Heber Springs High School Panther Relays 2021

Heber Springs, AR

Athlete Entries

HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 42 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Davis, Cody Clinton High School
Ellis, Cooper Conway Christian High School
Cuevas, Juan Rose Bud High School
Young, Chris Newport High School
Dockins, Trevor Cave City High School
Newberry, Gavin Rose Bud High School
Lambert, Aiden Cave City High School
Strange, Jaidan Stuttgart High School
Johnson, Cooper Conway Christian High School
McElhany, Carter 11.30 Greenbrier High School
Green, Jaquize 11.38 Forrest City High School
Infante, Aldrich 11.56 Clinton High School
Swindle, Josh 11.68 Bald Knob High School
Hunter, James 11.70 Parkview High School
Lewis, Joseph 11.70h Batesville High School
Jones, Da'Prince 11.71 Forrest City High School
Huett, Nick 11.8 Greenbrier High School
Miller, Andrew 11.81 Harding Academy
Kendal, Isiah 11.88 Newport High School
Brown, Dayshaun 11.90h Batesville High School
Brooks, Joshua 12.00 Parkview High School
Lindsey, Gage 12.00 Mountain Home High School
Whaley, Jadyn 12.02 Cabot High School
Criner, Anthoni 12.13 Cabot High School
Speer, Landon 12.20 Mountain Home High School
Lindsey, Dane 12.24 Bald Knob High School
Carter, Pcaylin 12.43 Palestine-Wheatley
King, Kevin 12.44 Heber Springs High School
Gutierez, Adrian 12.57 Riverview High School
Jasper, TJ 12.65 LISA Academy North
Jasper, Jordan 12.75 LISA Academy North
Peoples, Jylan 12.78 Palestine-Wheatley
Wyatt, Hayden 12.80h Beebe High School
Teeter, Kolby 12.89 Riverview High School
Perkins, Caleb 12.90h Beebe High School
Webb, Tyler 12.97 Carlisle High School
Sullivan, Jason 12.97 Carlisle High School
Anderson, Tshombe 13.13 Russellville High School
Locke, Trevor 13.50 Quitman High School
Harvell, Briar 13.65 Russellville High School
Allen, Colt 14.22 Heber Springs High School
Schluterman, Kya 15.0 Subiaco Academy
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gomez, Justin Quitman High School
Price, Ethan Batesville High School
Osborne, Trey Batesville High School
Cook, Eli Palestine-Wheatley
Cantrell, Jacob Quitman High School
Patterson, Brody 15.80 Mountain Home High School
Durning, Payten 16.52 Ozark High School
Burke, Jaylon 17.00h Forrest City High School
Burkett, Brandon 17.04h Beebe High School
Coombe, Nathan 17.12 Bald Knob High School
Gage, Britton 17.43 Ozark High School
Clark, Elijah 17.43 Russellville High School
Cline, Bradyn 17.91 Bald Knob High School
McBride, Dylan 17.96 Mountain Home High School
McClain, Bent 18.67 Heber Springs High School
Griffin, Micheal 18.73 Cabot High School
Epley, Nicholas 19.52 Clinton High School
Abernathy, Ethan 21.55 Beebe High School
Burgess, Evan 23.16 Heber Springs High School
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HS Boys 1600 Meter Run 39 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Riley, Matthew Newport High School
Shell, Gunner Batesville High School
Iijima, Riku LISA Academy North
Ward, Dominic 4:23.41 Greenbrier High School
Tibbs, Josh 4:32.40 Conway Christian High School
Walling, Luke 4:39.67 Cave City High School
Lawrence, Whit 4:42.43 Mountain Home High School
Westphal, Andrew 4:42.62 Mountain Home High School
Dunsworth, Matthew 4:43.87 Clarksville High School
Jefford, Carson 4:47.94 Abundant Life Christain Academy
Grant, Brandon 4:51.55 Batesville High School
Gates, Logan 4:51.99 Greenbrier High School
Verdin, Franco 4:56 Parkview High School
Thomas, Skyler 4:59.29 Russellville High School
Davis, Thomas 4:59.87 Russellville High School
Davis, Braden 5:00.60 Bald Knob High School
Aguilar, Kevin 5:00.86 Parkview High School
Linares, Max 5:04.98 Subiaco Academy
Sciba, Mason 5:06.73 Searcy High School
Poff, Nathan 5:08.39 Heber Springs High School
Rudd, Will 5:10.99 Beebe High School
Edmondson, Ethan 5:13.43 Cabot High School
Shue, Nic 5:15.12 Quitman High School
Thompson, Grant 5:20.34 Cabot High School
Clark, Ethan 5:21.77 Beebe High School
Hill, Tyler 5:23.03 Riverview High School
Harris, Mason 5:27.28 Heber Springs High School
Stacks, Tate 5:38.30 Quitman High School
Harlin, Aiden 5:40.97 Palestine-Wheatley
Vaughn, Gavin 5:47.98 Rose Bud High School
Johnson, Johnson 6:00.00h Bald Knob High School
Do, Anthony 6:02.58 Subiaco Academy
Eubanks, Noah 6:06.73 Searcy High School
Van Der Spuy, Melt 6:09.89 Palestine-Wheatley
Ricks, McKinnley 6:17.47 Carlisle High School
Archambault, Jonathan 7:00.08 LISA Academy North
Chappell, Cody 7:00.59 Cave City High School
Ray, Kylan 7:33.52 Forrest City High School
Wright, Earnest 8:33.56 Forrest City High School
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 40 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Crite, Kylan Newport High School
Brown, Braxton Cave City High School
Payne, Ja'len Russellville High School
Emberton, Brody Clinton High School
Johnson, Cooper Conway Christian High School
Rose, Landon Clinton High School
Gillum, Josh Two Rivers High School
Phillips, Jordan Parkview High School
Donnell, Anthony Riverview High School
Gomez, Justin Quitman High School
Johnson, Joshua Parkview High School
Storlie, Will 23.37 Batesville High School
Green, Jaquize 23.53 Forrest City High School
Huffman, Tyjuan 23.65 Beebe High School
McElhany, Carter 23.77 Greenbrier High School
Lindsey, Dane 24.00h Bald Knob High School
Durning, Payten 24.14 Ozark High School
Taylor, Chancellor 24.33 Forrest City High School
James, Gavin 24.5 Greenbrier High School
King, Kevin 24.50 Heber Springs High School
Childress, Keyron 24.66 Newport High School
Livingston, Eli 25.00 Batesville High School
Cline, Bradyn 25.00h Bald Knob High School
Barnett, Brady 25.05 Mountain Home High School
Gage, Britton 25.15 Ozark High School
Parker, Gage 25.17 Carlisle High School
Webb, Tyler 25.17 Carlisle High School
Schaufler, Dalton 25.37 Mountain Home High School
GARCIA, AJ 25.58 Cave City High School
Mitchell, Caden 25.80h Beebe High School
Medley, Camron 26.01 Palestine-Wheatley
Miller, Andrew 26.02 Harding Academy
Blue, Marcus 26.11 LISA Academy North
Jasper, TJ 26.20 LISA Academy North
Carter, Pcaylin 26.39 Palestine-Wheatley
Cuevas, Juan 26.90 Rose Bud High School
Harvell, Briar 26.96 Russellville High School
Locke, Trevor 27.78 Quitman High School
Allen, Colt 29.05 Heber Springs High School
Maxey, Jet 30.76 Conway Christian High School
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HS Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Salsman, Morgan Heber Springs High School
Cantrell, Jacob Quitman High School
Jackson, Rykeem Parkview High School
Malloy, Giovani LISA Academy North
Bradford, Isaac Clinton High School
Gomez, Justin Quitman High School
Hill, Tyler Riverview High School
Keeny, Nicolas Parkview High School
Beauman, Andrew 1:05.55 Searcy High School
Durning, Payten 40.07 Ozark High School
Patterson, Brody 40.72 Mountain Home High School
Swindle, Josh 43.16 Bald Knob High School
Gage, Britton 43.72 Ozark High School
Griffin, Micheal 44.00 Cabot High School
Burkett, Brandon 44.55 Beebe High School
Osborne, Trey 45.00 Batesville High School
Queary, Tanner 45.00h Batesville High School
Burke, Jaylon 45.80h Forrest City High School
McBride, Dylan 45.82 Mountain Home High School
Clark, Elijah 45.90 Russellville High School
Coast, Hayden 47.06 Greenbrier High School
Coats, Brock 48.76 Cabot High School
Hare, Andrew 49.0 Greenbrier High School
Weddington, Jacob 49.37 Palestine-Wheatley
Duncan, Wyatt 50.10 Bald Knob High School
Rayson, Tyler 51.40 Riverview High School
Lynch, Austin 51.60 Clinton High School
Weddington, Austin 52.21 Palestine-Wheatley
Burgess, Evan 52.55 Heber Springs High School
Abernathy, Ethan 54.56 Beebe High School
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HS Boys 3200 Meter Run 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wright, Earnest Forrest City High School
Archambault, Jonathan LISA Academy North
Weddington, Jacob Palestine-Wheatley
Frazier, Jaren Newport High School
Weddington, Austin Palestine-Wheatley
Chappell, Cody Cave City High School
Ray, Kylan Forrest City High School
Lawrence, Whit 10:00.30 Mountain Home High School
Sykes, Carter 10:09.04 Russellville High School
Dunsworth, Matthew 10:11.94 Clarksville High School
Firment, Tyler 10:29.32 Mountain Home High School
Linares, Max 10:42.38 Subiaco Academy
Escue, Tyler 10:45.67 Russellville High School
Clark, Ethan 10:54.73 Beebe High School
Verdin, Franco 11:00.65 Parkview High School
Aguilar, Kevin 11:08.88 Parkview High School
Grant, Brandon 11:17.44 Batesville High School
Moody, Trey 11:22.25 Batesville High School
Gates, Logan 11:30.43 Greenbrier High School
Harris, Mason 12:26.46 Heber Springs High School
Thomas, Danny 12:46.45 Bald Knob High School
Buell, Reagan 13:02.43 Heber Springs High School
Roberson, Tyson 13:03.72 Bald Knob High School
Do, Anthony 13:12.42 Subiaco Academy
Mathis, Garrett 13:22.97 Beebe High School
Ricks, McKinnley 14:46.29 Carlisle High School
Walling, Luke 9:37.86 Cave City High School
Ward, Dominic 9:58.33 Greenbrier High School
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HS Boys 4 x 200 Meter Relay 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Clinton High School
Relay Team A LISA Academy North
Relay Team A Batesville High School
Relay Team A Parkview High School
Relay Team A 1:36.23 Bald Knob High School
Relay Team A 1:37.00 Forrest City High School
Relay Team A 1:38.00h Greenbrier High School
Relay Team A 1:38.17 Palestine-Wheatley
Relay Team A 1:38.57 Beebe High School
Relay Team A 1:39.55 Mountain Home High School
Relay Team A 1:39.96 Cabot High School
Relay Team A 1:46.74 Riverview High School
Relay Team A 1:47.14 Heber Springs High School
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Chaffin, Noah Batesville High School
Cossey, Tyler Conway Christian High School
Beavers, Lawson Quitman High School
Glover, Joseph Quitman High School
Spencer-Cole, Wilfred Parkview High School
Crenshaw, Colby Cave City High School
Young, Chris Newport High School
McKay, Bryce Mountain Home High School
Payne, Ja'len Russellville High School
Gillum, Josh Two Rivers High School
Tate, Gabe 1:00.59 Heber Springs High School
Navarette, Gersom 1:01.55 Russellville High School
Turner, Detrius 1:01.86 Forrest City High School
Salsman, Morgan 1:02.44 Heber Springs High School
Roberts, Peyton 1:02.48 Greenbrier High School
Parker, Gage 1:02.58 Carlisle High School
Robinson, Tylon 1:04.00 LISA Academy North
Maxey, Jet 1:10.65 Conway Christian High School
Hardaway, Antwan 1:12.89 Newport High School
Harlin, Aiden 53.81 Palestine-Wheatley
Carranco, Adrian 53.98 Beebe High School
Warren, Josh 54.47 Cabot High School
Sealy, Alston 55.00 Parkview High School
Wright, Kyle 55.53 Palestine-Wheatley
Newland, Lathan 56.21 Clinton High School
Stockton, Lawson 56.29 Mountain Home High School
Alcorn, Jakobe 56.68 Searcy High School
Emberton, Brody 56.72 Clinton High School
Jackson, Gage 56.76 Cabot High School
Coombe, Nathan 56.78 Bald Knob High School
Taylor, Chancellor 56.93 Forrest City High School
Pinkerton, Jon Marc 56.99 Beebe High School
McDonald, Rhett 57.00h Batesville High School
Czech, Charles 57.49 Greenbrier High School
Bradley, Elijah 58.00h Bald Knob High School
Bond, Bryan 58.03 Subiaco Academy
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Cave City High School
Relay Team A Clinton High School
Relay Team A Carlisle High School
Relay Team A Rose Bud High School
Relay Team A 0.45 Forrest City High School
Relay Team A 43.82 Parkview High School
Relay Team A 45.50h Batesville High School
Relay Team A 45.50h Greenbrier High School
Relay Team A 46.10 Bald Knob High School
Relay Team A 46.61 Riverview High School
Relay Team A 47.49 Mountain Home High School
Relay Team A 48.37 Palestine-Wheatley
Relay Team A 48.55 Beebe High School
Relay Team A 50.62 Newport High School
Relay Team A 51.99 LISA Academy North
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Batesville High School
Relay Team A Conway Christian High School
Relay Team A 3.40 Forrest City High School
Relay Team A 3:41.01 Mountain Home High School
Relay Team A 3:44.00h Greenbrier High School
Relay Team A 3:44.22 Clinton High School
Relay Team A 3:46.47 Beebe High School
Relay Team A 3:50.64 Parkview High School
Relay Team A 3:50.99 Russellville High School
Relay Team A 3:55.76 Palestine-Wheatley
Relay Team A 4:03.56 Bald Knob High School
Relay Team A 4:09.41 Heber Springs High School
Relay Team A 4:22.28 Quitman High School
Relay Team A 4:31.35 LISA Academy North
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HS Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Conway Christian High School
Relay Team A 10:13.90 Bald Knob High School
Relay Team A 10:45.33 Quitman High School
Relay Team A 12:43.92 LISA Academy North
Relay Team A 8:30.55 Mountain Home High School
Relay Team A 8:42.43 Cabot High School
Relay Team A 8:44.00h Greenbrier High School
Relay Team A 8:57.48 Beebe High School
Relay Team A 9:30.00h Russellville High School
Relay Team A 9:33.56 Palestine-Wheatley
Relay Team A 9:33.83 Forrest City High School
Relay Team A 9:41.24 Parkview High School
Relay Team A 9:45.00h Batesville High School
Relay Team A 9:59.59 Heber Springs High School
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Elliot, Kenny Palestine-Wheatley
Iijima, Riku LISA Academy North
Thompson, Jaelen LISA Academy North
Cotton, Anthony Clinton High School
Ricks, McKinnley Carlisle High School
McDonough, Jayden Clinton High School
Smith, Lucas Conway Christian High School
Ward, Dominic 2:00.65 Greenbrier High School
Westphal, Andrew 2:03.00 Mountain Home High School
Hodges, Anderson 2:05.00 Mountain Home High School
Lemley, Caden 2:06.45 Russellville High School
Jost, Baylee 2:08.67 Cabot High School
Rudd, Will 2:09.26 Beebe High School
Moody, Trey 2:10.00h Batesville High School
Jefford, Carson 2:10.20 Abundant Life Christain Academy
Tibbs, Josh 2:10.34 Conway Christian High School
Edwards, Huston 2:12.32 Cabot High School
Hester, Corbin 2:12.56 Forrest City High School
Bowman, Michael 2:13.67 Russellville High School
Lay, Deonte 2:14.00h Forrest City High School
Gates, Logan 2:15.71 Greenbrier High School
Davis, Braden 2:16.27 Bald Knob High School
Frazier, Jaren 2:16.34 Newport High School
Sciba, Mason 2:16.63 Searcy High School
Poff, Nathan 2:18.43 Heber Springs High School
Chaffin, Noah 2:20.00h Batesville High School
Hill, Tyler 2:22.77 Riverview High School
Watson, Kody 2:30.00 Bald Knob High School
Macklin, Edvon 2:30.00h Beebe High School
Riley, Kristian 2:31.29 Parkview High School
Stacks, Tate 2:32.34 Quitman High School
Cook, Eli 2:38.93 Palestine-Wheatley
Harris, Mason 2:44.06 Heber Springs High School
Baldridge, Kyle 2:51.40 Quitman High School
Keeny, Nic 2:54.75 Parkview High School
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HS Boys Discus Throw 43 entries

Athlete Seed Team
West, Seth 142-10 Harding Academy
Haulmark, Dalton 142-3 Russellville High School
Morgan, John Paul 127-4 Batesville High School
Lowder, Sheldon 126-4 Clinton High School
French, Jalen 114-4 Palestine-Wheatley
Robertson, Austin 111-5 Cabot High School
Joiner, Aston 110-3 Forrest City High School
Jones, Jacob 110-2 Cave City High School
Shell, Jacobie 108-5 Forrest City High School
McKenzie, Kyndall 106-4 Parkview High School
McNully, Ethan 104-5 Beebe High School
Witt, Josh 104-4 Clinton High School
Traylor, Trevion 102-3 Russellville High School
Fitch, Daniel 98-10 Beebe High School
Donnell, Anthony 97-2 Riverview High School
Robinson, Josh 97-0 Greenbrier High School
Hopkins, Aidan 93-0 Abundant Life Christain Academy
Lindsey, Gage 89-4 Mountain Home High School
McGillvray, Brantley 88-10 Bald Knob High School
Young, Tripp 83-9 Heber Springs High School
Rodriquez, Nick 75-3.5 LISA Academy North
Rainwater, Lukas 75-0 Subiaco Academy
Van Der Spuy, Melt 73-4 Palestine-Wheatley
Benefield, Seth 71-1 Searcy High School
Pagan, Hunter 71-0 Harding Academy
Gilpin, Daniel 70-6 Rose Bud High School
Webb, Kelby 66-5 Bald Knob High School
Cruz, Rogelio 58-1 Rose Bud High School
Leal, Kevin 38-5 Heber Springs High School
Woods, Jagger Cave City High School
Jones, Daniel Mountain Home High School
Harris, Aidan Subiaco Academy
Hernandez, Nathan Batesville High School
Bailey, Larson Riverview High School
Buckman, Wyatt Conway Christian High School
Clark, William Conway Christian High School
Ringgold, Kellar Cabot High School
Park, Peter Greenbrier High School
Small, Sidney Parkview High School
Stewart, Pharoah LISA Academy North
Johnson, Tyler Newport High School
Love, Logan Quitman High School
Johnson, Evan Quitman High School
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HS Boys High Jump 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mitchell, Caden 5-8 Beebe High School
Whaley, Jadyn 5-8 Cabot High School
Blue, Marcus 5-8 LISA Academy North
Buchanan, Braylon 5-8 LISA Academy North
Blair, Ian 5-8 Mountain Home High School
Emberton, Blaine 5-6 Clinton High School
Emberton, Brody 5-6 Clinton High School
Whitaker, Tevin 5-6 Batesville High School
Davis, Braden 5-6 Bald Knob High School
Kendal, Isiah 5-6 Newport High School
Johnson, Joshua 5-5 Parkview High School
Williams, A.J. 5-4 Searcy High School
McClain, Bent 5-4 Heber Springs High School
Poff, Nathan 5-4 Heber Springs High School
Riley, Kristian 5-3 Parkview High School
Alcorn, Jakobe 5-2 Searcy High School
Rayson, Tyler 5-2 Riverview High School
Carter, Pcaylin 5-2 Palestine-Wheatley
Bradley, Elijah 5-0 Bald Knob High School
Johnson, Cayden 4-10 Newport High School
Johnson, Kyrese Batesville High School
McKay, Bryce Mountain Home High School
Ellis, Cooper Conway Christian High School
Johnson, Cooper Conway Christian High School
Wright, Kyle Palestine-Wheatley
Eubanks, Gus Rose Bud High School
Beavers, Lawson Quitman High School
Cantrell, Jacob Quitman High School
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HS Boys Long Jump 39 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Schaufler, Dalton 21-8 Mountain Home High School
Haney, Ja'keylen 21-0 Parkview High School
Green, Jaquize 20-3 Forrest City High School
Durning, Payten 20-1.01 Ozark High School
Carranco, Adrian 20-0 Beebe High School
Phillips, Jordan 20-0 Parkview High School
Gage, Britton 19-9.5 Ozark High School
Henderson, Tariq 19-7 Cabot High School
Engelkes, JP 19-6 Greenbrier High School
Burke, Jaylon 19-5 Forrest City High School
Buchanan, Braylon 19-4 LISA Academy North
Swindle, Josh 19-0 Bald Knob High School
Mitchell, Caden 18-5.75 Beebe High School
Medley, Camron 18-5.5 Palestine-Wheatley
Cline, Bradyn 17-8.5 Bald Knob High School
Harp, Jaxon 17-5 Greenbrier High School
Shue, Nic 17-5 Quitman High School
Rayson, Tyler 17-1.5 Riverview High School
Robinson, Tylon 17-0 LISA Academy North
Emberton, Brody 16-3.25 Clinton High School
King, Kevin 15-10.25 Heber Springs High School
Poff, Nathan 15-8 Heber Springs High School
Weddington, Jacob 15-6 Palestine-Wheatley
Miller, Andrew Harding Academy
Newberry, Gavin Rose Bud High School
Vaughn, Gavin Rose Bud High School
Gillum, Josh Two Rivers High School
Johnson, Kyrese Batesville High School
Whitaker, Tevin Batesville High School
Barnett, Brady Mountain Home High School
Davis, Cody Clinton High School
Teeter, Kolby Riverview High School
Ellis, Cooper Conway Christian High School
Johnson, Cooper Conway Christian High School
Griffin, Micheal Cabot High School
Foster, Ethan Carlisle High School
Frazier, Jalen Newport High School
Hardaway, Antwan Newport High School
Cantrell, Jacob Quitman High School
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HS Boys Pole Vault 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gage, Britton 13-9 Ozark High School
Warren, Josh 13-6 Cabot High School
Schreyer, Brody 13-0 Beebe High School
Abernathy, Ethan 12-6 Beebe High School
Coombe, Nathan 12-0 Bald Knob High School
Swindle, Josh 11-6 Bald Knob High School
Daniel, Brayden 11-0 Mountain Home High School
Edgin, Cadin 10-0 Batesville High School
Durning, Payten 10-0 Ozark High School
James, Gavin 9-0 Greenbrier High School
Coast, Hayden 9-0 Greenbrier High School
Webb, Tyler 8-6 Carlisle High School
Weddington, Austin 8-6 Palestine-Wheatley
Epley, Nicholas 8-0 Clinton High School
McDonough, Jayden 7-6 Clinton High School
Crenshaw, Colby Cave City High School
Brown, Braxton Cave City High School
Ryan, Camden Batesville High School
Davis, Michael Mountain Home High School
Burk, Brooks Russellville High School
Payne, Ja'len Russellville High School
Leisenring, Landon Heber Springs High School
McClain, Bent Heber Springs High School
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HS Boys Shot Put 43 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Leaks, Chris 47-9 Cabot High School
Morgan, John Paul 45-3 Batesville High School
West, Seth 45-1 Harding Academy
Haulmark, Dalton 45-1 Russellville High School
Hopkins, Aidan 42-10 Abundant Life Christain Academy
Jones, Jacob 41-4.5 Cave City High School
Shell, Jacobie 41-4.5 Forrest City High School
McBride, Colbe 40-0 Bald Knob High School
Shirron, Caleb 39-3 Cabot High School
Traylor, Trevion 39-0 Russellville High School
Parker, Jeremy 38-10 Greenbrier High School
Young, Tripp 38-8 Heber Springs High School
Witt, Josh 37-11.75 Clinton High School
McKenzie, Kyndall 37-0.5 Parkview High School
Benefield, Seth 36-11.5 Searcy High School
Hoyle, Ashton 36-10.25 Clinton High School
Penka, Tate 36-8 Mountain Home High School
Foster, Alec 36-6.5 Carlisle High School
Swindle, Elijah 36-3 Harding Academy
Joiner, Aston 36-2 Forrest City High School
Anselmi, Noah 36-0 Bald Knob High School
Kentle, Jakaylon 35-9.5 Parkview High School
McNully, Ethan 35-4.5 Beebe High School
Hall, Dustin 34-4 Greenbrier High School
Roy, Alex 34-3.75 Heber Springs High School
Gutierez, Adrian 34-1.25 Riverview High School
Tipler, Jonathan 32-7 Palestine-Wheatley
Rodriquez, Nick 32-5 LISA Academy North
Rainwater, Lukas 30-0 Subiaco Academy
Thompson, Nicholas 29-4 Palestine-Wheatley
Dunn, Caiden 28-2 Beebe High School
Cruz, Rogelio 27-9 Rose Bud High School
Bailey, Larson 26-9.25 Riverview High School
Gilpin, Daniel 22-6.5 Rose Bud High School
Woods, Jagger Cave City High School
Elumbaugh, Cody Mountain Home High School
Hernandez, Nathan Batesville High School
Buckman, Wyatt Conway Christian High School
Stewart, Pharoah LISA Academy North
Spearman, Kauron Newport High School
Johnson, Tyler Newport High School
Love, Logan Quitman High School
Johnson, Evan Quitman High School
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HS Boys Triple Jump 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Schaufler, Dalton 43-0.25 Mountain Home High School
Medley, Camron 41-8.5 Palestine-Wheatley
Green, Jaquize 41-2 Forrest City High School
Whaley, Jadyn 40-7 Cabot High School
Bradley, Elijah 40-4 Bald Knob High School
Patterson, Brody 40-3.25 Mountain Home High School
West, Daygen 40-3 Beebe High School
Burke, Jaylon 40-3 Forrest City High School
Griffin, Micheal 39-9 Cabot High School
Durning, Payten 39-5 Ozark High School
Thomas, Skyler 39-2.5 Russellville High School
Gage, Britton 38-10 Ozark High School
Blue, Marcus 38-10 LISA Academy North
Storlie, Will 38-8.5 Batesville High School
Buchanan, Braylon 38-1.5 LISA Academy North
Engelkes, JP 38-1 Greenbrier High School
Carranco, Adrian 37-9 Beebe High School
Epley, Nicholas 37-8.75 Clinton High School
Emberton, Blaine 37-1.75 Clinton High School
Harp, Jaxon 36-5 Greenbrier High School
Frazier, Jalen 36-2.25 Newport High School
King, Kevin 36-0.5 Heber Springs High School
Livingston, Eli 35-0 Batesville High School
Hill, Tyler 34-10.5 Riverview High School
Asikainen, Jagger 34-6 Bald Knob High School
Poff, Nathan 34-3.75 Heber Springs High School
Eubanks, Gus 29-11 Rose Bud High School
Cook, Eli 28-4 Palestine-Wheatley
Parker, Gage Carlisle High School
Gillum, Josh Two Rivers High School
Payne, Ja'len Russellville High School
Johnson, Joshua Parkview High School
Phillips, Jordan Parkview High School
Ellis, Cooper Conway Christian High School
Gomez, Justin Quitman High School
Cantrell, Jacob Quitman High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Willis, Zariyah Russellville High School
Chapman, Taylor Quitman High School
Sabella, Kylee Mountain Home High School
Drone, Nikiya Forrest City High School
Williams, Shatoryia Parkview High School
Booher, Alexa Clinton High School
Guinnip, Riley Bald Knob High School
Coleman, Tikirra Searcy High School
Guthrie, Marshawnna Batesville High School
Davis, Nikera Parkview High School
Chaney, Lili Heber Springs High School
Killins, Anna Searcy High School
Nantz, Skylar Rose Bud High School
Dather, Emily Conway Christian High School
Brown, Janaya 12.94 Forrest City High School
Watson, Nyla 13.62 LISA Academy North
Betts, McKayla 13.90 Greenbrier High School
Crain, Addison 13.95 Batesville High School
Schrieber, Sophie 14.20 Greenbrier High School
Darden, Alayla 14.20h Harding Academy
Thone, Rayne 14.46 Russellville High School
Bradley, Mya 14.50h Beebe High School
Black, Katelyn 14.53 Quitman High School
Rucker, Camilla 14.74 Newport High School
Carter, Kendall 14.78 Mountain Home High School
Gilley, Samantha 14.83 Heber Springs High School
Matthews, Molly 14.97 Beebe High School
Calamese, Jermilya 15.00 Newport High School
Kimbrough, Makayla 15.00 LISA Academy North
Cochran, Karly 16.11 Bald Knob High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dugger, Becca 16.80 Harding Academy
Sims, Taylor 17.37 Cabot High School
Thomas, Alaija 17.64 LISA Academy North
Chafin, Laurel 17.65 Mountain Home High School
Hooten, Jaylea 18.07 Heber Springs High School
Wilson, Ashlyn 18.28 Cabot High School
Sanders, Ayana 18.40 Batesville High School
Corker, Victoria 18.58 Greenbrier High School
Schmitz, Riley 18.91 Mountain Home High School
Gilley, Samantha 19.13 Heber Springs High School
Pace, Rose 19.24 Bald Knob High School
Winkle, Sara 19.65 Batesville High School
Sheffield, McKenney 19.74 Harding Academy
Santiago, Andrea 19.80 Searcy High School
Mallard, Jillian 19.92 Palestine-Wheatley
Cole, Taylor 20.08 Forrest City High School
Smith, Maliyah 20.45 Greenbrier High School
Ceal, Riley 20.75 Beebe High School
Broadaway, Macy 20.93 Quitman High School
Lyons, Kristina 20.94 Bald Knob High School
Clark, Brooklynn 21.74 Searcy High School
Kennedy, Emileigh 23.51 Quitman High School
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HS Girls 1600 Meter Run 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Walton, Maggie Batesville High School
Liles, Chloe Quitman High School
Shaw, Sara Batesville High School
Massery, Kiahlee Greenbrier High School
Roberts, Presley 5:27.12 Greenbrier High School
Weathers, Chloe 5:33.00 Clarksville High School
Ritenburg, Jordan 5:47.25 Mountain Home High School
Hooten, Taylor 5:49.33 Quitman High School
Cudworth, Marcie 5:51.42 Mountain Home High School
Buffalo, Sydney 6:01.83 Heber Springs High School
Sample, Ashley 6:02.32 Cabot High School
Davis, Jeweleann 6:17.15 Cabot High School
Hamrick, Tayden 6:19.66 Bald Knob High School
Stone, Abi 6:24.03 Harding Academy
Henderson, Nora 6:26.84 Harding Academy
Sterling, Hallie 6:26.88 Bald Knob High School
Wildman, Allison 6:34.79 Heber Springs High School
Milligan, Mackenzie 6:44.40 Cave City High School
Corter, Katelynn 6:49.02 Carlisle High School
Long, Kaylee Jo 6:53.33 Palestine-Wheatley
Young, Madison 6:59.05 Russellville High School
Fain, Grace 7:28.00h Newport High School
Young, Billee 7:49.69 Palestine-Wheatley
Martinez, Chelsey 8:52.52 Parkview High School
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rainey, Hunter Two Rivers High School
Tibbs, Alyssa Conway Christian High School
Vanriper, Addison Russellville High School
Schmitz, Riley Mountain Home High School
Garcia, Cristina Heber Springs High School
Menozzi, Aurora Riverview High School
Hagans, Abby Clinton High School
Rhodes, Kassie Quitman High School
Smith, Kerrigan Forrest City High School
Gaines, Sarah Beth Palestine-Wheatley
Kennair, Thomi Clinton High School
Whitehead, Bravina 26.65 Parkview High School
Brown, Janaya 26.75 Forrest City High School
POINTER, TATIANNA 26.76 Parkview High School
Babel, Joey 27.00 Beebe High School
Watson, Kneila 28.13 LISA Academy North
Cullins, Claire 28.25 Harding Academy
Henson, Peyton 28.40 Beebe High School
Watson, Nyla 28.44 LISA Academy North
Edwards, Lillian 28.46 Harding Academy
Crain, Addison 28.74 Batesville High School
Griffin, Kylie 28.78 Greenbrier High School
Thone, Rayne 29.34 Russellville High School
Shaw, Mikayla 29.46 Bald Knob High School
Newton, Ashlynn 29.74 Greenbrier High School
Calamese, Jermilya 30.00 Newport High School
Black, Katelyn 30.83 Quitman High School
Carter, Kendall 31.13 Mountain Home High School
Chaney, Lili 31.68 Heber Springs High School
Mallard, Jillian 33.71 Palestine-Wheatley
Cochran, Karly 34.82 Bald Knob High School
Nantz, Skylar 35.11 Rose Bud High School
Rucker, Camilla 37.13 Newport High School
Arnold, Alyssa 49.16 Rose Bud High School
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HS Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Frazier, Zoe' Parkview High School
Mallard, Jillian 1:01.15 Palestine-Wheatley
Long, Kaylee Jo 1:02.77 Palestine-Wheatley
Cole, Taylor 1:05.19 Forrest City High School
Kennedy, Emileigh 1:11.95 Quitman High School
Dugger, Becca 51.38 Harding Academy
Henson, Peyton 51.80 Beebe High School
Wilson, Ashlyn 52.61 Cabot High School
Gilley, Samantha 53.29 Heber Springs High School
Chafin, Laurel 53.66 Mountain Home High School
Ceal, Riley 53.94 Beebe High School
Sims, Taylor 54.67 Cabot High School
Pace, Rose 55.56 Bald Knob High School
Wilber, Emma 55.79 Mountain Home High School
Lyons, Kristina 56.08 Bald Knob High School
Jarvis, Maygan 56.55 Heber Springs High School
Sheffield, McKenney 57.03 Harding Academy
Sanders, Ayana 57.96 Batesville High School
Winkle, Sara 58.83 Batesville High School
Broadaway, Macy 59.59 Quitman High School
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HS Girls 3200 Meter Run 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Corter, Katelynn Carlisle High School
Langston, Jadie Quitman High School
Long, Kaylee Jo Palestine-Wheatley
Coates, Shanah Quitman High School
Weathers, Chloe 12:04.77 Clarksville High School
Roberts, Presley 12:12.87 Greenbrier High School
Buffalo, Sydney 12:50.28 Heber Springs High School
Hunt, Leah 13:30.00 Mountain Home High School
Hamrick, Tayden 14:06.92 Bald Knob High School
Wildman, Allison 14:13.58 Heber Springs High School
Roddy, Tori 14:17.45 Batesville High School
White, Abby 14:21.74 Harding Academy
Williamson, Zoe 14:30 Harding Academy
Milligan, Mackenzie 15:24.02 Cave City High School
Sterling, Hannah 16:21.74 Bald Knob High School
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HS Girls 4 x 200 Meter Relay 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Batesville High School
Relay Team A Mountain Home High School
Relay Team A Forrest City High School
Relay Team A Quitman High School
Relay Team A LISA Academy North
Relay Team A 1:55.20 Harding Academy
Relay Team A 1:58.45 Greenbrier High School
Relay Team A 1:59.75 Cabot High School
Relay Team A 2:00.84 Parkview High School
Relay Team A 2:08.74 Heber Springs High School
Relay Team A 2:13.76 Bald Knob High School
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Morrow, Kyla Forrest City High School
Hagans, Abby Clinton High School
Rainey, Hunter Two Rivers High School
Gaines, Sarah Beth Palestine-Wheatley
Tibbs, Alyssa Conway Christian High School
Ward, Kayla Batesville High School
Kennair, Thomi Clinton High School
Mallard, Jillian Palestine-Wheatley
Noble, Ava Heber Springs High School
Raper, Kayla Searcy High School
Coates, Shanah Quitman High School
Babel, Joey 1:03.67 Beebe High School
Moody, Kate 1:05.11 Batesville High School
Hernandez, Isabella 1:06.54 Russellville High School
Mullin, Kamryn 1:07.03 Mountain Home High School
Chapman, Victoria 1:08.09 Cabot High School
Ragsdale, Mya 1:08.52 Bald Knob High School
Jackson, Cate 1:08.78 Mountain Home High School
Conner, Lauren 1:09.23 Cabot High School
Wornock, Abigail 1:10 Harding Academy
Walker, Madison 1:10:00. Beebe High School
Corter, Katelynn 1:12.76 Carlisle High School
Perez, Brisa 1:13.13 Bald Knob High School
Chacon, Darlene 1:13.87 Russellville High School
Whitmore, Sophie 1:16.44 LISA Academy North
Hyche, Zabdiel 1:16.54 Parkview High School
Cantrell, Vallie 1:20.04 Heber Springs High School
Frazier, Zoe' 1:21.12 Parkview High School
O'Connell, Adison 1:21.70 Searcy High School
Perez, Alexandra 1:25.67 Quitman High School
Fain, Grace 1:26.00h Newport High School
Cox, Kaylie 1:40.00h Newport High School
Cantrell, Anna 59.50 LISA Academy North
Citty, Calle 65.0 Harding Academy
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Quitman High School
Relay Team A Batesville High School
Relay Team A Beebe High School
Relay Team A 1:00.69 Bald Knob High School
Relay Team A 1:01.32 Newport High School
Relay Team A 1:01.75 Harding Academy
Relay Team A 50.74 Parkview High School
Relay Team A 55.18 Forrest City High School
Relay Team A 55.43 Greenbrier High School
Relay Team A 56.95 Mountain Home High School
Relay Team A 57.56 LISA Academy North
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Clinton High School
Relay Team A Quitman High School
Relay Team A Forrest City High School
Relay Team A Batesville High School
Relay Team A 4:45.57 Harding Academy
Relay Team A 4:50.36 Russellville High School
Relay Team A 4:54.02 Mountain Home High School
Relay Team A 5:01.52 Parkview High School
Relay Team A 5:02.78 Heber Springs High School
Relay Team A 5:07.12 Bald Knob High School
Relay Team A 5:23.31 LISA Academy North
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HS Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A LISA Academy North
Relay Team A Russellville High School
Relay Team A Quitman High School
Relay Team A Greenbrier High School
Relay Team A Batesville High School
Relay Team A 11:00.00 Mountain Home High School
Relay Team A 11:12.85 Cabot High School
Relay Team A 11:43.56 Heber Springs High School
Relay Team A 12:00.00 Beebe High School
Relay Team A 12:02.10 Harding Academy
Relay Team A 12:21.90 Bald Knob High School
Relay Team A 13:03.32 Searcy High School
Relay Team A 14:12.39 Palestine-Wheatley
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Reece, AnnaBelle Clinton High School
Fain, Grace Newport High School
Mcnutt, Mariah Forrest City High School
Blankenship, Emily Greenbrier High School
McDaniel, Riley Clinton High School
Walton, Maggie Batesville High School
Cantrell, Anna 2:20.15 LISA Academy North
Roberts, Presley 2:28.32 Greenbrier High School
Fullerton, Kloey 2:34.11 Harding Academy
Inderrieden, Katy 2:34.39 Cabot High School
Payne, Emily 2:35.00h Mountain Home High School
Hooten, Taylor 2:38.47 Quitman High School
Inderrieden, Ellie 2:41.00 Cabot High School
Martin, Emma 2:43.98 Mountain Home High School
Green, Taylin 2:46.22 Bald Knob High School
Walker, Madison 2:50.00h Beebe High School
Okai, Beslynn 2:50.06 Searcy High School
Cunningham, Madelyn 2:53.97 Batesville High School
Mulliniks, Silver 2:58.78 Quitman High School
Randolph, Carolyn 2:59.38 Russellville High School
Corter, Katelynn 3:02.14 Carlisle High School
Bailey, Riley 3:02.63 Heber Springs High School
Wildman, Allison 3:03.44 Heber Springs High School
Ash, Ellen 3:09.11 Searcy High School
Young, Billee 3:13.14 Palestine-Wheatley
De'Orta, Elizabeth 3:16.35 LISA Academy North
Martinez, Jimena 3:18.80 Bald Knob High School
Johnson, Lynn 3:20.71 Harding Academy
Rodgers, Scout 3:21.84 Beebe High School
Hyche, Zabdiel 3:33.16 Parkview High School
Basillo, Johsajandi 3:40.74 Parkview High School
Bates, Natalie 3:43.09 Russellville High School
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HS Girls Discus Throw 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McFatridge, Carson 100-0 Harding Academy
Jones, Cayden 96-9 Mountain Home High School
Hutchison, Hannah 96-4 Russellville High School
Peters, Zadie 93-0 Russellville High School
Clevenger, Cailey 79-1 Harding Academy
Beavert, Cortlyn 78-6 Cabot High School
Jarvis, Maygan 78-2 Heber Springs High School
Hall, Tenaya 75-4 Searcy High School
Fulgham, Sophie 73-0 Conway Christian High School
Bean, Makayla 72-11.5 Forrest City High School
Nelson, Avery 72-7 Greenbrier High School
Schroeder, Halle 72-4 Batesville High School
Nelson, Brandi 71-8.5 Palestine-Wheatley
McAnelly, SarahKate 70-8 Bald Knob High School
Floyd, Isabella 70-0 Batesville High School
Still, Jailynn 67-2.5 Cabot High School
Drake, Riley 62-3 Quitman High School
bailey, tori 58-8 Beebe High School
Rhodes, Kassie 55-0 Quitman High School
Gifford, Maddy 52-2 Clinton High School
Overstreet, Joy 44-9 Beebe High School
Hendrix, Lily 44-1 Heber Springs High School
Burks, Ja'niya 43-7 LISA Academy North
Nicholson, Jonna Riverview High School
Jones, Maranda Mountain Home High School
Cates, Sarabeth Greenbrier High School
Brown, Jamya Newport High School
Rucker, Camilla Newport High School
Brown, Ashley Searcy High School
Williams, Emilie Conway Christian High School
Guinnip, Riley Bald Knob High School
Mallard, Jillian Palestine-Wheatley
Taylor, Kennedy Forrest City High School
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HS Girls High Jump 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hooten, Jaylea 5-1 Heber Springs High School
Bradley, Mya 5-0 Beebe High School
Ward, Kayla 5-0 Batesville High School
Babel, Joey 4-10 Beebe High School
Jenkins, Britney 4-10 Mountain Home High School
Sheffield, McKenney 4-8 Harding Academy
Pace, Rose 4-7 Bald Knob High School
Shaw, Sara 4-6 Batesville High School
Reese, Laylah 4-6 Cabot High School
Darcey, Megan 4-6 Cabot High School
Cantrell, Vallie 4-6 Heber Springs High School
Sykes, Erika 4-4 Clinton High School
Guinnip, Riley 4-4 Bald Knob High School
Vanriper, Addison 4-4 Russellville High School
Citty, Calle 4-2 Harding Academy
Hale, Meredith 4-2 Russellville High School
Menozzi, Aurora Riverview High School
Wilber, Emma Mountain Home High School
Gottsponer, Bailey Clinton High School
Cox, Kaylie Newport High School
Broadaway, Macy Quitman High School
Haynes, Shelby Quitman High School
Whitehead, Bravina Parkview High School
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HS Girls Long Jump 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brown, Janaya 17-5 Forrest City High School
Buffalo, Natalie 16-0 Heber Springs High School
Reese, Laylah 15-9 Cabot High School
Schmitz, Riley 15-6 Mountain Home High School
Edwards, Lillian 15-4.5 Harding Academy
Ragsdale, Mya 14-11 Bald Knob High School
Shaw, Mikayla 14-8 Bald Knob High School
Whitehead, Bravina 14-7 Parkview High School
Bradley, Mya 14-5.75 Beebe High School
Garcia, Cristina 14-5 Heber Springs High School
Citty, Calle 14-3.5 Harding Academy
Sanders, Ayana 14-1.5 Batesville High School
Sims, Taylor 14-0 Cabot High School
Black, Katelyn 13-10.75 Quitman High School
Franklin, Ni'yasha 13-10 LISA Academy North
Bonds, Amya 13-4.5 Beebe High School
Thomas, Alaija 12-6 LISA Academy North
Fain, Grace 12-3 Newport High School
Kennedy, Emileigh 12-0 Quitman High School
Calamese, Jermilya 10-9 Newport High School
Menozzi, Aurora Riverview High School
Sabella, Kylee Mountain Home High School
Smith, Kerrigan Forrest City High School
Ward, Kayla Batesville High School
Dather, Emily Conway Christian High School
Willis, Zariyah Russellville High School
Davis, Nikera Parkview High School
Long, Kaylee Jo Palestine-Wheatley
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HS Girls Pole Vault 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Blevins, Audra 10-4 Melbourne High School
Moser, Juliana 9-0 Batesville High School
Taylor, Kinsey 8-6 Mountain Home High School
Hooten, Taylor 8-4 Quitman High School
Perez, Brisa 8-0 Bald Knob High School
Chapman, Victoria 8-0 Cabot High School
Noble, Ava 8-0 Heber Springs High School
Chaney, Lili 8-0 Heber Springs High School
Lyons, Kristina 7-6 Bald Knob High School
Hamilton, Kerri 7-0 Beebe High School
Henson, Peyton 7-0 Beebe High School
Gross, Gaby 7-0 Mountain Home High School
Chapman, Taylor 5-6 Quitman High School
Long, Kaylee Jo Palestine-Wheatley
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HS Girls Shot Put 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Miller, Nadia 32-9.25 Beebe High School
Owens, Aiyaunna 32-3.5 Russellville High School
Nelson, Brandi 32-2 Palestine-Wheatley
Reynolds, Jadan 30-10 Bald Knob High School
Schroeder, Halle 30-0 Batesville High School
Jones, Cayden 29-1 Mountain Home High School
Bean, Makayla 29-1 Forrest City High School
Still, Jailynn 28-7 Cabot High School
bailey, tori 28-0.5 Beebe High School
Litton, Avery 27-9.5 Greenbrier High School
Tindall, J'Laine 27-6.5 Greenbrier High School
Dunn, Brooke 26-7.5 Harding Academy
Darden, Alayla 26-0 Harding Academy
Burks, Ja'niya 25-10 LISA Academy North
Hall, Tenaya 25-8.5 Searcy High School
Thomson, Alisha 25-6 Cabot High School
Peals, Aysia 25-5.5 Forrest City High School
Drake, Riley 25-2.25 Quitman High School
Floyd, Isabella 25-1 Batesville High School
Allen, Madysen 24-7 Parkview High School
Kirkland, Abbe 23-4 Quitman High School
Teague, Abby 21-10.25 Searcy High School
Hendrix, Lily 21-9.5 Heber Springs High School
Chaney, Lili 20-6 Heber Springs High School
Nicholson, Jonna Riverview High School
Jones, Maranda Mountain Home High School
Brown, Jamya Newport High School
Rucker, Camilla Newport High School
Handie, Pe'Lar Russellville High School
Williams, Emilie Conway Christian High School
Fulgham, Sophie Conway Christian High School
Guinnip, Riley Bald Knob High School
Gaines, Sarah Beth Palestine-Wheatley
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HS Girls Triple Jump 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Vanriper, Addison 31-11.5 Russellville High School
Edwards, Lillian 31-7.5 Harding Academy
Chafin, Laurel 31-6.5 Mountain Home High School
McGee, Zoe 30-10 Beebe High School
Newton, Ashlynn 30-9 Greenbrier High School
Thone, Rayne 29-5 Russellville High School
Bonds, Amya 29-5 Beebe High School
Thomas, Alaija 29-2.5 LISA Academy North
Citty, Calle 29-0 Harding Academy
Haynes, Shelby 28-5 Quitman High School
Franklin, Ni'yasha 28-0 LISA Academy North
Darcey, Megan 27-5 Cabot High School
Perez, Brisa 26-8.5 Bald Knob High School
Adams, Autumn 25-4 Bald Knob High School
Wildman, Allison 24-10 Heber Springs High School
Nantz, Skylar Rose Bud High School
Sabella, Kylee Mountain Home High School
Guthrie, Marshawnna Batesville High School
Fain, Grace Newport High School
Black, Katelyn Quitman High School
Futrell, ShaMya Forrest City High School
Dather, Emily Conway Christian High School
Buffalo, Sydney Heber Springs High School
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