, Leo 19.18 Pottsville High School
Loaeza, Oliver 19.52 Booneville High School
Reeves, Jathen 19.97 Two Rivers High School
Grant, Zane 20.01 Dover High School
Burnett, Davis 20.07 Providence Academy
Hampton, Wyatt 20.21 Dover High School
Ruloph, Isaac 22.10h Charleston High School
Weller, Randy 22.27 Cedarville High School
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HS Boys 1600 Meter Run 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Steele, Chad Mansfield High School
Scott, Jaden Mansfield High School
Lacy, Ethan 4:41.79 Pottsville High School
Jones, Peyton 4:48.56 Scranton High School
Kile, Liam 4:51.37 Ozark High School
Harp, Winston 4:51.83 Providence Academy
Sparlin, Jacob 4:51.91 Dover High School
Moudy, Eli 5:09.07 Pottsville High School
Suit, Clayton 5:17.89 Ozark High School
Lang, Jakob 5:17.99 Dover High School
Cabalar, Kameron 5:38.81 Charleston High School
Vandehoef, Nathan 5:39.42 Providence Academy
Hicks, Nathan 6:04.62 Booneville High School
Lentz, Cooper 6:17.29 Booneville High School
Brown, Josh 6:24.22 Scranton High School
Asbury, Logan 6:28.14 Charleston High School
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Chastain, Aric Charleston High School
Burton, Andrew Mansfield High School
Duggar, Trae Ozark High School
Estep, Evan Ozark High School
Harrison, Nathanyal 23.45 Dover High School
Powell, Trey 23.78 Mansfield High School
Mattson, Dakota 23.88 Booneville High School
Glasspoole, Jacob 25.06 Dover High School
Dromer, Conner 25.25 Booneville High School
Metcalf, Noah 25.39 Pottsville High School
Smithson, Garred 25.48 Charleston High School
Ramirez, Daniel 25.49 Cedarville High School
Payton, Reed 26.02 Cedarville High School
Ferrari, Alessandro 26.31 Pottsville High School
Yang, Jonas 27.82 Scranton High School
McKinney, Will 28.30 Perryville High School
Evans, Aaron 30.00 Perryville High School
Spears, Tucker 30.55 Two Rivers High School
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HS Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Murders, Keaton Dover High School
Knowles, Dalton Mansfield High School
Pastoor, Miles 43.56 Providence Academy
Ritchie, Devon 44.76 Booneville High School
Stancil, Kaleb 45.62 Pottsville High School
Reeves, Jathen 46.45 Two Rivers High School
Hampton, Wyatt 47.72 Dover High School
Childers, Joel 47.96 Charleston High School
Sanchez, Leo 48.24 Pottsville High School
Ramirez, Daniel 48.53 Cedarville High School
Burnett, Davis 49.59 Providence Academy
Loaeza, Oliver 49.70 Booneville High School
Ruloph, Isaac 59.34 Charleston High School
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HS Boys 3200 Meter Run 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cabalar, Kameron Charleston High School
Lacy, Ethan 10:22.16 Pottsville High School
Kile, Liam 10:39.37 Ozark High School
Lang, Jakob 10:48.37 Dover High School
Moudy, Eli 11:29.05 Pottsville High School
Suit, Clayton 11:30.58 Ozark High School
Lang, Zak 11:52.98 Dover High School
Lentz, Cooper 14:02.40 Booneville High School
Hicks, Nathan 14:10.96 Booneville High School
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Schaffer, Zane Charleston High School
Baker, Kasey Cedarville High School
Burton, Mathew Mansfield High School
Chastain, Aric 1:00.00h Charleston High School
Duggar, Trae 1:02.39 Ozark High School
Harp, Winston 1:02.70 Providence Academy
Riveria, Israel 1:03.00h St. Paul High School
Carter, Joseph 1:04.55 Mansfield High School
Carroll, Luke 1:07.35 Ozark High School
Payton, Denver 1:08.23 Cedarville High School
Rostan, Colby 1:20.00 Perryville High School
Judy, Jesse 1:20.00 Perryville High School
Baker, Tyler 53.70 Providence Academy
Harrison, Nathanyal 54.16 Dover High School
Cunningham, Easton 55.77 Pottsville High School
Peeler, Drew 56.84 Dover High School
Shelton, Chase 56.91 Booneville High School
Ferrari, Alessandro 58.33 Pottsville High School
Ritchie, Devon 58.51 Booneville High School
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Scranton High School
Relay Team A Perryville High School
Relay Team A 47.77 Pottsville High School
Relay Team A 48.35 Ozark High School
Relay Team A 53.13 Two Rivers High School
Relay Team A 54.38 Charleston High School
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HS Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Providence Academy
Relay Team A Dover High School
Relay Team A 1:40.00h Pottsville High School
Relay Team A 1:44.38 Ozark High School
Relay Team A 1:55.66 Two Rivers High School
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Charleston High School
Relay Team A Dover High School
Relay Team A 4:02.34 Pottsville High School
Relay Team A 4:23.12 Ozark High School
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HS Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Providence Academy
Relay Team A Pottsville High School
Relay Team A Charleston High School
Relay Team A Ozark High School
Relay Team A Dover High School
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Scott, Jaden Mansfield High School
Hubble, Brenden Booneville High School
Steele, Chad Mansfield High School
Brown, Josh Scranton High School
Cunningham, Easton 2:06.28 Pottsville High School
Jones, Peyton 2:07.59 Scranton High School
Reed, Jayden 2:11.54 Providence Academy
Sparlin, Jacob 2:14.66 Dover High School
Irvin, Zade 2:15.00h Pottsville High School
Marble, Noah 2:21.27 Providence Academy
Beason, Brice 2:23.01 Charleston High School
Murders, Keaton 2:23.13 Dover High School
Thompson, Azonael 2:32.53 Charleston High School
Gober, Matthew 2:39.41 Ozark High School
Lord, Brock 2:40.25 Ozark High School
Hicks, Nathan 2:43.06 Booneville High School
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HS Boys Discus Throw 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Poole, Damari 142-9 Booneville High School
Crites, Jackson 115-1 Two Rivers High School
Saugey, Jacob 115-0 Perryville High School
West, Jayce 109-8 Perryville High School
Donberger, Zane 101-2 Charleston High School
Barahona, Jordan 99-10 Cedarville High School
Surette, Gavin 96-11 Pottsville High School
Redmond, Josh 95-1 Booneville High School
Ore, Logan 94-4 Mansfield High School
Hitcher, Levi 91-7 Ozark High School
Stark, Tanner 89-7 Charleston High School
Westbrook, Walker 86-0 St. Paul High School
Dunn, Brenton 85-10 Cedarville High School
Gulledge, Jesse 81-3 St. Paul High School
Lee, VanHua 80-6 Two Rivers High School
Davis, Nathan 52-6 Scranton High School
Martinez, Brandon Pottsville High School
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HS Boys High Jump 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fonseca, Wesley 6-0 Booneville High School
Ritchie, Devon 5-10 Booneville High School
Carter, Joseph 5-8 Mansfield High School
Jolly, Issac 5-8 Perryville High School
Gaona, Emiliano 5-6 Charleston High School
Thompson, Azonael 5-4 Charleston High School
Maloney, Lucas 5-4 St. Paul High School
Yang, Jonas 5-4 Scranton High School
Rivera, Israel 5-0 St. Paul High School
Estep, Evan Ozark High School
Masters, Drew Dover High School
Bates, Ty Dover High School
Baker, Kasey Cedarville High School
Hoke, Anthony Pottsville High School
Pool, Weston Pottsville High School
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HS Boys Long Jump 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mattson, Dakota 20-2.5 Booneville High School
Powell, Trey 20-1 Mansfield High School
Glasspoole, Jacob 19-1 Dover High School
Ramirez, Daniel 18-9.5 Cedarville High School
Dromer, Conner 18-5.5 Booneville High School
Stancil, Kaleb 18-2 Pottsville High School
Hollingshead, Layton 18-0 Pottsville High School
Chastain, Aric 17-8 Charleston High School
McKinney, Will 17-6 Perryville High School
Childers, Joel 17-2 Charleston High School
Stephens, Kristopher 16-10 St. Paul High School
Griffin, Nick 16-8 Providence Academy
Smith, Kaiden 16-4.25 Two Rivers High School
Estep, Evan 15-5 Ozark High School
Hester, Nik 15-1.75 Providence Academy
Bowie, Avery 13-0 Perryville High School
Piang, Henry 11-11 Ozark High School
Brown, Josh 11-6 Scranton High School
Masters, Drew Dover High School
Burton, Andrew Mansfield High School
Baker, Kasey Cedarville High School
Yang, Jonas Scranton High School
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HS Boys Pole Vault 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Duggar, Trae 10-6 Ozark High School
Stafford, Dakotta 10-6 Booneville High School
Huffman, Jaren 9-6 Dover High School
Sanchez, Leo 9-6 Pottsville High School
Baker, Tyler 9-0 Providence Academy
Chastain, Aric 9-0 Charleston High School
Grant, Zane 8-6 Dover High School
Weller, Randy 8-0 Cedarville High School
Thompson, Azonael 8-0 Charleston High School
Rivera, Israel 8-0 St. Paul High School
Moudy, Eli 7-6 Pottsville High School
Burnett, Davis 7-0 Providence Academy
Petchinik, Blade Booneville High School
Maloney, Lucas St. Paul High School
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HS Boys Shot Put 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Harmon, Gunnar 44-9 Dover High School
Saugey, Jacob 43-0 Perryville High School
Poole, Damari 41-7 Booneville High School
Fox, Aiden 41-6.5 Booneville High School
McGrew, Mitch 37-7.5 Perryville High School
Stark, Tanner 36-11.25 Charleston High School
Crites, Jackson 36-3 Two Rivers High School
McCutcheon, Kolten 35-5 Dover High School
Hitcher, Levi 35-3 Ozark High School
Surette, Gavin 34-0 Pottsville High School
Ore, Logan 33-9 Mansfield High School
Donberger, Zane 33-6.5 Charleston High School
Westbrook, Walker 30-0 St. Paul High School
Wrightam, Colton 27-10 Scranton High School
Dunn, Brenton 26-8.25 Cedarville High School
Payton, Denver 25-7 Cedarville High School
Lee, VanHua 20-3 Two Rivers High School
Davis, Nathan Scranton High School
Burton, Mathew Mansfield High School
Wachtendorf, Hayden Pottsville High School
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HS Boys Triple Jump 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Powell, Trey 41-7.25 Mansfield High School
Shelton, Chase 39-2.5 Booneville High School
Ritchie, Devon 39-2.25 Booneville High School
Glasspoole, Jacob 38-6 Dover High School
Carter, Joseph 37-10.5 Mansfield High School
Lewis, Caleb 37-0 Pottsville High School
Ramirez, Daniel 36-11 Cedarville High School
McKinney, Will 35-0 Perryville High School
Todd, Deagan 34-9 Charleston High School
Capp, Cade 34-7.5 Ozark High School
Duggar, Trae 34-6 Ozark High School
Riveria, Israel 33-3 St. Paul High School
Schaffer, Zane 33-1 Charleston High School
Evans, Aaron 30-0 Perryville High School
Callans, Timmy Dover High School
Maloney, Lucas St. Paul High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cano, Luna Two Rivers High School
Nelson, Daisy 12.90h Mansfield High School
Schepers, Leah 13.00 Perryville High School
Ponder, Chloe 13.50 Charleston High School
Wood, Pfeiffer 13.84 Pottsville High School
Cox, Addison 13.87 Pottsville High School
Walker, Presley 13.90 Booneville High School
O'Neal, Christina 13.90 Booneville High School
Aldrich, Patti 14.10h Charleston High School
Layes, Cassidy 14.18 Scranton High School
Bremner, Kaeleigh 14.27 Cedarville High School
Miller, Emily 14.33 Ozark High School
Short, Mariella 14.45 Decatur High School / JH
Robison, Sarah 15.43 Ozark High School
Leach, Alexis 16.42 Two Rivers High School
Pruitt, Ella 16.78 Providence Academy
Jones, Mercedez 17.00 Mansfield High School
Holland, Adi 20.00 Perryville High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ross, Anessa Providence Academy
McElmurry, Gretta Providence Academy
Robison, Sarah Ozark High School
Nelson, Daisy 16.59 Mansfield High School
Franklin, Lyddia 17.26 Booneville High School
Layes, Cassidy 18.41 Scranton High School
Sanchez, Evelyn 18.50 Pottsville High School
Jones, Makiah 19.07 Ozark High School
Daubenheyer, Savannah 20.16 Dover High School
Munroe, Kaitlyn 22.80 Two Rivers High School
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HS Girls 1600 Meter Run 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Williams, Andrea Two Rivers High School
Dixon, Jasmine Dover High School
Bishop, Maggie 5:10.33 Providence Academy
Adams, Jane 5:29.79 Providence Academy
Martin, Mayli 5:33.27 Pottsville High School
Dunn, Averie 5:39.30 Huntsville High School
Ussery, Sophie 6:21.11 Pottsville High School
London, Bailey 6:30.00h Mansfield High School
Nichols, Cora 7:06.56 Booneville High School
Rodriguez, Cassandra 7:25.33 Scranton High School
Johnson, Emeray 7:46.32 Two Rivers High School
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Graham, Hope Scranton High School
Nelson, Daisy 28.21 Mansfield High School
Schepers, Leah 28.43 Perryville High School
Wood, Pfeiffer 28.95 Pottsville High School
Bremner, Kaeleigh 29.30 Cedarville High School
Short, Mariella 29.39 Decatur High School / JH
Layes, Cassidy 30.21 Scranton High School
Miller, Emily 30.68 Ozark High School
Hice, Maddie 30.72 Charleston High School
King, Zoie 31.19 Booneville High School
Ross, Anessa 31.35 Providence Academy
Walker, Presley 31.55 Booneville High School
Raper, Riley 32.00 Perryville High School
Hays, J'Lexa 32.48 Pottsville High School
Robison, Sarah 32.85 Ozark High School
Jones, Mercedez 34.00 Mansfield High School
Byrd, Akyra 34.47 Charleston High School
Pruitt, Ella 34.91 Providence Academy
Leach, Alexis 35.62 Two Rivers High School
Ball, Blakeleigh 36.21 Two Rivers High School
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HS Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Daubenheyer, Savannah 1:00.50 Dover High School
Cousins, Isela 1:05.00h St. Paul High School
Munroe, Kaitlyn 1:10.84 Two Rivers High School
Albright, Lacy 52.68 Providence Academy
Sanchez, Evelyn 53.40 Pottsville High School
McElmurry, Gretta 55.5 Providence Academy
Parnell, Baylee 56.92 Booneville High School
Wood, Laney 59.00 Mansfield High School
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HS Girls 3200 Meter Run 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Alvis, Anna Two Rivers High School
Dunn, Averie 12:26.21 Huntsville High School
Birge, Audrey 14:14.70 Pottsville High School
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ruston, Camy Charleston High School
Daubenheyer, Savannah Dover High School
Holland, Adi Perryville High School
Lopez, Emily Charleston High School
Bishop, Maggie 1:02.66 Providence Academy
Wilke, Mara 1:07.00h Pottsville High School
Adkison, Kinleigh 1:08.41 Pottsville High School
Bremner, Kaeleigh 1:09.75 Cedarville High School
Forrest, Aurora 1:11.12 Two Rivers High School
Whittaker, Ashlynn 1:12.50h Mansfield High School
Lowery, Danielle 1:13.92 Mansfield High School
Graham, Hope 1:14.74 Scranton High School
Cibik, Laci 1:16.97 Booneville High School
Ball, Blakeleigh 1:20.69 Two Rivers High School
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Two Rivers High School
Relay Team A Charleston High School
Relay Team A Perryville High School
Relay Team A Booneville High School
Relay Team A 53.02 Ozark High School
Relay Team A 56.00h Mansfield High School
Relay Team A 57.35 Pottsville High School
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HS Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Ozark High School
Relay Team A Two Rivers High School
Relay Team A Booneville High School
Relay Team A 1:57.20 Pottsville High School
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Booneville High School
Relay Team A Two Rivers High School
Relay Team A Charleston High School
Relay Team A 4:42.75 Pottsville High School
Relay Team A 4:55.00h Mansfield High School
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HS Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 11:31.00 Pottsville High School
Relay Team A 12:01.00 Mansfield High School
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dixon, Jasmine Dover High School
Adams, Jane Providence Academy
Waters, Epiphany St. Paul High School
Wheatley, Ava Dover High School
Martin, Mayli 2:28.50 Pottsville High School
Demers, Lucie 2:33.89 Providence Academy
Oneal, Vanessa 2:46.14 Booneville High School
Schlupe, Abbi 2:50.85 Booneville High School
London, Bailey 2:51.65 Mansfield High School
Ussery, Sophie 2:52.52 Pottsville High School
Rodriguez, Cassandra 3:33.22 Scranton High School
Johnson, Emeray 3:33.71 Two Rivers High School
Trinh, Eva 3:40.00h Mansfield High School
Williams, Andrea 4:09.34 Two Rivers High School
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HS Girls Discus Throw 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ward, Kaylee 84-3 Mansfield High School
Miller, Emily 84-0 Ozark High School
Phillips, Brooklyn 83-11 Booneville High School
Wood, Pfeiffer 81-4 Pottsville High School
Lowery, Danielle 79-3 Mansfield High School
Hays, J'Lexa 73-2 Pottsville High School
Graham, Hope 72-9 Scranton High School
Alvis, Anna 64-4 Two Rivers High School
Asbury, Daisy 63-2 Charleston High School
Montes, Citlalli 63-1 St. Paul High School
Lindsey, Shaylinn 55-0.5 Dover High School
Wheatley, Ava 39-1 Dover High School
Warren, Addylee Ozark High School
Williams, Andrea Two Rivers High School
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HS Girls High Jump 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Albright, Lacy 5-0 Providence Academy
Miller, Emily 4-11 Ozark High School
Lowery, Danielle 4-6 Mansfield High School
Ponder, Chloe 4-4 Charleston High School
Cibik, Laci 4-4 Booneville High School
Munroe, Kaitlyn 4-4 Two Rivers High School
Kimball, Caydence 4-4 St. Paul High School
Forrest, Aurora 4-4 Two Rivers High School
Parnell, Baylee 4-2 Booneville High School
Jones, Erika 4-0 Ozark High School
Byrd, Akyra Charleston High School
Wilke, Mara Pottsville High School
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HS Girls Long Jump 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Nelson, Daisy 16-2 Mansfield High School
King, Zoie 15-2.25 Booneville High School
Ponder, Chloe 15-1 Charleston High School
Adkison, Kinleigh 14-4 Pottsville High School
Wilke, Mara 14-4 Pottsville High School
Layes, Cassidy 14-1 Scranton High School
Templin, Lydenrose 13-11 Two Rivers High School
Schepers, Leah 13-10.5 Perryville High School
Ross, Anessa 13-8.5 Providence Academy
Smith, Elizabeth 13-4 Two Rivers High School
Wood, Laney 13-0 Mansfield High School
Robison, Sarah 12-4.5 Ozark High School
Pruitt, Ella 12-3.5 Providence Academy
Rusher, Aubrey 12-3 Ozark High School
Raper, Riley 10-00 Perryville High School
Aldrich, Patti Charleston High School
Parnell, Baylee Booneville High School
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HS Girls Pole Vault 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wood, Laney 8-8 Mansfield High School
Albright, Lacy 8-6 Providence Academy
Hunt, Harley 8-0 Ozark High School
Cousins, Isela 7-0 St. Paul High School
Ross, Anessa 6-0 Providence Academy
Trinh, Eva 6-0 Mansfield High School
Daubenheyer, Savannah Dover High School
Hunter, Amaya Dover High School
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HS Girls Shot Put 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Phillips, Brooklyn 36-6.5 Booneville High School
Ward, Kaylee 33-1 Mansfield High School
Wood, Pfeiffer 30-6 Pottsville High School
Alvis, Anna 28-10 Two Rivers High School
Lowery, Danielle 28-0 Mansfield High School
Miller, Emily 27-5 Ozark High School
Asbury, Daisy 26-4.25 Charleston High School
Montes, Citlalli 22-4.5 St. Paul High School
Lindsey, Shaylinn 21-4.25 Dover High School
Wolfe, Aliya 20-6 Ozark High School
Wheatley, Ava Dover High School
scheiwe, kayla Booneville High School
Williams, Andrea Two Rivers High School
Birge, Audrey Pottsville High School
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HS Girls Triple Jump 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McElmurry, Gretta 34-9 Providence Academy
Wood, Laney 32-2.5 Mansfield High School
Walker, Presley 31-7.75 Booneville High School
Ross, Cadie 31-3.75 Ozark High School
Layes, Cassidy 30-11 Scranton High School
Sanchez, Evelyn 30-10 Pottsville High School
Cox, Addison 30-8.5 Pottsville High School
Triska, Trinity 30-0 Mansfield High School
Cousins, Isela 28-11.75 St. Paul High School
Resch, Kailey 28-0 Booneville High School
Ross, Anessa 25-11 Providence Academy
Templin, Lydenrose 25-4 Two Rivers High School
Smith, Elizabeth Two Rivers High School
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