Hot Springs Lakeside Ram Relays 2023

Hot Springs, AR

Athlete Entries

HS Boys 1,600 Meter Run 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Davidson, Owen Episcopal Collegiate School
Miles, Landen Benton High School
Dellimore, Aiden Episcopal Collegiate School
Gordy, Chandler Vilonia High School
Duffy, Asher Jessieville High School
Bariola, Joseph 4:19.46 Lakeside (HS) High School
Waller, Brandon 4:35.78 Cabot High School
Miller, Nathan 4:39.19 Lake Hamilton High School
Castleman, Connor 4:41.27 Lakeside (HS) High School
Finley, Cole 4:44.24 Vilonia High School
Adams, Cade 4:44.99 Vilonia High School
Martinez, Diego 4:50.13 Hot Springs High School
Morris, Hez 4:50.52 Cabot High School
Kelley, Logan 4:50.74 Vilonia High School
McFall, Myson 4:52.48 Cabot High School
Menzies, Chay 4:54.91 Lake Hamilton High School
Smith, Steven 4:54.97 Benton High School
Hollingsworth, Gavin 4:56.21 Cabot High School
Watson, Ben 4:57.12 Benton High School
Moellers, Joseph 5:00.00 Catholic High School
Null, Miles 5:00.00 Catholic High School
Robbins, Luke 5:00.00 Catholic High School
Johnson, Will 5:00.00 Catholic High School
Bright, Randall 5:00.14 Benton High School
Andrade, Felipe 5:07.94 Lake Hamilton High School
Montgomery, Daniel 5:11.34 Lakeside (HS) High School
Mann, Chaise 5:12.54 Lake Hamilton High School
Martin, Brandon 5:16.18 Maumelle High School
Dobson, Shane 5:22.40 Sheridan High School
Olmedo, Cruz 5:24.34 Sheridan High School
Hale, Ethan 5:28.51 Hot Springs High School
Greer, John 5:42.31 Jessieville High School
Raymick, Riley 5:54.47 Sheridan High School
Lopez, Jose 6:24.17 Fountain Lake High School
Harris, Michael 6:57.21 Star City High School
Rogers, Dylan 7:00.00h Sheridan High School
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HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 47 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Johnson, Kevin Star City High School
Hilliard, Karsten Maumelle High School
Reed, Levin Blytheville High School
Hickman, jamaal Star City High School
Newell, Elijah Maumelle High School
Ryles, Pharaoh Maumelle High School
King, Derrick Blytheville High School
Webb, Aaron 10.99 Sheridan High School
Owens, Izaiah 11.26 Sheridan High School
Niece, Heath 11.39 Vilonia High School
Criner, Amarius 11.48 Cabot High School
Stringer, Kayvon 11.5 Pine Bluff High School
Burris, Brayden 11.51 Lake Hamilton High School
Brewer, Owen 11.61 Catholic High School
Johnson, Cooper 11.70 Jessieville High School
Brogdin, TJ 11.71 Hot Springs High School
Hughes, Colby 11.75 Hot Springs High School
Hicks, Derrick 11.75 Hot Springs High School
Battles, Ingram 11.78 Blytheville High School
Clark, Tori 11.81 Cabot High School
Mason, Elijah 11.85 Episcopal Collegiate School
Neece, Alex 11.87 Catholic High School
Johnson, Brentenn 11.88 Jessieville High School
Shock, Kody 11.89 Vilonia High School
Barnes, Glenn 11.9 Pine Bluff High School
Johnson, Elijah 11.90 Pine Bluff High School
Roe, Chris 11.93 Cabot High School
Tugwell, Carter 12.00 Magnet Cove High School
Hurley, Connor 12.00 Magnet Cove High School
Harbin, Damien 12.08 Jessieville High School
Rivers, John 12.08 Lakeside (HS) High School
Davis, Abram 12.08 Fountain Lake High School
Smith, Taten 12.13 Fountain Lake High School
Matthews, Landen 12.14 Lakeside (HS) High School
Woodlief, Nick 12.15 Lakeside (HS) High School B
Davis, CJ 12.15 Sheridan High School
Davis, Morgan 12.18 Vilonia High School
Cash, Braden 12.20 Lake Hamilton High School
Stephens, Carder 12.20 Lakeside (HS) High School
Moore, Kenneth 12.30 Friendship Aspire Academy Southe
Pew, Alvin 12.36 Friendship Aspire Academy Southe
Riggs, Troy 12.60h Fountain Lake High School
Plafcan, Paul 12.61 Catholic High School
Brown, Nehemiah 12.63 Star City High School
Green, Lee 12.75 Magnet Cove High School
Chancellor, Chris 13.08 Lake Hamilton High School
McGlothan, Roman 13.83 Friendship Aspire Academy Southe
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Winters, Jabari Friendship Aspire Academy Southe
Brown, Nehemiah Star City High School
Pew, Alvin Friendship Aspire Academy Southe
Robertson, Hayden Star City High School
Chase, Eddie Friendship Aspire Academy Southe
Whorton, Ian Star City High School
Dowd, Fabeous Blytheville High School
Hudson, Jerry 15.02 Pine Bluff High School
Brown, Christian 15.15 Episcopal Collegiate School
Benzing, Matthew 15.47 Vilonia High School
Pompeo, William 15.83 Benton High School
Griffin, Micheal 15.85 Cabot High School
Delamater, Mason 16.40 Cabot High School
Uptagrafft, Nathan 16.75 Sheridan High School
Williams, John 16.89 Cabot High School
Bivens, Ben 17.13 Lakeside (HS) High School
Sredin, Hunter 17.42 Sheridan High School
Barnard, Christopher 17.54 Benton High School
Murray, Ian 17.71 Lakeside (HS) High School
Tillery, Sam 19.00h Fountain Lake High School
Rideout, Gary 19.17 Benton High School
Thomas, Hunter 19.52 Jessieville High School
Ellis, Tj 19.78 Hot Springs High School
Wells, Dee 20.06 Blytheville High School
Rooke, Ian 22.06 Jessieville High School
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 53 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pew, Alvin Friendship Aspire Academy Southe
Beene, Zairen Star City High School
Brown, Christian Episcopal Collegiate School
Campbell, Devin Maumelle High School
Rivers, Charles Hot Springs High School
McChristian, Royal Blytheville High School
Franklin, Khollin Maumelle High School
Williams, Eugene Blytheville High School
Brown, Nehemiah Star City High School
Johnson, Bubba Maumelle High School
Webb, Aaron 21.87 Sheridan High School
Dew, Chase 22.79 Lakeside (HS) High School
Burris, Brayden 22.86 Lake Hamilton High School
Uekman, John 22.99 Catholic High School
Turner, CJ 23.09 Star City High School
Owens, Izaiah 23.23 Sheridan High School
Dugger, Levi 23.23 Lakeside (HS) High School
Europe, Alex 23.32 Hot Springs High School
Saddler, Riley 23.35 Vilonia High School
Lee, Marques 23.36 Pine Bluff High School
Rivers, John 23.50 Lakeside (HS) High School
Kline, Mick 23.60h Catholic High School
Clark, Tori 23.85 Cabot High School
Jackson, Gage 23.93 Cabot High School
Cox, Hayes 23.95 Cabot High School
Barnard, Christopher 24.18 Benton High School
Johnson, Cooper 24.19 Jessieville High School
King, O'Marcus 24.2 Benton High School
Davis, Morgan 24.20 Vilonia High School
Reed, Levin 24.44 Blytheville High School
Davis, Mattox 24.5 Benton High School
Barnes, Glenn 24.66 Pine Bluff High School
Muddiman, Jacob 24.73 Lake Hamilton High School
Stephens, Carder 24.75 Lakeside (HS) High School B
Sonny, Paul 24.77 Pine Bluff High School
Woodlief, Nick 24.80 Lakeside (HS) High School B
Mason, Elijah 24.94 Episcopal Collegiate School
Parks, Whit 25.00h Hot Springs High School
Christian, Colton 25.07 Vilonia High School
Kelley, Dru 25.20 Lakeside (HS) High School B
Johnson, Brentenn 25.27 Jessieville High School
Roswell, Seth 25.50h Catholic High School
Morgan, Jack 25.52 Jessieville High School
Cooper, Trevon 25.90 Lake Hamilton High School
Tugwell, Carter 26.18 Magnet Cove High School
Hurley, Connor 26.98 Magnet Cove High School
Smith, Jake 27.00 Sheridan High School
Green, Lee 27.00h Magnet Cove High School
Winters, Jabari 27.81 Friendship Aspire Academy Southe
Moore, Kenneth 28.08 Friendship Aspire Academy Southe
Castillo, Alehondro 29.10 Fountain Lake High School
Oshea, Ashton 30.00h Fountain Lake High School
Smith, Bricin 30.00h Fountain Lake High School
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HS Boys 3,200 Meter Run 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hale, Ethan Hot Springs High School
Lopez, Caleb Benton High School
Martinez, Diego Hot Springs High School
Andrade, Felipe Lake Hamilton High School
RASBURRY, Landon Benton High School
Boyd, Logan Maumelle High School
Adams, Cade 10:07.06 Vilonia High School
Bariola, Joseph 10:13.10 Lakeside (HS) High School
McFall, Myson 10:18.12 Cabot High School
Johnson, Brooks 10:22.65 Cabot High School
MARTIN, Cade 10:23.76 Lake Hamilton High School
Finley, Cole 10:24.60 Vilonia High School
Found, Asher 10:30.00 Catholic High School
Morris, Hez 10:35.27 Cabot High School
Kelley, Logan 10:41.33 Vilonia High School
Greenway, Zach 10:45.00 Catholic High School
Castleman, Connor 10:51.73 Lakeside (HS) High School
Kollar, Joseph 10:53.09 Catholic High School
Gordy, Chandler 11:04.10 Vilonia High School
DeWeber, Jedidiah 11:07.37 Lake Hamilton High School
Burke, Daniel 11:17.43 Cabot High School
Garrett, Evan 11:21.11 Benton High School
Street, Christian 11:40.11 Benton High School
Olmedo, Cruz 11:40.76 Sheridan High School
Newcomer, Michael 11:46.04 Lake Hamilton High School
Raymick, Riley 12:00.00 Sheridan High School
Martin, Brandon 14:19.07 Maumelle High School
Rogers, Dylan 16:07.24 Sheridan High School
Found, Elias 9:48.97 Catholic High School
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HS Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hudson, Jerry Pine Bluff High School
Robertson, Hayden Star City High School
Dowd, Fabeous Blytheville High School
Whorton, Ian Star City High School
Jones, Jason Pine Bluff High School
Antoine, Marcus Friendship Aspire Academy Southe
Griffin, Micheal 41.34 Cabot High School
Brown, Christian 42.00h Episcopal Collegiate School
Benzing, Matthew 42.07 Vilonia High School
Uptagrafft, Nathan 42.26 Sheridan High School
Williams, John 43.02 Cabot High School
Delamater, Mason 43.09 Cabot High School
Pompeo, William 44.19 Benton High School
Sredin, Hunter 44.70 Sheridan High School
Lackey, Zeke 44.78 Lake Hamilton High School
Rideout, Gary 45.60 Benton High School
Murray, Ian 45.83 Lakeside (HS) High School
Bivens, Ben 45.98 Lakeside (HS) High School
Davis, Billy 46.60 Blytheville High School
Washington, Justin 47.00 Hot Springs High School
Thornton, Jaden 47.60 Benton High School
Burris, Brayden 48.03 Lake Hamilton High School
Eggleston, Elijah 49.74 Hot Springs High School
Rooke, Ian 51.01 Jessieville High School
Cunningham, Blayne 53.90 Sheridan High School
Jones, Marctavius 56.32 Star City High School
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 47 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Reed, Ladarius Blytheville High School
Riggs, Troy Fountain Lake High School
Harris, Michael Star City High School
Whyte, Jah Maumelle High School
Ellis, Talib Hot Springs High School
Davis, Billy Blytheville High School
Winters, Jabari Friendship Aspire Academy Southe
Brown, Nehemiah Star City High School
Antoine, Marcus Friendship Aspire Academy Southe
Whorton, Ian Star City High School
Franklin, Khollin Maumelle High School
Greenwood, Kendol 1:00 Pine Bluff High School
Dunbar, Kaleb 1:00 Pine Bluff High School
Hudson, Cooper 1:00.63 Catholic High School
Hurley, Connor 1:05.00h Magnet Cove High School
Dellimore, Aiden 1:05.55 Episcopal Collegiate School
Davidson, Owen 1:05.88 Episcopal Collegiate School
Castillo, Alehondro 1:06.94 Fountain Lake High School
Dotson, Sayer 1:15.57 Maumelle High School
Mason, Elijah 1:20.00h Episcopal Collegiate School
Uekman, John 50.51 Catholic High School
Aceves, Frankie 50.80 Cabot High School
Dew, Chase 51.06 Lakeside (HS) High School
Dugger, Levi 51.66 Lakeside (HS) High School
Shock, Kody 53.25 Vilonia High School
Davidson, Denver 53.62 Lakeside (HS) High School
Johnson, Cooper 53.84 Jessieville High School
Saddler, Riley 53.95 Vilonia High School
Kemp , Ethan 54.12 Cabot High School
Smithhart, Cade 54.18 Vilonia High School
Beard, Aiden 54.50 Lakeside (HS) High School B
Stivers, Joseph 54.54 Benton High School
Parker, Javeon 54.57 Benton High School
Kline, Mick 54.79 Catholic High School
Morgan, Jack 54.90 Jessieville High School
Williams, Norvellus 55.12 Benton High School
Reyes, Junior 55.57 Hot Springs High School
Floyd, Calvin 56.00h Hot Springs High School
Cash, Braden 56.37 Lake Hamilton High School
Woodward, Zander 56.55 Lake Hamilton High School
McNeill, Levi 56.95 Cabot High School
Hudson, Jerry 58.00 Pine Bluff High School
King, Derrick 58.26 Blytheville High School
Guzman, Zaid 58.79 Jessieville High School
Anderson, Jack 59.07 Lake Hamilton High School
Russll, Aaron 59.28 Fountain Lake High School
Martin, Will 59.99 Sheridan High School
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Hot Springs High School
Relay Team A Pine Bluff High School
Relay Team A Maumelle High School
Relay Team A Friendship Aspire Academy Southe
Relay Team A Star City High School
Relay Team A 1:40.00h Sheridan High School
Relay Team A 44.23 Vilonia High School
Relay Team A 44.76 Lakeside (HS) High School
Relay Team A 44.85 Cabot High School
Relay Team A 45.73 Benton High School
Relay Team A 47.00h Fountain Lake High School
Relay Team A 47.52 Catholic High School
Relay Team A 47.93 Lake Hamilton High School
Relay Team A 48.95 Jessieville High School
Relay Team A 53.99 Magnet Cove High School
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HS Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Pine Bluff High School
Relay Team A Maumelle High School
Relay Team A Friendship Aspire Academy Southe
Relay Team A Star City High School
Relay Team A 1:34.00h Hot Springs High School
Relay Team A 1:34.06 Benton High School
Relay Team A 1:34.31 Vilonia High School
Relay Team A 1:35.56 Cabot High School
Relay Team A 1:36.02 Lakeside (HS) High School
Relay Team A 1:36.23 Catholic High School
Relay Team A 1:39.30 Fountain Lake High School
Relay Team A 1:39.92 Jessieville High School
Relay Team A 1:41.23 Lake Hamilton High School
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Pine Bluff High School
Relay Team A Sheridan High School
Relay Team A 3:33.43 Vilonia High School
Relay Team A 3:34.38 Lakeside (HS) High School
Relay Team A 3:42.13 Cabot High School
Relay Team A 3:44.97 Hot Springs High School
Relay Team A 3:46.04 Jessieville High School
Relay Team A 3:47.37 Benton High School
Relay Team A 3:52.37 Lake Hamilton High School
Relay Team A 4:20.77 Catholic High School
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HS Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Hot Springs High School
Relay Team A Pine Bluff High School
Relay Team A 10:00.00 Catholic High School
Relay Team A 8:25.92 Vilonia High School
Relay Team A 8:35.46 Lake Hamilton High School
Relay Team A 8:38.12 Cabot High School
Relay Team A 9:21.74 Lakeside (HS) High School
Relay Team A 9:24.93 Benton High School
Relay Team A 9:35.38 Sheridan High School
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 46 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dunbar, Kaleb Pine Bluff High School
Wilson, Naddarius Blytheville High School
Jones, Jason Pine Bluff High School
Cullins, Juwon Blytheville High School
Davidson, Owen Episcopal Collegiate School
Hedrick, Warren Hot Springs High School
Eby, James Benton High School
Sombright, Cam'Ron Pine Bluff High School
Lewis, William Lakeside (HS) High School B
Rogers, Eli Blytheville High School
Harris, Michael Star City High School
Waller, Brandon 1:58.06 Cabot High School
White, Jones 1:59.40 Vilonia High School
Hogue, Caleb 1:59.72 Vilonia High School
Eskew, Kaleb 2:03.95 Jessieville High School
Martinez, Diego 2:04.00 Hot Springs High School
Pye, Hunter 2:05.69 Jessieville High School
Modlin, Jackson 2:08 Benton High School
Bell, Jonah 2:08.09 Vilonia High School
Miller, Nathan 2:08.21 Lake Hamilton High School
Pacheco, Alex 2:08.41 Hot Springs High School
Trueman, Joshua 2:09.67 Cabot High School
Conley, Damarion 2:10.00 Hot Springs High School
Jones, Hunter 2:10.80 Vilonia High School
Hall, Jaylan 2:13 Benton High School
Paddock, Matthew 2:14.70 Catholic High School
Qualls, Coby 2:15.37 Lake Hamilton High School
Hollingsworth, Gavin 2:16.15 Cabot High School
Davis, Charlie 2:18.00 Catholic High School
Montgomery, Daniel 2:18.65 Lakeside (HS) High School
McCain, Zane 2:18.70 Lake Hamilton High School
Rook, Brady 2:20.39 Benton High School
Oswalt, Cohen 2:21.00 Lakeside (HS) High School
Wilkerson, Hayden 2:21.00h Sheridan High School
Brown, Daniel 2:21.86 Sheridan High School
Ford, BJ 2:22.27 Lakeside (HS) High School
Stephens, Beau 2:22.99 Catholic High School
Robbins, Andrew 2:24.62 Catholic High School
Dellimore, Aiden 2:25.12 Episcopal Collegiate School
Raymick, Riley 2:27.00h Sheridan High School
Kramer, Baur 2:29.87 Lakeside (HS) High School
Boykin, Jack 2:30.00h Sheridan High School
Duffy, Asher 2:33.05 Jessieville High School
Pennington, Austin 2:42.00h Fountain Lake High School
Lopez, Jose 2:42.71 Fountain Lake High School
Avila, Angel 3:13.64 Fountain Lake High School
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HS Boys Discus 38 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rogers, Bo 148-10 Cabot High School
Robertson, Austin 130-8 Cabot High School
Ellis, Dalton 129-8 Vilonia High School
Ringgold, Kellar 127-2 Cabot High School
Kindt, Cooper 123-4 Lake Hamilton High School
Brimer, Cyle 120-10 Sheridan High School
McCain, Lucas 120-2 Lake Hamilton High School
Fields, Jorden 118-7 Pine Bluff High School
Cauthen, Drake 117-6 Vilonia High School
Gipson, Isaiah 116-3 Benton High School
Lacey, Chance 113-3 Lake Hamilton High School
Dugger, Levi 110-5 Lakeside (HS) High School
Steward, Bo 109-4 Vilonia High School
Wallace, Layton 107-6 Sheridan High School
Casey, Michael 105-00 Hot Springs High School
Young, Erik 102-3 Maumelle High School
Taylor, Isaiah 101-7 Jessieville High School
Ramsey, Weston 100-0 Sheridan High School
Hedrick, Warren 95-0 Hot Springs High School
Johnson, Adam 94-7 Catholic High School
Pace, Achilleus 90-7 Maumelle High School
Williams, River 85-0 Magnet Cove High School
Tanaka, Tabor 85-0 Magnet Cove High School
Kelley, Dru 84-9 Lakeside (HS) High School
Williams, Kendell 82-4 Hot Springs High School
Lucas, Vanterrues 81-8 Blytheville High School
Prude, Marcus 81-4 Blytheville High School
Forte, Konner 74-2 Maumelle High School
Soileau, Tony 74-0 Jessieville High School
Crutchfield, Rachon Pine Bluff High School
Glaze, Parker Benton High School
Harding, Chase Benton High School
Hatcher, Chris Blytheville High School
Hanks, Duncan Lakeside (HS) High School
wanjala, david Episcopal Collegiate School
Wood, greyson Episcopal Collegiate School
Daniels, Keaton Pine Bluff High School
Hatchett, Jaxon Catholic High School
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HS Boys High Jump 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Muse, Gavin 6-3 Cabot High School
Smithhart, Cade 6-1 Vilonia High School
Jameson, Kyin 6-0 Hot Springs High School
Beene, Zairen 6-0 Star City High School
Gourde, Seth 6-0 Catholic High School
Jones, Ray 5-10 Hot Springs High School
Cox, Hayes 5-10 Cabot High School
Mitchell, Xavion 5-8 Hot Springs High School
Williams, Norvellus 5-8 Benton High School
Davis, Billy 5-8 Blytheville High School
Johnson, Cooper 5-8 Jessieville High School
Hedden, Carter 5-6 Benton High School
Ford, BJ 5-6 Lakeside (HS) High School
Rivers, John 5-6 Lakeside (HS) High School
Hickman, jamaal 5-6 Star City High School
East, Evan 5-6 Fountain Lake High School
Cooper, Trevon 5-4 Lake Hamilton High School
Duch, Thomas 5-4 Catholic High School
Muddiman, Jacob 5-0 Lake Hamilton High School
Hunter, Cato Maumelle High School
Williams, Eugene Blytheville High School
King, Derrick Blytheville High School
Whorton, Ian Star City High School
Riggs, Troy Fountain Lake High School
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HS Boys Long Jump 45 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Duch, Thomas 21-4.75 Catholic High School
Modlin, Jackson 21-1 Benton High School
Europe, Alex 21-0 Hot Springs High School
Dugger, Levi 20-8.5 Lakeside (HS) High School
Griffin, Micheal 20-6.25 Cabot High School
Owens, Izaiah 20-6 Sheridan High School
Benzing, Matthew 20-4.5 Vilonia High School
Davidson, Denver 20-0 Lakeside (HS) High School
Stivers, Joseph 19-11.5 Benton High School
Smithhart, Cade 19-10 Vilonia High School
Burris, Brayden 19-7.5 Lake Hamilton High School
Henderson, Tariq 19-7 Cabot High School
Brogdin, TJ 19-6.5 Hot Springs High School
Krause, Michael 19-6 Catholic High School
Hall, Jaylan 19-5 Benton High School
McNew, Lance 19-2 Vilonia High School
Williams, John 19-0 Cabot High School
Battles, Ingram 19-0 Blytheville High School
Johnson, Brentenn 18-10.75 Jessieville High School
Reed, Levin 18-10 Blytheville High School
Stephens, Carder 18-9 Lakeside (HS) High School B
Rivers, John 18-8.5 Lakeside (HS) High School
Barthol, Matthew 18-8 Catholic High School
Newell, Elijah 18-5 Maumelle High School
Tugwell, Carter 18-0 Magnet Cove High School
Hurley, Connor 18-0 Magnet Cove High School
Chancellor, Chris 17-8 Lake Hamilton High School
Pew, Alvin 17-7 Friendship Aspire Academy Southe
Hunter, Cato 17-3.75 Maumelle High School
Morgan, Jack 17-1 Jessieville High School
Parks, Blake 17-0 Lake Hamilton High School
Stringer, Kayvon 16-8.5 Pine Bluff High School
Combs, Paul 16-5 Fountain Lake High School
Green, Lee 16-3 Magnet Cove High School
Brown, Nehemiah 16-1 Star City High School
Jones, Marctavius 15-10 Star City High School
Whorton, Ian 15-8 Star City High School
Sonny, Paul Pine Bluff High School
Barham, Jason Maumelle High School
Lee, Marques Pine Bluff High School
Mitchell, Xavion Hot Springs High School
Williams, Eugene Blytheville High School
Chase, Eddie Friendship Aspire Academy Southe
McGlothan, Roman Friendship Aspire Academy Southe
Deen, Aiden Jessieville High School
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HS Boys Pole Vault 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McNew, Lance 14-0 Vilonia High School
Erwin, Luke 12-0 Lake Hamilton High School
Smith, Logan 11-6 Cabot High School
Murray, Ian 11-6 Lakeside (HS) High School
Mosier, Elijah 11-6 Vilonia High School
Wilson, Spencer 10-0 Benton High School
Kassem, Connor 9-6 Jessieville High School
Johnson, Cooper 8-2.5 Jessieville High School
Huneycutt, Grant Jessieville High School
Lewis, William Lakeside (HS) High School
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HS Boys Shot Put 42 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McNeely, Peyton 50-2 Benton High School
Leaks, Chris 49-8 Cabot High School
Cox, Hayes 45-3.5 Cabot High School
Goff, Connor 44-9 Lake Hamilton High School
Ellis, Dalton 44-3 Vilonia High School
Rogers, Bo 43-7 Cabot High School
Luster, Travis 43-2 Blytheville High School
Russell, Braylen 42-9 Benton High School
Kindt, Cooper 42-4 Lake Hamilton High School
McCain, Lucas 40-11 Lake Hamilton High School
Cauthen, Drake 40-7 Vilonia High School
Fields, Jorden 40-5 Pine Bluff High School
Steward, Bo 39-4.5 Vilonia High School
Young, Erik 39-3 Maumelle High School
Johnson, Ricky 37-0 Sheridan High School
Hatchett, Jaxon 36-9.5 Catholic High School
Porter, DeMarius 36-7 Hot Springs High School
Seguin, Chris 35-11 Hot Springs High School
Pace, Achilleus 35-6.75 Maumelle High School
Casey, Michael 34-10.5 Hot Springs High School
Smith, Jake 33-10 Sheridan High School
Walker, Josh 33-9.5 Sheridan High School
Davis, Abram 32-1 Fountain Lake High School
Daniels, Keaton 31-9 Pine Bluff High School
Johnson, Adam 30-3 Catholic High School
Taylor, Isaiah 28-4 Jessieville High School
Forte, Konner 27-8.5 Maumelle High School
Tanaka, Tabor 27-5 Magnet Cove High School
Williams, River 27-0 Magnet Cove High School
Holland, Aaron 26-5 Magnet Cove High School
Glaze, Parker Benton High School
Whittle, Tyler Blytheville High School
Rogers, Danny Blytheville High School
Burris, Latrell Star City High School
Johnson, Kevin Star City High School
Soileau, Tony Jessieville High School
Toatley, Trevon Lakeside (HS) High School
Matthews, Landen Lakeside (HS) High School
Hanks, Duncan Lakeside (HS) High School
Wood, greyson Episcopal Collegiate School
wanjala, david Episcopal Collegiate School
Crutchfield, Rachon Pine Bluff High School
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HS Boys Triple Jump 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Griffin, Micheal 44-9 Cabot High School
Reed, Levin 42-4 Blytheville High School
Krause, Michael 42-0.5 Catholic High School
Owens, Izaiah 41-6 Sheridan High School
Benzing, Matthew 41-2.5 Vilonia High School
Smithhart, Cade 41-1 Vilonia High School
King, O'Marcus 40-7.5 Benton High School
Davis, Mattox 40-2.5 Benton High School
Johnson, Brentenn 40-2.5 Jessieville High School
Ford, BJ 39-5.5 Lakeside (HS) High School
Graham, Aiden 39-4.25 Vilonia High School
Davis, Billy 39-4 Blytheville High School
Barthol, Matthew 38-8 Catholic High School
Mitchell, Xavion 38-6 Hot Springs High School
Addaway, Jeremiah 38-4 Hot Springs High School
Jameson, Kyin 38-0 Hot Springs High School
Capel, Braiden 38-0 Cabot High School
Stephens, Carder 37-8 Lakeside (HS) High School
Thomas, Hunter 36-3 Jessieville High School
Chancellor, Chris 36-0 Lake Hamilton High School
Parks, Blake 34-9.5 Lake Hamilton High School
Combs, Paul 34-3 Fountain Lake High School
Pew, Alvin 33-7 Friendship Aspire Academy Southe
Johnson, Brisonn 31-5.5 Jessieville High School
Tugwell, Carter 30-8 Magnet Cove High School
Green, Lee 27-0 Magnet Cove High School
Williams, Norvellus Benton High School
Gonzalez, Drew Lakeside (HS) High School
Williams, Eugene Blytheville High School
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HS Girls 1,600 Meter Run 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pielemeier, Olivia 4:54.77 Lake Hamilton High School
TURPEN, Blair 5:21.11 Lake Hamilton High School
Herrell, Audrey 5:21.22 Lake Hamilton High School
Inman, Lani 5:34.03 Lake Hamilton High School
Havens, Sophie 5:36.84 Vilonia High School
Wood, Makenzie 5:37.39 Cabot High School
Spiller, Isabelle 5:40.99 Vilonia High School
Norman, Bella 5:52.92 Sheridan High School
Cloud, Jordan 5:53.78 Benton High School
Greer, Kelsey 5:55.00 Benton High School
Wysong, Ashtaynne 5:56.37 Cabot High School
Brantley, Caroline 5:56.73 Episcopal Collegiate School
Taylor, Emma 6:03.42 Vilonia High School
James, Ivey 6:05.32 Lakeside (HS) High School
Wagner, Ashley 6:12.55 Vilonia High School
Kollar, Reese 6:14.79 Mount St. Mary Academy
Calaway, Morgan 6:18.14 Benton High School
Cochran, Stella 6:20.20 Episcopal Collegiate School
Keaton Beavert, Mary 6:29.95 Cabot High School
Towner, Macy 6:34.12 Cabot High School
Gomez, Maria 6:47.32 Hot Springs High School
Reed, Chloe 6:58.95 Sheridan High School
Walters, Ava 7:10.60 Sheridan High School
Green, Tessa 7:28.05 Jessieville High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Burnett, Daniyah Hot Springs High School
Chatmon, Reihanna Maumelle High School
Stewart, Deyounce Blytheville High School
Johnson, Nevaeh Blytheville High School
King, Julianna Lakeside (HS) High School B
Allen, Brenae 12.50 Maumelle High School
Taylor, Samantha 12.90h Cabot High School
Robinson, Kaylen 13.28 Maumelle High School
Young, Jada 13.29 Vilonia High School
Small, Melody 13.32 Mount St. Mary Academy
Williams, Rickyla 13.34 Hot Springs High School
Higgins, Damya 13.39 Hot Springs High School
Smith, Lola 13.44 Benton High School
Love, Emann 13.44 Mount St. Mary Academy
Roberts, Hailey 13.44 Benton High School
Hardy, Anna Grace 13.50 Benton High School
Hood, Karly 13.50h Pine Bluff High School
Robinson, Nakyra 13.58 Blytheville High School
Wertz, Abby 13.60 Vilonia High School
Kessler, Alexis 13.76 Lakeside (HS) High School
Fisher, Paris 13.80h Pine Bluff High School
Cate, Adia 13.86 Vilonia High School
Rauls, Debra 13.92 Pine Bluff High School
Rhodes, Darian 14.01 Fountain Lake High School
Pownall, Eva 14.11 Mount St. Mary Academy
Zarate, Ally 14.25 Lakeside (HS) High School B
Scrivner, Kennedi 14.27 Jessieville High School
Briggs, Eriuana 14.37 Star City High School
Paul, Morgan 14.40 Lakeside (HS) High School
Hammons, Lexi 14.50 Lakeside (HS) High School
Allison, Baylee 14.85 Sheridan High School
Hudson, Tiffany 15.44 Star City High School
Moortgat, Lily 16.00h Magnet Cove High School
Ragsdale, Taylor 16.02 Jessieville High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Crawford, Sara Blytheville High School
Stewart, Deyounce Blytheville High School
Wade, Zyaricka Blytheville High School
Reese, Laylah 16.3 Cabot High School
Thomas, Rebekah 16.46 Benton High School
Pruett, Kenzie 16.57 Cabot High School
Heston, Lexy 16.58 Vilonia High School
Young, Jada 16.69 Vilonia High School
Moring, Macy 16.73 Sheridan High School
Kinsey, Evelynn 17.46 Benton High School
Smith, Naomi 17.69 Lake Hamilton High School
Pedroza, Mariangel 17.91 Cabot High School
Davis, Keilian 18.00 Benton High School
Fraser, Rylen 18.26 Vilonia High School
Zetts, Ava 19.24 Jessieville High School
Smith, Nicole 19.48 Lakeside (HS) High School
Partee, Gabrielle 19.59 Fountain Lake High School
Cole, AnnMarie 19.90 Mount St. Mary Academy
Kehner, Elizabeth 20.11 Mount St. Mary Academy
Zarate, Ally 20.32 Lakeside (HS) High School
Long, Hilarie 21.14 Sheridan High School
Long, Ashlyn 21.33 Sheridan High School
Davis, Kelis 24.58 Hot Springs High School
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 39 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Johnson, Nevaeh Blytheville High School
Stewart, Deyounce Blytheville High School
Hamilton, Jamarionna Hot Springs High School
Wade, Zyaricka Blytheville High School
Taylor, Samantha 26.50h Cabot High School
Allen, Brenae 26.81 Maumelle High School
Buck, Haven 27.24 Vilonia High School
Robinson, Kaylen 27.34 Maumelle High School
Bean, Kenya 27.39 Cabot High School
Cabine, wynaejia 27.50h Pine Bluff High School
McKnight, Saniya 27.72 Maumelle High School
Smith, Lola 28.06 Benton High School
Roberts, Hailey 28.06 Benton High School
Kehner, Elizabeth 28.39 Mount St. Mary Academy
Heston, Lexy 28.51 Vilonia High School
Dampier, Maggie 28.56 Lake Hamilton High School
Scrivner, Kennedi 28.83 Jessieville High School
Lowery, Imria 28.87 Hot Springs High School
Childress, Alianna 28.92 Benton High School
Paul, Morgan 29.02 Lakeside (HS) High School
Garner, Jordyn 29.07 Lake Hamilton High School
Pownall, Eva 29.09 Mount St. Mary Academy
Cate, Adia 29.27 Vilonia High School
Bedford, Taylor 29.61 Hot Springs High School
Tumlison, Lisa 29.75 Mount St. Mary Academy
Rhodes, Darian 30.00h Fountain Lake High School
Evans, Melea 30.20h Pine Bluff High School
Bucio, Katherine 30.22 Lakeside (HS) High School
Briggs, Eriuana 30.35 Star City High School
Andrews, Robyn 30.75 Lake Hamilton High School
Hammons, Lexi 31.37 Lakeside (HS) High School
Maloney, Kassidy 31.66 Pine Bluff High School
King, Julianna 32.00 Lakeside (HS) High School B
Tiernan, Payge 32.03 Sheridan High School
Ragsdale, Taylor 32.55 Jessieville High School
Szeflinski, Natalie 33.00 Sheridan High School
Moortgat, Lily 33.00h Magnet Cove High School
Hudson, Tiffany 33.04 Star City High School
DeBord, Lea 35.27 Sheridan High School
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HS Girls 3,200 Meter Run 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rodgers, Juliah 11:32.45 Jessieville High School
Herrell, Audrey 11:54.56 Lake Hamilton High School
Milwee, Virginia 11:56.00 Mount St. Mary Academy
Inman, Lani 12:12.86 Lake Hamilton High School
Wood, Makenzie 12:27.31 Cabot High School
Wysong, Ashtaynne 12:52.12 Cabot High School
Norman, Bella 12:52.59 Sheridan High School
McNeill, Madeline 12:56.00 Mount St. Mary Academy
Wagner, Ashley 13:37.07 Vilonia High School
Wagner, Grace 13:40.00 Vilonia High School
Havens, Sadie 13:52.42 Vilonia High School
Calaway, Morgan 13:53.01 Benton High School
Ramos, Laura 14:18.81 Lake Hamilton High School
Izai, Anastasiia 14:37.78 Cabot High School
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HS Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cole, AnnMarie Mount St. Mary Academy
Everett, Ma'chel Star City High School
Smith, Nicole 1:00.80 Lakeside (HS) High School
Scott, Emma 1:17.52 Magnet Cove High School
Reese, Laylah 46.55 Cabot High School
Pedroza, Mariangel 49.67 Cabot High School
Young, Jada 50.06 Vilonia High School
Knotts, Za'niya 51.56 Lake Hamilton High School
Thomas, Rebekah 51.67 Benton High School
Moring, Macy 52.27 Sheridan High School
Kessler, Alexis 52.40 Lakeside (HS) High School
Spaulding, Reagan 53.09 Lake Hamilton High School
Smith, Naomi 53.19 Lake Hamilton High School
Ball, Haylea 54.99 Vilonia High School
Kinsey, Evelynn 55.76 Benton High School
Swaim, Avery 55.99 Cabot High School
Davis, Keilian 56.00 Benton High School
Fortson, Mia 56.02 Vilonia High School
Zarate, Ally 57.56 Lakeside (HS) High School
Zetts, Ava 57.74 Jessieville High School
Long, Hilarie 57.78 Sheridan High School
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Adams, Adrianna Blytheville High School
Hobson, Dereon Maumelle High School
Newbern, Twankira Blytheville High School
Kelley, D'Kiylah Maumelle High School
Wade, Zyaricka Blytheville High School
Rodgers, Juliah 1:00.22 Jessieville High School
Scrivner, Kennedi 1:00.25 Jessieville High School
Huff, Sydney 1:00.68 Vilonia High School
Buck, Haven 1:01.62 Vilonia High School
Pruett, Kenzie 1:02.67 Cabot High School
Allen, Brenae 1:03.08 Maumelle High School
Humphries, Sarah 1:03.50 Lake Hamilton High School
Shannon, Emily 1:04.70 Vilonia High School
Sparks, Jade 1:05.00 Benton High School
Burdine, Ella 1:05.13 Mount St. Mary Academy
Lemay, Allie 1:05.92 Cabot High School
Eason, Kimora 1:06.0 Hot Springs High School
Brantley, Caroline 1:06.17 Episcopal Collegiate School
Sarver, Annabel 1:06.71 Lakeside (HS) High School
Garner, Jordyn 1:06.90 Lake Hamilton High School
Rhodes, Darian 1:07.00h Fountain Lake High School
Tumlison, Lisa 1:07.55 Mount St. Mary Academy
Szeflinski, Natalie 1:08.00 Sheridan High School
Dockery, Katelynn 1:10.00 Benton High School
Guisbiers, Alicia 1:10.31 Benton High School
Mayberry, Courtney 1:10.66 Sheridan High School
Bressler, Alana 1:10.88 Lakeside (HS) High School
Conly, Olivia 1:11.00 Lakeside (HS) High School B
Causey, Isabella 1:11.80 Lakeside (HS) High School
Ellis, Josephine 1:12.20 Mount St. Mary Academy
Arnold, Kaylee 1:13.34 Sheridan High School
Moortgat, Lily 1:18.00h Magnet Cove High School
Williams, Auriunna 1:19.88 Pine Bluff High School
Stinson, Alyndria 1:21.13 Pine Bluff High School
Reynolds, Caiya 1:25.91 Pine Bluff High School
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Blytheville High School
Relay Team A Vilonia High School
Relay Team A 50.24 Pine Bluff High School
Relay Team A 50.50h Cabot High School
Relay Team A 52.41 Mount St. Mary Academy
Relay Team A 52.70 Sheridan High School
Relay Team A 53.05 Hot Springs High School
Relay Team A 53.49 Benton High School
Relay Team A 53.95 Lakeside (HS) High School
Relay Team A 57.53 Fountain Lake High School
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HS Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Pine Bluff High School
Relay Team A 1:52.80 Mount St. Mary Academy
Relay Team A 1:52.99 Lake Hamilton High School
Relay Team A 1:53.00 Hot Springs High School
Relay Team A 1:54.57 Vilonia High School
Relay Team A 1:54.89 Benton High School
Relay Team A 1:56.35 Cabot High School
Relay Team A 1:58.63 Lakeside (HS) High School
Relay Team A 2:02.25 Maumelle High School
Relay Team A 2:02.42 Sheridan High School
Relay Team A 3:50.00h Fountain Lake High School
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Hot Springs High School
Relay Team A Pine Bluff High School
Relay Team A 4:19.87 Vilonia High School
Relay Team A 4:24.00 Lakeside (HS) High School
Relay Team A 4:25.00 Lake Hamilton High School
Relay Team A 4:39.47 Cabot High School
Relay Team A 4:43.49 Jessieville High School
Relay Team A 4:59.87 Benton High School
Relay Team A 5:18.10 Sheridan High School
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HS Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:16.00 Lake Hamilton High School
Relay Team A 10:26.62 Vilonia High School
Relay Team A 10:42.15 Cabot High School
Relay Team A 10:42.81 Mount St. Mary Academy
Relay Team A 11:30.55 Jessieville High School
Relay Team A 12:09.41 Sheridan High School
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Backus, Karlee Benton High School
Reed, Chloe Sheridan High School
Slater, Asya Maumelle High School
Francis, Blair Benton High School
Watts, Skyla Sheridan High School
Norman, Bella Sheridan High School
Pielemeier, Olivia 2:16.09 Lake Hamilton High School
Spiller, Isabelle 2:26.18 Vilonia High School
Inderrieden, Katy 2:26.62 Cabot High School
TURPEN, Blair 2:27.25 Lake Hamilton High School
Havens, Sophie 2:27.81 Vilonia High School
Taylor, Emma 2:30.00 Vilonia High School
Cronin, MacKenzie 2:36.37 Lake Hamilton High School
Cloud, Jordan 2:37.80 Benton High School
Eary, Carly 2:40.41 Vilonia High School
Byers, Amelia 2:41.04 Mount St. Mary Academy
Grant, Ensley 2:44.84 Cabot High School
Cochran, Stella 2:47.24 Episcopal Collegiate School
James, Ivey 2:47.86 Lakeside (HS) High School
Faulkner, Kalyn 2:48.12 Cabot High School
Mellor, Gabby 2:48.32 Sheridan High School
Hanson, Hope 2:48.39 Benton High School
Keaton Beavert, Mary 2:50.00 Cabot High School
Golden, Haley 2:55.58 Lakeside (HS) High School
Ricaurtr, Arianne 2:56.07 Mount St. Mary Academy
Gomez, Maria 3:00.00 Hot Springs High School
Brantley, Caroline 3:02.89 Episcopal Collegiate School
Haslauer, Anna 3:05.10 Mount St. Mary Academy
Green, Tessa 3:10.22 Jessieville High School
Duffy, Fallon 3:16.88 Jessieville High School
DeSantis, Alessandra 3:26.95 Jessieville High School
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HS Girls Discus 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Reese, Laylah 116-4 Cabot High School
Lieu, Julie 107-11 Sheridan High School
Barbaree, Brynn 99-8 Benton High School
Allen, Sophia 99-7 Sheridan High School
Barger, Addison 97-10 Benton High School
Ruettiger, Allison 95-1 Cabot High School
Denton, Gracie 93-5 Vilonia High School
Parham, Diamond 91-4 Benton High School
Coffman, Nancy 84-2 Lake Hamilton High School
Harper, Ava 81-0 Jessieville High School
Marusiak, Madigan 79-7 Mount St. Mary Academy
Belote, Mac 79-1 Vilonia High School
Brodin, Briana 75-11 Lake Hamilton High School
Scrivner, Kennedi 73-9 Jessieville High School
Matute, Moname 73-6 Mount St. Mary Academy
Sanchez, Arianna 71-10 Vilonia High School
Jackson, Kelis 71-0.5 Cabot High School
Sullivan, Ashlyn 62-4 Sheridan High School
Scott, Emma 60-0 Magnet Cove High School
Wilkey, Helen 60-0 Magnet Cove High School
Boner, Fiona 54-0 Mount St. Mary Academy
Hill, Savanna Pine Bluff High School
Martin, Ma'Kinze Pine Bluff High School
Bullard, O'miyah Pine Bluff High School
Terry, Allison Lake Hamilton High School
Veasley, Zion Blytheville High School
Chapman, Zy'airiss Blytheville High School
Thomas, Mckenzie Blytheville High School
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HS Girls High Jump 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rieman, Kelsey 5-2 Sheridan High School
Heston, Lexy 5-0 Vilonia High School
Guest, Khenedi 4-11 Benton High School
Young, Jada 4-10 Vilonia High School
Fortson, Mia 4-8 Vilonia High School
Pruett, Kenzie 4-8 Cabot High School
Martin, Gabrielle 4-6 Benton High School
Moring, Macy 4-6 Sheridan High School
Lewis, Graci 4-6 Mount St. Mary Academy
Martin, Kara 4-5 Fountain Lake High School
Smith, Elizabeth 4-4 Maumelle High School
Williams, Kelsea 4-4 Lake Hamilton High School
Greer, Kelsey 4-4 Benton High School
Cole, AnnMarie 4-4 Mount St. Mary Academy
Small, Melody 4-4 Mount St. Mary Academy
Everett, Ma'chel 4-3 Star City High School
Kessler, Alexis 4-2 Lakeside (HS) High School
Young, Ariona 4-2 Lakeside (HS) High School
Zetts, Ava 3-10 Jessieville High School
Hudson, Tiffany Star City High School
Agalheir, Ava Maumelle High School
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HS Girls Long Jump 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Allen, Sophia 16-7 Sheridan High School
Taylor, Samantha 16-6 Cabot High School
Pruett, Kenzie 16-3 Cabot High School
Dampier, Maggie 16-2 Lake Hamilton High School
Kinsey, Evelynn 15-10.5 Benton High School
Young, Jada 15-7.5 Vilonia High School
Kehner, Elizabeth 15-6.25 Mount St. Mary Academy
Small, Melody 15-3 Mount St. Mary Academy
Conly, Olivia 15-2.5 Lakeside (HS) High School
Buck, Haven 15-0 Vilonia High School
Lieu, Julie 14-10.75 Sheridan High School
Wertz, Abby 14-10.5 Vilonia High School
Baker, Isabella 14-9 Mount St. Mary Academy
Smith, Elizabeth 14-8.75 Maumelle High School
Moring, Macy 14-6.5 Sheridan High School
Scrivner, Kennedi 13-4 Jessieville High School
Zetts, Ava 12-11 Jessieville High School
Zarate, Ally 12-10.5 Lakeside (HS) High School
Bedford, Taylor 12-10 Hot Springs High School
Stinson, Alyndria 12-0 Pine Bluff High School
Hudson, Tiffany 11-7 Star City High School
Roberts, Hailey Benton High School
Childress, Alianna Benton High School
Willis, Dyamon Hot Springs High School
Hamilton, Jamarionna Hot Springs High School
Evans, Melea Pine Bluff High School
Johnson, Nevaeh Blytheville High School
Newbern, Twankira Blytheville High School
Chapman, Zy'airiss Blytheville High School
Moore, Zariaunna Pine Bluff High School
McKnight, Saniya Maumelle High School
Page, Tra'Nyah Maumelle High School
Everett, Ma'chel Star City High School
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HS Girls Pole Vault 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Allen, Sophia 11-8 Sheridan High School
Praetzel, Sheyla 10-7 Lake Hamilton High School
Fortson, Mia 10-0 Vilonia High School
Chapman, Victoria 9-10 Cabot High School
Carrouth, Reagan 9-7 Lake Hamilton High School
Kincannon, Kenley 9-1 Lake Hamilton High School
Mayberry, Courtney 8-7 Sheridan High School
Thomas, Rebekah 8-6 Benton High School
Eary, Carly 7-7 Vilonia High School
Swaim, Avery 7-6 Cabot High School
Arnold, Kaylee 7-6 Sheridan High School
Wilson, Kyleigh 6-1 Vilonia High School
Kehner, Elizabeth 6-0 Mount St. Mary Academy
Baker, Isabella 6-0 Mount St. Mary Academy
Small, Melody 6-0 Mount St. Mary Academy
Spivey, Amelia Benton High School
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HS Girls Shot Put 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Leonard, Brenlee 35-9.5 Cabot High School
Denton, Gracie 34-3 Vilonia High School
Frazier, Taylor 33-8.5 Benton High School
Parham, Diamond 33-5 Benton High School
Lieu, Julie 32-7 Sheridan High School
Reese, Laylah 32-3 Cabot High School
Ruettiger, Allison 32-1 Cabot High School
Barbaree, Brynn 31-8 Benton High School
Brodin, Briana 30-0 Lake Hamilton High School
Jones, Praylin 29-7 Hot Springs High School
Belote, Mac 29-4.5 Vilonia High School
Coffman, Nancy 29-4 Lake Hamilton High School
Harper, Ava 28-10 Jessieville High School
Nduku, Renee 26-3 Hot Springs High School
Sanchez, Arianna 25-9 Vilonia High School
Jacobs, Heaven 25-8 Hot Springs High School
Wilkey, Helen 25-0 Magnet Cove High School
Lawrence, Mya 25-0 Magnet Cove High School
Scott, Emma 25-0 Magnet Cove High School
Lofton, Daylin 24-6 Star City High School
Marusiak, Madigan 23-10 Mount St. Mary Academy
Sullivan, Ashlyn 22-6 Sheridan High School
Boner, Fiona 21-0.5 Mount St. Mary Academy
McKinney, Madison 20-9 Mount St. Mary Academy
Jefferson, Sajdah 19-11 Pine Bluff High School
Dixon, Baylee 19-2 Sheridan High School
Anderson, Destiny 17-10 Pine Bluff High School
Hubbard, Kendyah Pine Bluff High School
Chapman, Zy'airiss Blytheville High School
Thomas, Mckenzie Blytheville High School
Fountain, Jeniyah Blytheville High School
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HS Girls Triple Jump 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Allen, Sophia 34-8.75 Sheridan High School
Young, Jada 34-8 Vilonia High School
Lomax, Kyabra 34-2 Hot Springs High School
Pruett, Kenzie 34-1 Cabot High School
Kinsey, Evelynn 33-11.75 Benton High School
Dampier, Maggie 33-2 Lake Hamilton High School
Shannon, Emily 33-2 Vilonia High School
Buck, Haven 32-7.5 Vilonia High School
Robinson, Kaylen 32-3 Maumelle High School
Rieman, Kelsey 31-11 Sheridan High School
Scrivner, Kennedi 29-7.25 Jessieville High School
Matute, Moname 29-2 Mount St. Mary Academy
Smith, Nicole 29-0 Lakeside (HS) High School
Szeflinski, Natalie 27-11 Sheridan High School
Scott, Emma 23-9 Magnet Cove High School
Roberts, Hailey Benton High School
Johnson, Nevaeh Blytheville High School
Maloney, Kassidy Pine Bluff High School
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